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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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Its now official

Affected vaxxxxies to possibly be paid millions in pharma gibes if their court cases wrap up before they die


>AstraZeneca admits for first time its Covid vaccine CAN cause rare side effect in tense legal fight with victims of 'defective' jab
>AstraZeneca has admitted in court for the first time that its Covid jab can cause a deadly blood clotting side effect.
>Lawyers representing the claimants believe some of the cases could be worth up to £20m in compensation.
>Cambridge-based AstraZeneca, which is contesting the claims, acknowledged in a legal document submitted to the High Court in February that its vaccine 'can cause TTS'.
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a mere fortnight, I predict
>vaxxies all getting $20million eurobux
purebloods get nothing lol
Tired of clickbait poltard threads fuck off back to your shithole
All the Vaxcorps out there are going to go broke fast if they have to pay out $20million to every vaxxie.
Even if its in eurobux funny money, thats still millions each in American money

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I hate the constant lecturing about morality and ethics in stem. Why should I have to have my experiments approved by some council of roasties to say that the animals and subjects are treated in some random deemed "ethical" manner. the only thing that should matter is the data is replicable in the end.
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If you want navel gazing, look what happens when computer scientists and the like discuss philosophy having read nothing but O'Reilly books and some science fiction. It's always ridiculous and the discussion is always "the world is like a computer (because I don't have the grounding to talk about it in any other way)." STEMfags spend a lot of time thinking in rigidly empirical or formal ways, they benefit from a little philosophical training to contextualize what they're doing more than anyone. Write off the classics at your own peril.
>discussions about ethics are hijacked for self-serving and political purposes.
Suppose I show up to your discussion and take a negative position (if you need a concrete example, imagine the discussion is about approving an animal experiment proposed by OP, and I'm advocating rejection on grounds of animal rights). How will you decide if I deserve a seat on the opposite side of the table, or should be forcibly expelled on grounds of attempted hijacking "for self-serving and political purposes"?
I don't think the dividing line is as clear-cut as you seem to be suggesting, and this is especially consequential as it is effectively a call to censor "unconducive" viewpoints.
Most experiments are useless trash. If we stopped letting so many brainlets get into research positions, even less mice would have to die.
suicidefuel. I hope it will end soon.
You learn ethics to avoid becoming like my old dissertation advisor.
>get millions in grants to make art-tech project with autists
>never file research plan with IRB
>use the money instead to conduct experiments on said autists
>present the findings as art at a conference
>try to publish the findings as science

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Good news everyone, it turns out that plants like CO2.
How come scientists never discovered this until recently?
Seems like it should be big news, but they never talk about it.
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I am. You are the one having argument and want to refute yet relectant to put work and side tracking at all time. Perhaps you shouldn't be participating in nameless conversation but in a oldfart house, professer guru masta rabbi. Don't you have your own children to scold to?
You are the least self aware person I have ever encountered. I told you your idea was moronic and you needed to think it through. You never did. Every functioning adult thinks through their ideas. You are not a functioning adult.
Come on joe, who are you kidding. If you are less of a moron and child than I do, you won't argue for this long and just point straight to the issue and cut the crap. Your pretenciousness gets you and makes you seeth to the teeth.
Now if you will excuse me I have better bot to proompt.
>If you are less of a moron and child than I do,
>plants don't sequester CO2
but also
>petroleum is made out of plants that died a billion years ago

or are you trying to tell us that oil is abiotic and is a virtually inexhaustible resource because it just oozes out of the earth crust without needing to be instigated by an organic origin

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talk maths
old >>16113803
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Is algebra not a requirement for your math degree? I would recommend both if you have any interest in applied math, but algebra is far more central so I have to recommend it if you need to pick one.
An "introductory algebra" class that covered polynomial rings and similar things is mandatory.

The "proper" algebra class in group theory isn't mandatory for people who double major.

But I do enjoy applied math too and would love to see real world applications of linear algebra in linear optimzation.

So maybe I should drop my plans to take measure theory so I can take both these classes.
>Retaking trigonometry... Probably going to fail cuz I just don't understand identity's at all.

>Knowing my luck I'll fail precalc as well.

>It took me 5 years to get an associate degree in cyber....I'm trying for my bachelor's but I fucking hate how much math I need to take. I hate the gen ed classes and how basically nothing transfered.

>I am so pissed at my family who act like its all OK and I just need to try harder and study more.

>I'm slowly burning out again, and I'm starting to feel like the true retard that I am.

>TLDR: retard that might become homeless
Oh, I see. OK, my recommendation in that case is linear optimization and measure theory. Extra semesters of algebra are not required for undergrad in my opinion, especially if you tend more towards applied.
Measure theory is one of those subjects that can be taught to such absurdly varying levels of difficulty (depending on the professor). If they just keep things to measures on the real line like Royden it's not so bad but things can get pretty messy when it gets more general and when you start dealing with normed functional spaces.

