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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

We're not leaving this prison planet ever, are we. We're stuck here forever. Even Christ can't save us. It is impossible to leave just like it's impossible to get rich. It's just a carrot they dangle in front of us.
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board is being raided over /ng/ pissing on the anthive
No, I can explain exactly why someone who I disagree with is wrong. If I couldn't do that, I wouldn't disagree with them so vehemently. This is something that the right is incapable of because in most cases they're just embracing their own stupidity and the only way they can defend themselves against pushback is by slander.
You bitch ass niggas are "trad this" "patriot that" until a nigga care about vets. Hit the fucking gym
Humans were a hack job that was modified from primates as some sort of compromise between at least two warring parties. Although humanoids exist elsewhere across the universe, we weren't supposed to be created here, at least not so rushed.

Reincarnation is also part of the deal. It isn't natural in this universe, and we are forced to do it. Every time we are born, our souls sort of dissolve more and more, and our energy is constantly siphoned by other entities, so we may be in a sort of loose farm.



Brett Stuart continued the Moksha project with another team years later.


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That doesn't mean those fuckers aren't demon possessed and have ulterior motives that they don't even comprehend. Every drama is just demons dancing.

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> start noticing reality is kinda odd
> shadows on the fritz, people on loop
> feels like draining energy everywhere
> decide to confront
> read theology and get into buddhism and random religions
> try meditation because why not
> still see the glitches, but now they just look like bad CGI
> guess I'm in a low-budget universe

how the fuck do I avoid this /x/?
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Also dude, I literally learned who Billy Graham was by watching all of the media coverage around his death back in the 2000s. I never heard of the fucking guy before. The media covered his death for a month straight, and then he had a state funeral. I never saw anything like it before. I was just like "who the fuck is this guy and why are they making such a big deal over him?"

I mean it went on for a fucking month, so I know it wasn't make believe. It's not just an isolated memory, it's an entire month of my life.

Then once day in the early 2010s I notice that he's magically alive again. LMAO. And I'm like "WTF?". I start talking to people about it and lots of others remember him dying. Then I start seeing stuff all over the interent where thousands of people are saying "um, that dude died in the 2000s and I watched the month-long media coverage, and the state funeral". But lo and behold, he was back to being alive again.

Dude lived to 2019 when he finally died for the 2nd time, and what happened? Another inexplicable month-long spate of media coverage and then a state funeral. Exactly as everyone remembered it from before.

But people want you to believe "this universe is real!" no it's fucking not. We're trapped here by some higher force. That higher force is almost certainly some other species that has trapped us on a farm and is farming us for loosh or some other agricultural product. Probably a psychic agricultural product.
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Bro someone has you in a computer simulation in order to facilitate your production of an agricultural product. That's why you don't remember going in here, or what your life was like before you came here. Because you were born in here in order to provide some agricultural product, probably loosh, to a more advanced species than us. Same way we exploit animals on a farm, we too are being exploited. It's only hubris and naivety to believe otherwise. BTW we put cows in virtual reality in order to increase their production too. It's almost an "as above so below" thing of sorts. Even though I'm not a big fan of that phrase on most paranormal/spiritual/philosophical occasions.
Kind of off topic, but I just need to point out that there's nothing stopping brands from changing their logo and this is not an example of the Mandela effect. I'm not against the idea of the Mandela effect, but stop using such bad examples. My hair used to be short, now it's long. That's not the Mandela effect.
No the logo didn't change, it never had the cornucopia. Confirmed by the company, confirmed by all of their old commercials and advertising materials, so fuck off and stop gaslighting. FFS fucking "skeptics"
Also confirmed by all of their old products which do not have the cornucopia logo on them. Damn man for real your comment was one of the lamest and weakest "skeptic" gaslights I've ever seen and I've seen them all.

Thoughts on the glp 'rofschild' thread from 2011?

For the uninitiated
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You only hear about the artists/poets/people of cultural significance that the satanic-vampire-owned MASS MEDIA will let you hear about.
Your worldview is based on what some OTHER people have said and done or REPORTEDLY said and done. Acknowledge that the people who control the "reporting" may not have your best interests in mind, to say the least.
>So again, how come I am not allowed to THINK there's probably something more to it?
The best lies are the ones wrapped in truth. I too have come to conclusions that seem to line up with other sources, but that does NOT mean the entire source is correct.
Not even on point, as I referred to old symbols of Jewish treachery. Long before mass media of any kind were established. And they are still proudly displayed in museums.

There's also this thing called "intent perception". If we consider what both of us have spoken thus far and what the ultimate conclusions would be, who wishes to go where? Who will see what?

