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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

In an effort to address the spam, we're trialing a new system: email verification. To post on /biz/ you will need to verify your email address using this link: https://sys.4chan.org/signin

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The goal of this new system isn't to eliminate spam and shilling entirely; no system is perfect and perfect is the enemy of good. The goal of this system is to reduce the ease with which bad actors can spam the board, such that the mods and janitors can deal with the remaining spam more effectively.

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>buy the dip
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I hope it goes so much lower. I spent too much time fucking around and did not save enough to dump into shitcoins
Do you have any positions opened? Or you're just sidelined for now?

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>selling before a million
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It will almost certainly hit a million by 2030, but that’s only because currency debasement is picking up speed by design because so many nations are drowning in debt and need to print ever increasing amounts of money to pay the interest and fund their deficit spending.

In 2030 that million will probably have the same purchasing power as $300k today
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I've borrowed more than 60k using my crypto as collateral
I have one Bitcoin and I need this kinda of cope to not kms
>I have one Bitcoin
Better than 99% of /biz/.
I like the term prediction.

Did he see it in a dream, did the chicken bones reaveled unheard truth?

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How are you financially preparing for the Great Reset?
I don't have to
>they reset: DeFi goes to 99999999trillion
>they don't: fiat bleeds to 0

I win either way
By accumulating as much Crypto as I possibly can
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Yes. You?

Long time lurker here from the days of JP Morgan, Kate Bush, AssBlaster, Landlord, MarketMaker, Rothschild, Drunkanon. I can't be overly exact and I shall have to chose my words carefully. To all the despondent Link bagholders take comfort in my solace. You have a tree that will bear great fruit; fruit like no other. Luckily the gatekeepers to a incredible orchard have given you a plot where you can tend to your tree. It's going to be a long process and they want to protect your (and be proxy, their) investment, so they tell you to hide your tree amongst the other, lesser trees in the orchard so it doesn't draw undue attention. It's just another tree after all, to the untrained eye. They don't really care about the other trees; all they produce are fruits you can get elsewhere, but once yours starts to fruit, it will surpass expectations. They are already taking orders for it. If they let it grow rampant while the other trees withered, suspicions would be raised, so they prune the whole orchard, your tree included. It's painful to see, but it will grow back. When the time comes - and it's very, very close - they will stop pruning and instead harvest. And it'll be a harvest like never before.

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Bros, what went wrong? I thought we had unbeatable stamina and focus. Why can't we pump back up? Is it over?
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Matthew it’s up for the past 6h, past 24h, and the past 7d, look at >>58458463
The guy that tweeted about squid was the reason Apu got attention on Twitter. Before that Apu had like 10 guys tweeting. An influencer account won’t take this to a billy, but the exposure of the memes and the project is gonna bring in a ton of new eyes. When the market is bullish, the project is gonna melt faces. It FEELS like a 100m project now. Props to the squid community, I’m impressed with you guys. I feel good about my bag.
Fuck you boomer and we must not pump every damn time. I am slurping the dip on ast and utk while waiting for the pump
It pumped 300% in three days. A whale sold, but it still pumped 300%. Guess what will happen when the market is bullish af? It will pump 30000%.
>bragging about 10m
>is this what non-APU holders are really like?
Your scam coin might pump but it will still be retarded

This is a very low shot but anyone here work for a REAL LIFE prop firm (specifically HFT firms) as a quant or developer?
I recently got lucky and somehow scored a infrastructure dev position at a lower-mid tier prop firm in Chicago and I start in about a month. Wondering if there's anyone with any knowledge or experience in the industry who can provide advice.
I'm a quant dev but I'm extremely lazy and retarded. I would advise you to make sure you know what all the stupid acronyms mean, work hard but not too hard, and socialise.
I get the impression that you can't be lazy at these sorts of jobs, even with making excellent connections. I'm not at Citadel or Millenium obviously so my work week will be like 50 hours at most, but my conception of the field is that despite the often fratty culture, you're still expected to produce value or else get booted. But yeah I'll have to partake in socializing (there's a fucking bar in the office), which is a far leap from my previous boring less than six figures programming job.

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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I saw one of these once and I never realized how big these fuckers are. they're like fucking mansions on the water
no way
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all your ship are belong to us
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Ken is actually the good guy and without him,Moass wouldn't have happened.
I am expecting this in the following months to be the new shill theme.
The existence of good cannot be defined without the existence of evil.

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So, they're obviously going to launch an L1 that utilizes the LINK token and is an improved architecture over anything else that exists from a security standpoint. But when?
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One anon had the idea of using Bobca chain in tandem with stakers to keep track of node operator activity and track their behavior. There's also the chance of having a BBCA chain whose transactions are CCIP transactions for NFTs (RWAs) to complete a onestop show, unified golden record. I don't think it's out of the cards for Chainlink to have their own layer 1 protocol.
>I don't think it's out of the cards for Chainlink to have their own layer 1 protocol.
BBCA is literally a layer 1 consensus protocol.

Honestly it was Ed Felten himself giving that impression.
I was there for that whole story arc, and it was glaringly obvious that the guy was a borderline scammy hypelord with his one-word tweets and announcements of announcements.
Also, remember when he said Arbitrum would never have a token?
>it does more harm than you know
yes, my life is shattered and i don't think i'll ever recover from that dark chapter in history. the pain is visceral. I wake in the night, sweating bullets and crying "why, Sergey... why?". My long-suffering wife curses the day Ed Felten was born and each year we make the annual pilgrimage to Offchain Labs to protest, lest future generations fall prey to such cruel treatment.
I feel your pain, brother. Let us suffer together.
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What if chainlink doesn't need to turn on the fee switch.

