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Which country in this region has the best cuisine?
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>"Prison food is the best"
Continues sucking the cock.
For me it's Lao papaya salad with sticky rice. But overall it's thai even though the difference between north thai and lao is very small. Love rad na, larb and Thom kha and Thom yum
papua new guinea

I live every day with a crisp, clear, refreshing Pepsi. How about you, /ck/?
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You misspelled pepsi
you're just so special and unique that's why
No, you misspelled pepis.
you still got crystal pepsi?
Are you still alive?

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Lads we're eating good today
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>hungry again in 90 minutes edition
wew hell yeah
Your attitude is why you're fat.
Add some fruit, herbs, bread and a glass of wine...

...in a van, because Im not a pleb, Im a nomadic because my home is the Kingdom if Heaven.

>cheese, not butter*

The e is silent.

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Mm. Mm yeah can't wait. Mhmm. Mhm.
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How much did you pay?
for me it's the brappy patty off the secret menu at McBolan's
Haven't had McDonald's in years, I mean like 3.

Hasn't been worth it, besides maybe the ice cream.
You need to use the mobile app these days to get pre-covid prices or better. It kills me but when I'm dirt poor you can't beat the daily deals.

One daily deal i use often is the $1 sausage egg and cheese mcmuffin. Fuck I feel like a shill.
OP here, I have risen from the dead, but unfortunately, I can no longer eat McChickens due to the circumstances

This Burger is way better then the overrated and overpriced Big Mac
Bread is cancerous because carbohydrates
keto schizo
You are cancerous
>Can't get it in a menu
Chili doesn’t belong on a burger

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee adjacent topics

Classy roaster edition

If you're inexperienced start here https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're experienced what's your go to?

Previous thread >>20464291
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Yeah I'm a regular poster and have been for like a year so I don't think I'm going anywhere. I will enjoy both my upscale diner California coffee and my current set ups. Cope and seethe fag.
He's a retard
Any more charts for burrs like this one?
>for like a year
Lurk moar faggot
>regular poster for a year
>never mentioned how long I lurked prior to posting
You are trying too hard
You outed yourself, newfag.

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>Be me, old zoomer
>My brother's family is visiting and his kids always want IHOP. They live far away so whenever he comes to our state "it's special".
>Mfw pic, (IHOP is overpriced sugary slop that undercooks everything if you're unaware)
>We get there, wait like 10 minutes to get seated and when were done the bill is always like 100 dollars+ for like 9 pancakes and eggs
>Here's the issue, if you're unaware and the waiter is feeling sleezy. They can sneakily write what tip they want, making you give them the money or they write on the receipt "20% = 23.45 :)" pressuring you into doing it.
>A waiter did the former to me last time and it was a headache to fix it, so now I rarely tip.

Tips shouldn't be mandatory.
I don't get tipping culture.

Should I give you money for doing the job someone else hired you to do?

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This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20465398
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Any other must-see teas on King Tea Mall before I check out? I like damn near everything, so feel free to pitch me something weird. Just stocking up on my favorite liu bao and green right now as well as that cheap dahongpao, would love puerh (ripe or raw), white, or oolong recs to round out the order, but feel free to pitch me your favorites.
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Question about gaiwan (盖碗)

In areas where these a popular and a popular method for preparing tea,
what do people tend to do if they have dexterity or physical issues?
Things like severe arthritis, tremor, elderly, etc

I like gaiwan, but have a condition that affects my left hand and will eventually worsen and fuck up my right hand
At some point in the future a gaiwan might be difficult to use
Just wondering what people tend to switch to

I have one of those glass pots with an upper chamber (that releases the brew when a button is pressed)
That's nice, but wondering what people did before then
Just switched to tea pot?
I saw really old people using both hands, putting a finger under for support, some woman also does it if the gaiwan is too big for their hands.
There's also "easy gaiwan" that makes the pouring simpler
Got one of these tuos a few years ago and really liked it.
These cakes are pretty great for younger sheng
Xiaguans black tea is nice
Maybe 100g of this would be good, Havent tried it
These have gotten mentioned a few times as nice tea that's affordable, again haven't tried it
The old descriptions were very useful to me and could be read quickly, the ai slop just makes my eyes glaze over and I can't even force myself to finish reading it

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you're still extracting the stuff inside when you chew and digesting that part of it. i would also assume that they probably ate more digestible nixtamalized corn too.
I like the feel of shitting out corn
I've been curious about pebbles but I'm a little worried that would take me down the road of pica. Better stay clear.
I really really really like this image
Probably water and non-corn stuff.

What's your excuse for being a consumerist pig?
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Aren't Ethiopians too busy murdering livestock farmers and going to war with Eritrea to eat anything?
my mom already did this. where is her docu
You sound based
>I was with her for 2 days and she didn't eat then so she must not be lying

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/ck/ related webm thread
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>quite content being single
>is permanently drunk
I will save her.
If that were a sale on bananas that place would be fucking packed with chinese, immigrant or otherwise.
> Stone eating plebs
I hate reptilian rituals so much it is unreal
This is so fucking stupid. I hate it.

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membership should come with a complimentary second freezer
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That's clean af.
There's no point in having a bulk club membership if you live alone
You don't need that 12 pack of granola bar boxes
Ignore the guy on the right, the guy on the left is what Costco does to you.
not worth paying a membership fee for how much gas i use
You don't have a family?

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What food makes you go like this?

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Bros... they are laughing at us and making record profits.
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>only people of specific ethnicities are allowed to make certain types of food
You are the clown here, amigo
yeah, im sure some 50 year old named Martha Kowalski can make absolutely authentic ethnic food in a rundown wooden shack at some motorway exit in bumfuck nowhere.
>hand made
Stop falling for the marketing. I bet you think KFC "hand breaded chicken" is also better.
Shoarma is the superior terrorist cylinder meat and it's not even close.
German is a language for people with an IQ in the triple digits, so it's not surprising that this is your takeaway.

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For me, it's Cowboy Mike's Ricochet BBQ sauce
He's been sperging out about microplastics on every hot sauce thread, /pol/yps were a mistake
KYS retard
>grrr watery copycat slop better

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