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How would you go about correcting and fixing these girls?
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What are they doing?
Serious answer only, is this actually yuri?
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What was resolved though? Subaru's still keeping up the pretense until she finds her resolve. Doesn't mean it's smoothed over entirely, we just know more about what drives her now. Later on they could make it a sticking point if the band starts to fail. She could go "Well now if I tell my grandmother that I failed at both acting and the band, i'll just go home with nothing to show for."
it's an original alas we won't know until the end. But if they're planning on shilling the VAs in the future it probably won't be explicit because rabid fans would expect the VAs to act that stuff out

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will seraphim really be the strongest when grown up?

Imu Roger would job to a Seraphim?
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the one piece is a one piece that nami will wear and film the one piece worlds first adult video

Then why would Roger call it his treasure? I like the idea of the One Piece being a new land, but if they do drain the seas, they won't have anything to explore other than an entire continent of silt and dead fishes + fucking up all the climate of the current island so it doesn't really work
link the vid
That doesn't really make any sense though. Aren't the islands separated by an entire continent? Seems like it was either a slip of the tongue or a bad translation to me

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Inspired to make this thread by an anon who posted about how they were able to continue enjoying manga and anime because they spent it learning and experiencing new stuff. I liked how they said
> Memories and connections are more valuable than gold
Have your anime and manga hobbies been a good influence in your life? And vice-versa?
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stop bro just stop.
imaging a blackboard with tallies next to you
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I wish I had read more romcoms when I was younger, lots of decent life lessons in those.

Otherwise, I watched anime since age 6/7 since we had reruns in my country, so yeah shonen have made me gullible and genuine as fuck, I couldn't keep up with the malice of normalfags until I got my first job at 19 and I finally stood for myself.

Shonen has some great values(honesty, hard work, valuing relationships with other people etc.) that are fundamentally antithetical with our shitty courtesan-minded society, which only favours backstabbers.

I do owe my way above average physical shape to animu&manga though.

Wait he was the bad guy?
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No? There's nothing wrong with killing other beings and eating them.
He was basically a child callously burning ants because he felt so superior to...anything and everything. Maybe he would have matured with time and become morally upright, but he definitely wasn't *good*. Considering how much time might have had to pass before he realized the value of a life besides as something to erase for the sake of his pride, he had to be destroyed.
Still is. Even in his changed mindset, he revised his plans from genociding humanity to instead keeping around a select population on a nature preserve, where the worthy may live.
He wanted to talk, but there was nothing he could say that would change Netero's mind.
Yes. Netero called him out on how his human and ant natures are conflicting with each other. He wants to basically enslave humans as livestock but he's still sentimental to people like Komugi, who are able to challenge him at things, even if it's something as mundane as a board game. Meruem is just too unstable, he can't decide what the value of a human life is, even at his most generous he still wants to use most humans for food. From Netero's perspective Meruem is just a immature newborn who still needs to figure stuff out, and if Meruem chooses to give in to his ant side then it's over for everybody, including Komugi, because in the grand scheme of things being good at board games isn't much.
No he was a super powerful child. The only thing that stops kids from killing things on a whim is that they're weak and dumb. He was smart and powerful, but immature.

We saw he mature a little bit. With time, he probably would've matured enough to become the world leader of an utopia.

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>90% of them are pure garbage
>dissing monte cristo and moby dick
shit taste
>the holy activity of reading
Reading material like Twilight and your average isekai light novel should be considered a form of self-harm.
>You guys who said in SAO threads the novels are better are right
This is a natural outcome from adaptations leaving out 95% of the monologues and straight up cutting a lot of scenes.
unironic femoids that self insert as the mc
it's basically MT for femoids

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How can 774 possibly follow the last chapter?!
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Shikki x Sadistic huge dick pseudoshota real?????
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>wholesome relationships only
>sadistic huge dick pseudoshota
Would you two be willing to settle halfway?
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This is pretty weak and I can enjoy some trashy manga
>all the development is in the first three chapters
>mc immediately has a 100% healthy response to his ex and cuts her off
>immediately great at everything and loved by all
>no internal conflict or growth so resolutions have no impact
Trips of truth
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6 hours and 40 minutes left

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The wisest, most stoic and elegant of them all.
Unmatched in sheer intelligence and stragetic wit.
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Good night dbs
this is for the gokublack nothernfag when he wakes up
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>the thread is now mine alone do deprecate, which is the perfect chance for me to craft my custom-made narrative for wars to be fought for
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>Bejita, where is my cream pie?

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Old Plans, New Ideas
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Still bothering the Nue thread.
Ah he got a new obsession, got it.
The revelation that everyone's souls have been hanging around since loop 1 makes Undeath seem more torturous. He's not even really outliving anyone, he just gets to suffer for billions of years while conscious. Everyone else gets to take a nap in subspace.
Also, if he ever achieved his goal of dying, he'd just go into subspace until the next loop where he becomes Undead again.
Now you see why Juiz was able to push back sun and stun him for a few minutes using her rage as fuel.
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Life comes at you fast.
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Did you miss the parts where Orsted said that Zenith and Paul only had daughters, no son?
"Rudeus" is always stillborn because of his high laplace factor. It's why the fat JP hikki soul jumped there.
>not even Roxy's parents support her marriage
>Elinalise is the only one in her corner, against her own granddaughter no less
Damn, no loyalty. I like that the cool uncle/aunts back Eris though.
kinda peeved rudeus dosent throw norm over his knee and just spank her.
i thought this show was suppose to be peak.
Unironically not a Sylphie shipper.
>tells Philip that he's free to use Rudeus for his own political games as long as Rudeus is okay with it
>believes Rudeus got Eris for his 10th birthday
>doesn't want to be related to Elinalise in any way
>>doesn't want to be related to Elinalise in any way
>The kid was as impressive as ever. He figured out his plans in no time, then put them into action immediately. Elinalise once told me I was “rushing through my life,” didn’t she? You had to wonder what she’d think if she got a look at him.
>It might be fun to get the two of them to meet sometime, but…maybe that wasn’t such a great idea. Yeah. The last thing I wanted was to end up as that woman’s father-in-law.

name my band, /a/
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I don't think I've ever seen rin have this much fun and adventure with someone else. It must suck to lose a friend to a friend you introduced...
>What happened to her old bike
letting go of the SR400 should be grounds for divorce
I can hear it.
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Oh shit new manga chapter

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Is it possible to think of Serie as cute?
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ну и нах ты порвался малыш ару с тя
The strongest and pure sex
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>Uhmmm, frieren-sama, I don't know how to ask this, but... Could you teach me how to do *it* with girls? I grew up in a warrior village with only men around and my master was an incel, so I haven't got a clue honestly...
>inb4 Frieren becomes porn director
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Sure Stark, I'll teach you all the things Fern likes.

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Ruby won.
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She won biggly. Sidegirlfags have been fighting over scraps for months now.
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Ruby and Kana are the sidegirls.
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C'mon grab your friends
Let's to very nuggy lands
(For real get in here now!)
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Woof woof
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sleep tight hammers

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>open paint (again)
>use only squares to draw an anime (again)
>anons guess what it is (again)
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>not pink

baseball kid

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4kids always changed osts to more generic stock music for most shows and played nonstop with no moments of silence but Pokemon which had Japanese ost with some extra tracks added in.
They release them as the "Strawhats lost adventures" they'd make a big promo of it oooooh, the adventures you missed!!
Unironically kino.

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