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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

Archive.org is die, ChatGPT bros we keep winning :)


tl;dr dumbasses who copie copywritten books will get fucked in the ass and we can just make our books with AI now instead hehehe
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> If I had those things, why would I be joining a monastery?
I'm sorry, anon, but a monastery isn't where you get those things. A monastery is for meditation. It's not a hospital or credit union and, like you mentioned, they don't teach you kung fu.

Orders want people who join to be serious about the meditation and prayer, not merely to escape bad circumstances. Still, I'm very sorry that your life has had so much pain.

If you're really serious, you should talk to the head of their order chapter to see if accomodations can be made for you. Alternatively, just go to a mass or meditate. It can give you the same kind of release, if only for an hour or so.
>>Orders want people who join to be serious about the meditation and prayer, not merely to escape bad circumstances.
Then what the fuck is the point of religion if not to help people? Fucking hypocritical gangsters.
Not that guy but that's why it was never meant to be for me. I just felt doomed in this world and wanted to retreat forever but I also had genuine religious feelings. Later on through regular churchgoing I learned that being a layman is sufficient for that.

I think God filters you if you're not the right person.
This but unironically
I never laughed.

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People are driven by self-insert, they only delude themselves of normativity because society wouldn't function otherwise. Anyone who truly believes otherwise, is a sucker and there are many. That is why the rich and powerful keep winning. Religion, Politics, consumerism and even family relations are nothing more than tools used to control the individual. A individual who can break free from all of this rises to the top, the others drown in the swamp. The only person you should focus on is yourself. I know anons will call me an edgy teenager but I honestly feel like a clown for realising this, this late. I need books written by intelligent people who can articulate these thoughts better than me?
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Anon he’s basically saying if you want to be truly an individual you you would be closer to one by being some drugged up homeless man not caring about anything, not even themself. A position you probably don’t respect nor want to emulate because you don’t want to be an individual you just want to be seen as the best in society
>not caring about anything, not even themself.
That just sounds like depression. Also, I never said I wanted to be rich and powerful, only that they became so because they are egoists. Same would apply to the homeless person regardless of his standing in society.
Possibly anarchist philosophy.
Stirner is the basics.

Peikoff perfected and improved Rand’s philosophy so much. Really erudite man.
Why do people hate Rand but like Stirner?

>Make up fairytales accompanied by pretty noises to appease the bourgeoisie
>They give you their money, let you live on their property and fuck their wives
He was too based for this world.
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"Commoners" of the 19th century were ten times more intelligent than the average person today with the brain destroyed by tiktok and twatter.
twitter and TikTok doesn't destroy brains. it actually makes them smarter if anything. it does harm literacy
What's your favorite leitmotive? For me it's this
>with the brain destroyed by tiktok and twatter.
Not to mention 4chan.
Even the majority of society had a more beneficent and constructive influence back then, since they were familiar with the classical music of the day. They didn't understand it, but they still enjoyed it. And they were raised from tenderest youth to have reverence for religion. A living culture dominates a whole people, and by it many commoners are lifted up to be intellectuals if they have the talents.

He was filtered by Plato's Sophist. There is no such thing as difference-in-itself. Identity and difference are two sides of the same coin, like yin and yang. Deleuze also lied about Plato, saying that he placed identity ahead of difference instead of holding them to be two syncategorematic universals of equal standing.

Why do you read this charlatan still? He set back metaphysics a century.
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Being is Differentiation. It is the differentiation between nothing and nothing that which produces identity. Identity in itself is pure nothing, but saying "nothing" is already differentiating itself from itself. Yet, it always is the same, the same as identity.
Differentiation is first, but comes always later, as what we intellige is only the nothing part that is differentiated. Then, differentiation is always "made of nothing", as in it is always identical to itself, and that there is nothing before it.
Nothing or non-being is either identity (nothingness, nullification, the erasing of difference), or it is differentiation (discontinuity, presence, intensity, etc.). Differentiation is first, but it comes always later, and it must be made of nothing, as in made of identity. Of course differentiation must come later, because it needs another differentiation to be present. But differentiation is first, it is the obvious principle of all things.
It just sounds like you took being and non-being, added negatives to each term so you have non-being and non-non-being, and then rearranged them so you have non-non-being (difference, but negated) filling the original role of being and non-being (being, but negated) filling the role of, well, non-being. But then difference has to come later because, well, the original has to begin with being which becomes negated!
How can identity be nothing? Do you mean the identity of nothing is nothingness or something like that? Even that is sketchy because how can nothing be identical with anything when an identity is a relationship between a being and itself?
>Zen is Judaism
Why are Play-dough tards always so kneejerkish?
>this must be a woman or a tranny.
Ironic when you write like an extremely passive-aggressive ladyboy.

