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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

1. If you attempt to post something unoriginal, it is not posted, and you are muted temporarily.
2. The time with which you are muted for doubles with each transgression.
3. Each mute time is 2^n in seconds where n is the number of times you have transgressed. So, your mute time doubles each time you fuck up.
4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).
6. Images are NOT included in the filter, only text.
7. Your mute count slowly decreases over time.
8. You cannot post a picture without text.
9. Unicode is blocked. Sorry, too many exploits (Cyrillic letters, etc).
10. Posts require a certain minimum amount of original content in order to be posted.
11. Post sane, real content, well thought out replies, and mutes are unlikely.
12. The original algorithm was designed by XKCD:
/r9k/ has no topic, but unlike /b/ Global Rule #3 is in effect. In addition, advice threads and camwhoring/hookup/"rate me" threads should go on /adv/ - Advice and /soc/ - Cams & Meetups respectively. This includes Discord server threads!

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Do not post pictures of yourself on /r9k/.
Do not post threads asking for pictures of other users.

All "rate me" and camwhoring threads belong on /soc/.


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feeling sad and lonely this saturday morning.. wotter u up to anon?
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its well known i like white guys! nice try FAKE tris
Show your tits and ass.
I like your hair, reminds me of weird al
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thank you!! ur so sweet anon!!
Alright GTFO then slut. Enjoy your ban too btw.

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Why do pornstar, sluts, whores, of hoes not want me? They're literally hoes but they never wanna fuck unless im some 6 figure pay pig. IM LITERALLY POOR AND A NEET, I HAVE NO FUCKING EXPERIENCE BESIDES WORKING A WEEK. HOW DO I GET FREE SEX? Also I'm not chad
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>Why do whores not want to fuck me unless I pay

Are you pretending to be retarded?
just because you value them less doesn't mean others do

>i believe sex is le bad and devalues people
>why won't professional sex havers have sex with me for free abloobloo
Are u dumb? Boobaa
I don't devalue them, I just don't get why they don't abide to they're title of slut
The same reason that incels still masturbate instead of being celibate

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I want to clear something up about "dark triad" theory or whatever about women.

Women like an ASSERTIVE MAN. Someone that SAYS WHAT HE WANTS. Not a baseless "bully." There is a light side to the pop sci propaganda.

A person who stands up to it and isn't weak also wins. The "bully persona" is a massive risk. You will never win forever because there are always bigger fish.

Enjoy folding over like a soft taco when you're figured out.

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>Stop bending to arbitrary frames of morality that were recently created
Shut your bitchass up. Assertive doesn't mean be an asshole, courage doesn't mean being a dick. You can be assertive and courageous without falling into the trap of being mean to everyone.
yep every time.
Shit this should be an r9k sticky
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How do you totally miss the entire reason I'm posting? You believe in psychology after all. I'm offering an alternative to being a complete asshole/bully.

You want to make excuses? That's not my problem. Wanna play the victim? Not my problem.
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Meanwhile women when you dont treat them like shit..

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Uncanny valley revulsion implies that humans evolved to avoid something that looked human, but wasn't.
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And what could it be?

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why should i date and marry a man when im just going to be cleaning after him and our 3 kids and get cheated on for someone half my age no matter how many times i open my legs

becoming a glorified bangmaid just sounds objectively terrible yet this lifestyle is constantly advertised to me because i was cursed with a vag
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>I can do that to you if you begg...BLUURRGGHHHH
Come on a girl is giving you a chance, you should be begging harder than this
>why should i date and marry a man when im just going to be cleaning after him and our 3 kids and get cheated on
Because you enjoy being with him/her and while you clean up after them and the 3 kids, they work full time to support you and the 3 kids?

If you don't want to be the one taken care of in a relationship, then don't be. I know at least one relationship where the mother is the breadwinner and the father takes care of the children and does the housework; it's just not common because it makes more sense for the stronger man that'll never need maternal leave to be the one making the income.