Why is this happening?
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This. Porn has massively normalized it and zoomettes think it's expected of them
bad diets
we should just holocaust them directly like the muslims do, would save a fortune on unnecessary healthcare costs paying for cancer treatment for people who are only ever going to be a burden on society anyway
technically it's the hpv not the sodomy
Its the sodomy. God didn't destroy Sodom & Gomorrah because everyone there had AIDS, he destroyed them because they were sodomites

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is this good for the environment?
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>polluting the water table with toxic plastics isn't bad for the environment
Landfills are lined, moron. There is no "toxic plastic" polluting the water table.
Those trees look familiar.
>Fezzik, jog his memory.
fantastic rebuttal.

you really refuted, inexorably and completely, the central thesis held by the other anon.
Are those really beeches? Those are massive, I've never seen a beech forest like that before

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What kind of shitty ass organisms are we that we have to waste 1/3rd of our lives being unconscious and stationary. It's so fucking stupid.
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The kind of shitty organism that can't do anything productive at night and would be better off expending as little energy as possible during it.
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The kind of shitty ass organism that spends all of its energy masturbating every day.
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I bet you’re gonna feel like a fucking idiot after reading this green text.

>The researchers found that 68% of men and 59% of women felt that they slept better after having sex with a partner. About 54% of the volunteers said they also slept better after having an orgasm from masturbation, regardless of gender.
Get back to work >>16153684

>Thomas Edison is credited with inventions such as the first practical incandescent light bulb

serious question
I have seen a lot of gore pics of neovaginas and I've seen a lot of pics of biological male transgender women that made me believe it would be obvious, but now I'm starting to be skeptical. I know there are trans-women from countries like the Thailand or the Philippines that look very close to the real thing, and if you search on the reddit, some of the surgeries look pretty close to a real pussy: https://www.reddit.com/r/Transgender_Surgeries/top/?t=all
Is it possible you could be fucking a post-op transgender and not know it? especially someone from a country where they already look more feminine like Thailand of the Phillippines
serious question
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i think if you compared real pussy and fake pussy you could tell
they focus on appearance so something like the smell will probably give it away

good thread though, i looked up the same question before and the results were predictably useless
identifying trannies is really problematic

they can also get adams apple surgery without scarring

if anyone wants to work on a tranny detector AI with me (ive been putting it off for a long time) add me on matrix: @6xfsyxqe:matrix.org
>Do CTRL+F 'Min Jun'
Lol no. They still look completely different to the real thing. I would 100% know if I saw that in real life. Retards would get fooled by that though. They use flattering lighting and angles in these photos too. Photos also don't account for smell and feel which would DEFINITELY be off

I don't know enough about other races but surgery will never replicate the real thing for anyone.
woman I am dating has very broad shoulders, larger hands, and her waist is not that narrow, but she still has quite wide hips, and feminine face. However, I know she had nose surgery, so maybe she could've had more face surgery. Her vagina looks very good, seems more tidy than usual though, like not a lot of labia. She definitely gets wet, but not dripping wet like some girls do. And it also seems quite low down... however, I'd think with trannies it would be the opposite. It should be a bit too high, right? Since the anogenital distance is longer in men than women
I find her attractive and everything, it's just I find her a bit more bony and heavy feeling than most women I've slept with. And since I found out about the rhinoplasty and the prominence of sex reassignment surgery in her country, I got kinda skeptical
>I don't know enough about other races but surgery will never replicate the real thing for anyone.
I would agree, but idk. maybe I'm not up to date with the latest advances in surgery...
I'm obviously not equating trans women with women, I'm just wondering if men could be fooled if they didn't look closely.
The Min Jun ones definitely look the best, but I can see that there is a scar going around the neo-labia and down from the neo-vagina to the anus. Is this also related to the penile raphe?
Get 'her' DNA checked secretly. Look on google to find companies that will sequence DNA for you. Can't fake chromosomes

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why are people like this?
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>woman is camel toe
mh, there has to backstory to that notion

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If we "scrapped" lowits like yourself from the gene pool the world would be a better place.
He's pretty based and has been since Rational Trigonometry
calling it names won't make it go away
Solves literally all the problems using his retarded
>infinity doesn't exist, therefore the problem isn't real
gibberish, he's a hack who got high off his own supply
>he's a hack who got high off his own supply
ain't that just finitism in a nutshell?

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previous thread >>16072199

if you love stats, weird numbers and counterintutive science, this is your general. Because one of the things with statistics is that nothing ever seems to be what it tries to show you on a first glance or glimpse. Doesn't matter if you are a seasoned professional, NEET or some disgruntled grad student. All are welcome.