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...Can I confess I had no idea what the New York Trilogy was about?
RIP hero
It's probably an embarrassingly surface level take, but I always thought the whole muddying of identities in the NYT was about how the act of writing is essentially one of self denial/destruction.

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Who is the Wagner of literature?

And don't say Wagner.
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Carlyle was literally German.
>Echoing Paul Hensel's earlier claim in 1901 that Carlyle's Volkscharakter (Folk character) had preserved "the peculiarity of the Low German tribe", Egon Friedell, an anti-Nazi and Jewish Austrian, explained in 1935 that Carlyle's affinity with Germany stemmed from his being "a Scotsman of the lowlands, where the Celtic imprint is far more marginal than it is with the High Scottish and the Low German element is even stronger than it is in England." Others regarded him, if not ethnically German, as a Geist von unserem Geist (Spirit from our Spirit), as Karl Richter wrote in 1937: "Carlyle's ethos is the ethos of the Nordic soul par excellence."
Not that anon but if you get filtered by Carlyle, you should unironically stop posting because your iq is in the negatives
He's was a religious nut and was ultimately rejected by the Germans. You're quoting a Jew who didn't like him and so associated him with his enemies.

Read the Nietzsche quote above. I agree with it wholeheartedly.
Goethe and Shakespeare, maybe.
>He's was a religious nut
Lmao, okay, so was Goethe and every other man who had an appreciation for religion/mysticism. And, mind you, Goethe praised Carlyle. Carlyle has been universally praised by Germans until after WW2 in which propaganda replaced culture. That Nietzsche didn't praise him is only one more way in which he tries to separate himself from the rest of his countrymen.

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Dead white boy edition.

Previous: >>23338292
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You might enjoy black women then
i wish women liked me.
Same anon, same
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I enjoy doing hard physical labor as it distracts from the fact that I am a tax slave for the zionists.

The same zionists who are carrying out a genocide against my people in Jesus Christ in the Holy Land.

The Bible says a man who does not provide for his own household is worse than a nonbeliever.
Not with that trip you won’t

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Scepticism is fascinating, but its philosophers are over the world, through different time periods, unlike other schools of philosophy, there is no order. So I am not sure where to begin. A few recs to start would be nice?
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>Once Plato was discussing his theories, pointing to the cups on the table, he said that while there are many cups in the world, there is only one `idea’ of a cup, which he defined as a “cupness”

>Diogenes was present here, and said “I can see the cups on the table,but I can’t see the ‘cupness’”.

>“That’s because you have the eyes to see the cup,” said Plato, “but”, tapping his head with his forefinger, “you don’t have the mind to comprehend the`cupness’.”

>Diogenes walked up to the table, picked up a cup, looked inside and asked Plato, “Is it empty?” Plato nodded. “Where is the ‘emptiness’ that’s in this empty cup?” asked Diogenes. Plato thought hard for a second, but Diogenes reached over, tapping Plato’s head with his finger, and said “I think you will find the ‘emptiness’ here.”
Errr, in the fourth panel Hume asks "Who is Pyrrho?" and in the fifth he answers his own question?
>>it implies no contradiction
and? only rationalists care about logic to begin with
cant unsee now
How could the police be on anyone's side but that of Power when a government is a government exactly because it possesses a monopoly on violence? A government that exports its law enforcement to entities other than itself is not a government at all.

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>literature has been a thing for three millenia
>still no incel novel

Are writers just more likely to have sex? What is going on?
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The first incel novel was written over 200 years ago desu
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Get help
It's true.
who is she? why is she a meme?
> unrequited love is now muh incel
damn, everyone's been an incel, then.

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other posts you know like these? have sent some of my own before, perhaps conciser
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The bit about the sun reminds me of Michael S. Judge's Post-solar Histories.

>stamp collecting prefigures digital autism
I wonder how many other fetishes have gone to hell in the past 20 years
I can verify that incest porn is way worse
this is a stretch but does anyone have the "neoliberalism is gooning for politics" one saved? please, it has been on my mind
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I've come to like chatting with autistic people a lot. Not in the 4chan sense of the word, where autistic = combative & arrogant, but more how autists are unusually sincere and don't get wrapped up in social hierarchy/dynamics bullshit. Like I met a dude from 4chan who was on the spectrum, but he was super generous and chill and "zen" in a way. As if he lived in a separate world from everyone else. When he went to Asia, girls flirted with him for being tall, but he just politely declined because he didn't care about sex.

>If I ever grow to be a less harmful person, it will be in spite of who I really am, not because of some real change. It sucks waking up one day and realizing you're a narcissist.
You're being too hard on yourself. Discovering you're unlike other people is a massive challenge, and no matter how we respond to this discovery we're likely to fuck up. In Confessions of a Mask, Mishima talks about how he went through the narcissistic high of believing he's special, only to crash back to earth due to the fact he's a human like everyone else, leading him to erroneously believe that he's normal in every possible way.