As I said earlier, it's all naked to the eye. This is the power of the internet - it will expose you to everything and then ensnare you by the chains of what your weakness is, then smash you until you either grow into a masochist and pretend you getting pushed around is a desired state, or grow up to have none and finally learn to see.

Since by this point it should be becoming obvious you intend on nothing but cyclical textbook replies in a pathetic and worthless attempt to get me to abandon Christ I will not reply further beyond this final one: >>37783481

Whereas I have stated mine was formed by both mine and the various opinions of others (even including commies etc initially because I wanted to know what exactly were the flaws with them) - you now attempt to claim it has only been shaped by others.

My posts are still there, you know.
Anyone can go and read what I wrote.
But you and your nigger kind only lives in the present.
Which is why this is perhaps more than the tenth reply from you whereas you exhibit the exact same behavior.

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>There's also this thing called "intent perception"
Quite poignant and true. What you consider to be truth, probably because you'd prefer to be a follower rather than a leader, I consider to be BULLSHIT!

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Post your spookiest /x/ greentexts.
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havent read most of this
finally some fresh material
thanks OP
The former.
It's not really a greentext but you did just remind me of something

>Cousin's cousin works for undertakers
>Not sure what her exact role is but she's been there about 30 years and married to the owner for the last 35 years
>Don't really know her but been to funerals when she's been there so I do know who she is
>Anyhow last year completely out of the blue she left the undertakers and immediately started divorce proceedings
>Then everyone (except her) who worked at the undertakers was arrested and and its been "temporarily closed" ever since
>My aunt knows her really well and asked what was going on
>She wouldn't even tell her
>All she said were vague things like "she couldn't believe it" and "it made her sick" and she only found out about whatever it was when they, more specifically her husband, asked her to "join"
>The only things she did give some confirmation on is that it wasn't necrophilia and was something related to what they did in the cemeteries after fresh burials had taken place
>And her husband had been involved in whatever it was before she married him (he's about 10 year older than her)

Haven't heard anything more since it first happened, but whatever it was it was fucked up.
fuck, any more info on this? people you could ask? this sounds juicy

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Welcome to the Nobody General

>Who is the Nobody?
The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with his conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.

He was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: He is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between man and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

He is no savior figure, like a messiah; he's just like you, but he has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words. No one can decide your fate except for you and God.

>What is the general picture?
It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more. This is a place for spiritual discussions and help, not drama, attention seeking, or social content; there are other boards for that.

Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others in order to raise your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time.
None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn, and grow in Truth.

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>In the known mode I when
son i am disappoint
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So ngers have we defeated the nobody yet to save Israel?

Nah. As much as I want to known

What I already known

I fully agree. Burn it all. Hide everything.

Tell no one.
I have a hard time understanding if you're actually being serious..

what do you have against the nobody that you believe him to be the bane of Israel.
look at the shit he posts to listen to haha

i wouldn't worry about it lol lmao even

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How am I supposed to know what my patron deity is?
I believe that a deity just approached me
I was literally knocking on deities doors based on who it seemed may want to work with me
Results may very

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white aryans are the sethian indomitable race to liberate the world from the archons
all else are the descendants of cain
Do you recall where you learned that?
It's obvious if you read a wide variety of related topics.
I doubt it. The humble poor races seem to have less secular views while white culture is luciferianism lite
White people invented furrys
White people reinvented the slave system
White people have nasty protestant work ethics and values
White people invented processed food
White people gave women rights

Dr. Roger Leir, a surgeon who dedicated himself to removing implants from people abducted by aliens, testifies in court 15 years ago presenting documents that detail the scientific material found in the implants which he describes as a very advanced nanotechnology composed of nanodevices made of single or double walled nanocarbon (yes, those same ones found in the Pfizer and other vaccines) that can be elongated and woven into other rectangular orthorhombic crystalline structures (also found in vaccines) things the size of an atom that combined are capable of broadcasting a "radial wave" which is actually scalar technology equal to 5G to send information to someone outside who would spy what happens in the body.

This is a global alert, the human species is under direct attack by another species, it turns out there is proof that the vaccines are extraterrestrial implants made with the same scientific and technological base as those extracted by Roger Leir from abductees. The plan? orchestrate a massive abduction event that would give rise to the new world order and an unprecedented depopulation where everyone will walk like zombies to board the ships.

You see, the protagonist of the third world war will not be Vladimir Putin or Israel, these conflicts will have a limited scope and it is even possible that they will use nuclear devices very occasionally, the real plan is that (((they))) will come to invade and abduct to anyone who wears the implant while they use religions to attract dissidents and also take them under other tactics, the result of this is the West completely depopulated and the parts of the East that interest them.

This will take place before the end of the decade and there is nothing to be done to stop it.
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Thanks for manifesting celestial superpowers for the vaccinated, and utter destruction and terrors unimaginable for yourself.