Some people may not like it if you try to make them do your homework, others won't care and will just help you. Let's discuss theories together, ask questions and try to meme a little about this field.

in the previous thread we discussed why Julia has promise but is not delivering. How some people still use Matlab but hate it.

So, grab your favorite statistical software, dust off your textbooks, and join me in this exciting journey through the world of /psg/ - Probability and Statistics General! Let's embark on this adventure together and unravel the mysteries of data one statistical concept at a time.
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Why is RMS more valuable then stay root-mean-cube? What makes Pythagorean distance so generalizable?
There's an easy answer and a more general answer. This guy >>16152132 is somewhat right about the early rationalization for using MSE as your error criterion before the formalization of Lp spaces later on. The simple answer is that your MMSE criterion has a simple geometric interpretation, makes for easy linear solutions via least-squares, and is a good approximation of a wide variety of real scenarios.

The more complicated answer is that the L2 is also the only Lp space whose dual is exactly the same as itself. This means if your likelihood is fully characterized by its L2 representation (as Gaussians are) then maximizing your likelihood is the same as minimizing your MSE (in the unbiased case). Thus you can solve the harder problem of minimizing the mean-square error via the easier problem of maximizing the log-likelihood (in this case).

If you were to use mean-cubed-error, you'd have a circumstance where your answer could be either positive or negative, and you may have two complex roots. It also doesn't tell you all that much if you minimize the skewness of your estimator. You could have a totally non-skewed estimator that is complete junk (e.g., a uniform random variable centered at the right place but uses none of the information in the measurements). Being un-skewed has little meaning for general performance, while being unbiased (meaning your mean error is zero) and efficient (meaning your MSE is as low as is possible) has clear meaning for performance purposes.
I like the complicated answer. It feels rigourous.
I hate the false god of equality. It's the premier mark of a midwit, if someone thinks everyone is equal.

Ok /sci I need some serious input here.
I am a 5, how do I improve to a 1?
I have been reading everywhere online but nobody is giving me good info on how you move up the chart which is the most important part.
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how do you test this exactly?

so I imagine an apple. I give it all the details I need. I see the colors and I can rotate it around.

But am I really? Am I actually visualizing the apple or am I just tricking myself into thinking I am?
ignore what your eyes see.
try remembering e.g. dreams or past events
close your eyes and see if you can retain an after-image of the scene
its probably over for you though
try shape rotations on IQ tests; if you get the right answer then there is no trickery
This image is dumb, nobody sees artistic 2d simplifications of what they imagine.

"The First Key of Basil Valentine" edition

Last thread: >>16117647

This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
>Discussion on academia-based career progression
>Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
>Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)
>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>day 121 of unemployment
Getting a math phd was a huge mistake
I'm getting a master's degree in CS specializing in AI and data science
However I'm really interested in both HPC and computational complexity theory and I'd like to pursue a PhD focusing on either or both of these fields. Is that doable coming from an AI background?
>HPC and computational complexity theory
I might be wrong but complexity theory is theoretical CS while HPC is a more applied field. If you want to study theoretical CS you will need a significant course load in math.
At this chem study session b4 the big Acid-Base test, some nigga asked why H2O is neutral and I barely managed to prevent myself from laughing my ass off. I had to stab myself with a pencil and hold my nose in order to not lose it.
Ok I am going to give you some solid advice.

Number one - pivot to another field from your ridiculously theoretical bullshit.

I suggest some fluid mechanics, RF calcs or anything that require a solid foundation of math.

Learn another language, like German and then just move. If I would have taken a big degree like you and the country I lived in would not let me work. I'd just pack my bags and fuck off.

Furthermore, you are living in one of the smallest places to work for your degree in the industrial world, barred iceland. Just move. Learn French, German or Italian.

Stop looking for jobs within quantum mechanics and math, because there are no fucking jobs in that field you retard manbaby.

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>you can go faster than light if you can phase through walls
Are scientists retarded?
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small particles, on short distances. why are you implying a huge collection of atoms would do it at the same time across a gigantic distance (in atomic terms, and energy required for the jump). or are you acting intentionally retarded?
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Did you really think that if you traveled at the speed of light, you could flee me?
Is my teleportation behind you (nothing personel kid) faster then light or not?
Quantum tunneling just comes from putting a non-infinite potential into the Schroedinger equation. And guess what, no potentials are actually infinite. Physical contact is functionally infinite because your mass of entangled particles trying to push through the extremely high relative potential of another mass of entangled particles gives . The idea that physical contact is infinitely continuous materials pushing against each other is an incorrect view of the world based on our macroscopic point of view. Tunneling isn't actually strange at all.
gives an extremely low chance of tunneling.*

Accidentally quantum tunneled part of that sentence to the other side of the universe.

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