In my opinion it is obvious chainlink is going to power everything, from tradfi to web3.

But chainlink is working as intended already, the question is why would they need to turn on the fee switch?
Genuinly interested in your opinion
>BBCA is literally a layer 1 consensus protocol.

>>I don't think it's out of the cards for Chainlink to have their own layer 1 protocol*that they use for themselves

jesus christ almighty, fill in the blanks will yah?

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So I've been doing research for cryptos and initially stumbled upon XRP (Ripple) and got really interested in the idea of banks connecting to blockchains and using blockchains to reduce operating costs and create new asset classes and markets with vastly more liquidity.

But the more I researched, the more I realized their whole operation was a scam and they haven't built anything of any value and don't seem to have any made any meaningful headway towards being something banks can/will actually use.

Along the way I stumbled on Chainlink, which seems to currently be actually capturing the needs of banks and is confirmed working with SWIFT, FIX, and large asset firms like ANZ, as well as helping different governments facilitate stablecoin creation. They basically are the only crypto project I could find who actually appear to be not only building useful products but actively building alongside legacy tradfi infrastructure.

Yet, XRP sits at a $28B mcap while Chainlink is only at a $8B. If Chainlink were to capture the speculative value XRP has (which it should theoretically capture all of that, it would be sitting at minimally a $28B mcap or $49/token, making it a very attractive investment at least compared to other large cap cryptos.

Am I missing something?
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Its quite the contrary. The “asshole” is pointing out the reality while the “nice guy” is trying to lure people into his dead altcoin cult so he can profit off being earlier in the pyramid scheme

If crypto were politics, the chainlink cult would be the liberals
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>hurrr they're the exact same
Link and XRP aren't even in the same universe

The closest XRP ever got to institutional adoption was buying a seat on the board of a minor bank.
Meanwhile, Chainlink:
and what difference has that made for chainlink? exactly. shut the fuck up
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It's more about the difference it made for Bitcoin.
just look at the different communities, Link is full of devs and autists, XRP is full of black middle managers calling themselves "entrepreneurs"

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Agree, lucky but also the arbitrage was open for everyone
The spoonfeed is they have a big Ethereum reserve that rebuys the token the moment it falls under the retire price, so you make money by buying there and selling the bounce
Because they're still rich in Black culture, unlike the white supremacist europeans.
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Have you considered not being useless? I'm a restaurant manager and most zoomers I interview aren't even good enough to work at my establishment. Here is how an interview at an American restaurant goes for a typical zoomer
>need to take time to think about the most basic of questions, going uuuuummmmmmm when I ask if you can lift boxes up to 50 pounds
>give zero details when I try to get them to talk about themselves "I p-p-play v-v-video games" or "I hang out with my friends and watch Netflix"
>are not even capable of coming off as intelligent or respectable people
>usually show up in dirty sweatpants and a t shirt
Interviews at this type of place used to only be for weeding out drug addicts and literal retards but about half of all zoomers get rejected because they are completely and totally useless. It is your fault if you can't even get a McJob. Not the government's fault, not society's fault, not my fault, your fault
>give zero details when I try to get them to talk about themselves "I p-p-play v-v-video games" or "I hang out with my friends and watch Netflix"
Not your business
>usually show up in dirty sweatpants and a t shirt
Your problem
Not your wage slave boomer, get used to it
It is my business if you want my money. Seethe jobless zoomer

> top meme on tiktok
> top meme on instagram
> he still didnt buy
> not botted


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crypto is dead lmao
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>ETH tax is finally tolerable
>crypto is dead lmao
It was even down to 2 gwei, yes thats typically for extreme low activity
But it may be the dencun upgrade combined with l2 usage
Damn, that's crazy. I remember seeing 5 for a few seconds in October, thinking it was never going to be that low again. Then a few weeks later the "bull run" started and suddenly 50-100 was the norm.
Yeah its interesting how fast it can change

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2 years ago I started with crypto, made 10k$. Then lost it degen mode. I then worked hard to make 5k$, put it in a coin and it became 11k$. Now this 11k$ became 90k$.

I've always wanted to be a pilot and I've been accepted into pilot's school (18% get through). Is it worth putting this money into pilot's training? Salaries are comfy there.

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back to 20k
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40k then back up and maybe 100k

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we have been crabbing for 3 weeks
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yes and they were correct, that was also crabbing
Does anybody have the webm of OP's pic? He was basically a real life Wojak
nigga we have been crabbing for 3 years
in like 2 days, then crabbed

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Been stacking more Nuklai, data is the true kek, and it's got it in spades.
>only shit I'm unironically accumulating is this fucking MUMU token
>Know it's stupid
>OOOOO anyways?????
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All in on PAJAMAS, 'nuff said
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My aast and mini bag are filled now
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bull-run soon
can smell it

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>*get flipped by bitcoin cash, a dead scam*
>*about to get flipped by... check cmc... near protocol, a literally who ghostchain*
so much for swift, dtcc and eric schmidt, ccip and all that nonsense
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>so much for swift, dtcc and eric schmidt, ccip and all that nonsense

Let's review one by one, shall we?

1) Swift
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2) dtcc
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3) Eric Schmidt
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Meds. NOW.

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