If the real issue is that you don't want 3 kids and a person around you, then fucking don't. No one's forcing you to do anything. If your parents are trying to, then leave and get an apartment or live out of a car for a while. In the end no one gives a half shit about any of us as long as you pay your taxes.
>Come on a girl is giving you a chance, you should be begging harder than this

Make me a sandwich and dont eat it.
Im going to make a sandwich on those cheeks of yours with my big strap on, then make you eat it

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What's with all the influencers/youtubers who have recently come out against porn? I was watching some YT shorts, and all of a sudden, I got all these videos of these prudish "masculinity" grifter types (usually black) saying how evil and addictive porn is.

What's behind it? Are the establishment turning against porn?

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>Ooh Chadson, not in front of anonnn~
weird flex but ok.
Do people really think there's something unusual about this? Like, is there anyone that doesn't touch their mom this way?
>Tapping/grabbing mom's ass is normal

Port of Felixstowe edition
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Seems pretty grim to me as I am a shut in spacker, maybe not a bad idea though as youd get a little walk in on the way there and back.
No lad its just you and 4-5 other people around a conveyor belt sorting the mail into trollies (like the ones you see bread delivered in but with a bag for the parcels)

Most just chat shit with each other most of the time, some people preferred listening to music but it seemed rude to just be ignoring everyone, any foreign lads or lasses that didnt actively try and talk where just ignored the entire night (wasn't many that liked to talk to people, most kept to them selves)
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He have to go back to work in May
90 sanction if he doesn't work for free in exchange for his benefits
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Sounds cozy tbf. Cant neglect your AIfu.

feeding the ants so get in there, he love his animals are mark

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Storytelling edition

Previous thread : >>77283168

Rules : Ignore annoying moids

>What is a book you were required to read for school that you enjoyed?
>Do you enjoy fanfiction? Whats the most bizarre fanfic have you come across?
>Do you enjoy reading recreationally? What was the last thing you read?
>Do you like writing and storytelling? What about roleplaying? What do you write?
>Describe a scene (or give a quote) from a book or story that you still think back on often


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>There isn't a specific psychological or emotional problem that incels experience.
Except there is. Gaslighting doesnt work sweetheart but please keep talking like anyone believes the shit you cunts spout.

Females no specific specific psychological or emotional problem. You're a protected species in this world.
>Incels have no problem
Next sentence
>It literally just means that no women consider you attractive and that you are completely undesired by the opposite gender.

You ok there roastie?
I see suifuel on female imageboards daily.

They aren't like us. We are depressed and autistic but genuinely kind and appreciative, outside of the minority of freaks.
They are all cold, cruel, and only attracted to cruelty.
I was never in on woman bashing like my peers but seeing their perspective has only made me feel abandoned and enraged.
need nona to nona cuddles
>I cant be the centre of attention on those boards
>They aren't like us
Not my problem. You're a female, go to the female sites.

>but genuinely kind and appreciative
>calls us moids

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>>77286724 https://youtube.com/shorts/NiMBzpZF1nE

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Any self-improobers here?
Tell me why you mistakenly think that shit can be polished to be gold.
I self-improve so I dont kill myself or go insane, not because I think Ill be happy one day
he looks pretty chad to me desu
>want to be interacting with people
>interact with people
>be interacting with people

i have sex sometimes, often more frequently than i masturbate because i fell out of that habit and can effortlessly go a couple months without
The boredom of stagnation is why I self-improove. not for hope or peace that things can get better. not for a gf or whatever. just so I don't rot in the prison of my neurotic brain. doing things lulls the demon.

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Anyone else sick of the anti-NEET astroturfing on this board?
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You are weak and lazy and I probably mog you in nearly every way, especially looks and height.
I've never been a NEET, even as the idea is ultimately appealing, it would not serve me to further my own dreams and goals.

a moid's most veritable nemesis is, in fact, another moid.
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ey fuck you man, i've been posting on 4chan since you were sucking on your mom's tits

i genuinely don't when this shit started and everyone believed there was actually some unironic gender war lol
cease to be a gay ass nigger right this instant
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>Lol seething roastie so roasted shes making threads left right an centre

this lil' redneck posting his sissy on 4chan
>drinking his moonshine
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i refuse, do your worst

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