It takes us years and years to learn exactly how we're like the rest of humanity and how we're different. All of us are going to fuck up and assume either (a) I'm extremely unique, or (b) I'm just like everyone else. We all learn the hard way the truth is somewhere between the two extremes.

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whitehead poster here: i took a break because of work but now i'm back. good to see the seeds i planted have germinated and the truth is coming to light.
obligatory whitehead thread.
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What does he say that Heraclitus did not? How does time fit into all of this?
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hey anons, a borderline functionally illiterate pleb here. Plz answer the following questions if u plz.
1.Is consciousness genedeep or better existence deep(whatever the smallest quanta of exsistence is)?
2.Is the ultimate end goal of conciousness 'delf-reflection' i.e it trying to comprehend itself.
3.Is life merely a manifestation of this consciousness' will to understand itself and would it be safe to say that ultimate end goal of life is to figure out how and why existence, in all it's essence, exists?
Whitehead is a platonist, not a heraclitean. He believes in two types of things, actual entities AND eternal objects. His contribution is updating the notion of God and of becoming to explain how they interrelate as eternal objects become relevant to actual entities through the conditioning of creativity
Consciousness is a particular type of experience. There can be experience without consciousness.
Since Seguro is probably too busy delivering pizza, I'll post it for him: retroactively refuted.

Took an IQ test and I’m only 110. I’m basically a midwit consoomer destined to never create art. Is there any point in continuing to delve into literature despite knowing most of it will go over my head or should I just quit reading entirely? Now I know why I struggled so much in college with my degree and have trouble concentrating and learning new tasks at work.
It sucks to be just smart enough to understand how dumb I am.
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>I’m only 110
You are far better than Russell bros
I'm a midwit and I enjoy reading books
Just because I'm a midwit doesn't mean that I don't feel touched by the sublime, nor does it mean that I don't have artistic ambition
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When I was 14 my therapist made me take an IQ test, I'm guessing because of the bad grades and to make sure my anger issues weren't due to low IQ. All she told me is I scored above average intelligence. Didn't ask for the exact number and I don't care to find out.

As long as I'm not retarded, and I'm able to live a good life that I'm able to fully understand, why should I care?
>4chan is a coping mechanism platform for midwits
What you just described is Reddit. 4chan is mostly occupied by the tail ends of the bell curve.

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Why is Yeats always giving these ominous warnings not to look too closely or too deeply into the vision his work discloses? for example:

From The Hosting of the Sidhe:
>If any should look on our rushing band
>we come between him and the deed of his hand
>we come between him and the hope of his heart

From The Happy Shepherd
>Then nowise worship dusty deeds,
>Nor seek, for this is also sooth,
>To hunger fiercely after truth,
>Lest all thy toiling only breeds
>New dreams, new dreams; there is no truth
>Saving in thine own heart.
If we ought not hunger after truth, and truth is in the heart, it clearly follows that we should not look too deeply into the heart.

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have a bumṕ
I don't see how you could read Byzantium as a rejection of the occult (the golden smithies are the inexhaustible power of imagination, which is the link between the human mind and the body of god, like in blake)... but i guess with yeats it's one of those cases where "both read the bible day and night/ but thou read black where I read white."

What about "those horsemen, those women/ complexion and form prove superhuman," or that girl whose face hasn't changed since before the world was made? Did you ever meet someone so beautiful it seems like the world was made just for them? Where you'd sacrifice your whole life just to touch them one more time. I guess you've seen those riders, too, charging in the dawn, trampling the world to pieces... And you've renounced these visions for the doctrines of the peasant gospellers?
Interesting perspectives in this thread but I want I reiterate that it would be insane for someone not to read Yeats because of what they’ve read here. The richness of his poetry, some of the last genuine lyric poetry written in English before the eclipse of modernism while keeping one eye on it when it becomes contemporaneous, is absolutely not the be missed for anyone who cares about literature
The thing is, mysticism is such a widely divergent thing, it's not all wearing robes and pointing wands and such poppycock. The mysticism of a Holderlin is real and true, it's not so foolish that it expects a literal magic show in front of it. It's already satisfied its goal in its own existence, its based upon that hidden truth. All true artist-mystics find it, meanwhile Yeats, while a great artist, seems utterly fraudulent as far as his mystical insights go. The separation between mysticism and divinity seems to only exist for those who only ever wanted mysticism to be a silly game. Hell, the entire tradition of classical music is spirit comprehended through sense.

I just think mysticism is as wide as existence itself, it can't exactly be pigeonholed.

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What happened to /crit and feedback threads? Let's bring them back.
OP will crit every submission posted here. I promise to help and be fair. I'll post my own stuff later.

Post your fiction excerpts, non-fic rambles, poems, whatever and in exchange give feedback on others' work.
>No matter how bad you think something is, try to find at least one thing good to say about it.
>And please provide your fellow anons with more advice than kys, stop writing, etc. Just a few sentences, what works, what doesn't, and ways their work can become better.
ok somebody post something they're working on and i'll read it.
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ok if no one's gonna post anything for feedback i'll bump with my own stuff every few hours to stop jannies from binning
Re: redundancy in a client's feelings, I am reminded of one of my more successfully ended clients. Mrs. "Zhao", 61-63, early retired, who was at the centre of a media hurricane concerning vigilante justice some years ago. Here I highlight and paraphrase a few soundbites recorded during our later sessions:

"When my daughter first went missing, I remember I was paralysed with guilt. And grief, already. More than grief: failure. A punishment imposed on me for failing my offspring.

Many years before, I had watched a wildlife doc. There was a great storm at sea, and in its wake a mother sealion discovered her pup battered to death on the shore. She prodded its lifeless shape with her snout a few times on the rocks. Then her wails to the empty sky were as human and heartbreaking as any you've ever heard. She wasn't being punished by hubris or freak weather or circumstance. Her anguish was imposed on her by Nature. You have failed to protect your offspring, her cells were screaming at her. This anguish will continue until you produce an heir and look after them properly. When my ex-husband told me, I thought about this cruelty inflicted on the mother sealion by her own metabolisms -- as if she wasn't already painfully aware of her own grief -- a pain doubled, needlessly reiterated by Mother Nature. Mother Nature, in all her voracious lust for more lifeforms, more, and ever more suffering and cycling of birth and death. Maybe it makes sense in the animal kingdom. This blunt, heavy-handed underlining of the fact you have failed yourself and your child and your first Goddess.

But humans still suffer this same, additional kicking, when you are down already and know it. I thought about our other evolutionary hangovers. How our genitals' sensitivity to even the slightest pain is not so much for own good but Mother Nature's selfishness, her failsafe in ensuring we produce more progeny to please her. How your hand will flinch away from the flames, however much you will it to stay. However much you need to retrieve the object in the fire. Like you are some dumb animal who doesn't know they are in danger and pain. Like you need to be told again. All these unnecessary warnings and reminders. All this overkill from our nerves and bodies when our minds have already abundantly made their point. I felt all this and thought about all this when my daughter first disappeared."
>How our genitals' sensitivity

seems odd (even perverted) to me that Mrs. Zhao would say this as that's a typically male "sensitivity"

>by Nature
>Mother Nature. Mother Nature

I would avoid using these terms. it's kind of like you were talking about some philosophy and mention the philosopher by name. it's both cringey and an inappropriate shortcut to meaning
Cool but overwrought. Unless Mrs. Zhao is a a snobby college prof. the language feels out of place. There's a line to tread between the necessary eloquence to make it worth reading and presenting a character accurately, but the bottom line is that this didn't read like a simple paraphrasing of soundbites, and didn't sound natural at all. I imagine you're writing a fairly normal, if slightly upper class woman, who's simply had a lot of time to think on her feelings. You can refine the ideas but the language still needs to be simplified. In effect you've simply given yourself a medium to philosophize, meaning you're not really writing a character, and it reads that way.
>penis pain
Punch a tit or a pussy sometime.
>(Mother) Nature
Yes, awkward in this context because the language is too high-minded, but if it were dialed back per my suggestions above then it would fit in with the the way I'd expect an older middle-aged woman to talk about life. The idea of an external force compelling these things and struggling against it is interesting, and removing the entity of it would cost some of that idea.
Thanks for the feedback Anons. Yeah, I worried she might come across as overwrought and the narrator's paraphrasing unnatural. That's what I get for following Love's Executioner too closely and making my headshrink narrator something of a blowhard.
>Mother Nature
My ma (Mrs. Zhao template) is always on about this shit but two separate mehs from youse has convinced me it doesn't translate.

Cheers guys, please post if you want crit, I don't want to hog the whole bread with my filth
The sudden verbal onslaught reduced me to a void, an empty husk, an absolute shell of a person detached completely from any semblance of reality. It felt as if I was hovering overhead watching someone else stand statuesque while a beaming would-be housewife berated their complete and utter lack of appreciation. I should be used to her energy by now. The thought came out slow as sludge.
Then it hit me all at once. The stench of oil-soaked vegetables simmering. The sound of eggs crying out in horror as they hit a piping-hot pan, the unbelievably detestable odor of bacon frying in a fatty pool of its own making. My stomach turned and lurched the worst possible response out of me before common sense could save my soul.
“I’m not hungry.”

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