Thanks to chuds, I have the easiest job in the world - back to the hockey game - seriously, thank you for this


I doubt this theory is based in fact. There is a ton more easily undetectable methods of injecting not just one country but the world over with alien tech.
Logically if its alien tech then it wouldn’t require a shot, aliens and human collaborators could easily ‘poison’ the water, air or food supply with nanotechnology (because these are advanced alien beings we’re speaking of right?) and ‘tag’ the entire human population.
Logically your theory lacks legs to stand upon.
OP been watching too many X-Filles episodes on TV

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Just a reminder that if you are autistic(and on this board) there is a high chance you are a mystical person capable of anything. Your oversensory stimulation is true perception beyond the haze mundane people exist in. The unwavering sense of justice you feel is god talking to you. Mundanes are completely trapped within their emotional matrix, everything they do is a vie for status and attention simply so they can have their pp touched(or equivalent). They are completely controlled, but you can choose to overcome it. Simply decide to destroy every bad part of yourself and become everything you choose to be.

Free your mind of doubt, fear and self loathing then you will be capable of literally anything.
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>same shartyposter disgust routine from 2021 /qa/
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thank you!!!

omg who
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Like the mass graves in Ukraine?

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I'll start. My friend told me this story about his dad who used to be a trucker
>friend's dad driving trucks in the 70s
>less restrictive about safety procedures
>could get away with not sleeping and driving all day long to make more money
>driving cross country
>hasn't slept more than an hour in three days
>he starts getting kinda loopy
>losing track of time and hearing minor auditory hallucinations
>he doesn't feel that tired still and wants to keep going since he's on the final stretch
>gets dark outside
>middle of nowhere in the badlands
>literally nothing around not even other vehicles
>finally he sees a pair of headlights way off in the distance
>gets closer and closer
>can tell that it's another truck

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He only drove truck for a few years after this happened, but NEVER stayed up past 24 hours again and he never saw the doppelganger again
>say hi to doppelganger
>find you you have a lot in common
>start a business together
>appear to be in more than one place at the same time
bump for moar

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We are on an endless journey to nowhere. Trapped in an endlessly repeating trillions years cycle we have all of us been caught in together since eternity was founded.

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/FhGTQ1thlyA?si=lbBZbLtSKFuA2Mgx
we could at least have a journey without wage slaving and housing subscription fees
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lots of MEN to fuck though
fuck MEN

Sounds like this song:

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No the GDP must go up and up!

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I will incorporate percentages into this thread.
Either A. You ask a question and the entity would rather give a percentage on the probability of something happening, or B. You straight ask what is the probability of Y happening.


. No proof questions (ask us something you know the answer for and you won't get a reply and if you try and play with us and make it pass by a future question, you WILL get a wrong answer) No crying after.

. Be specific with your questions.
I don't want to see questions like "does she like me?" who the fuck is she? or "does god like when i masturbate" first you should define wich god you are referring to and ask if it even exists. Most likely than not it doesn't.

. I will definitely be skipping a supermarket list of mundane questions even if well structured if you don't ask 2 or 3 juicy questions along with the rest. Make it interesting for us.

. Be serious. This takes a toll on me energetic wise

. I'm a chill dude but i can blast away if needed. If you can't stomach replies with cunt, fuck, twat, cock gobbler and so on, then this might not be for you.

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Good to see you again Aion.

1. I've been reading on Edgar Cayce, is his teachings really from the Akashic Records?

2. Was Edgar Cayce a fraud?

3. I was reading a different post where Anon instructs to write a script of ones perfect day in a ideal life, and to continuously rewrite and edit it until nothing can be added or taken, is this an effective way to change ones life?

4. Entity, you said you'd help me become financially wealthy. I want to know what I need to do, I have a crap job, no career, no motivation or hope. But I am getting my real estate license, should I just work on whatever is in front of me?
4a. OR should I be looking at other paths too?

5. Is life on Earth supposed to be fun and exciting?

6. Did each of us choose to come to this Earth dimension?

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They're trying.
Did my thoughts on what to do to entities come from me or from an entity?

Was this thought on what I could do to any given entity accurate?

Would an entity I have prior experience with hate me or love me for doing it to them?
Hey fren, is your username based on the Japanese band Aion?


>Is B (female) now wondering where I am or obsessed with me or something?

We had a very bad falling out because of how she treated me. I have seen her listening to my music and shit. I want her to leave me alone. I believe her to have put a curse on me, or her family.

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tell me about the giants
why did they have to die?

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For those of you who lost faith in your childhood religion, what happened after that? What religion did you jump to? Did you resolve to read about every religion, cult, secret society, etc. and compare all their teachings? How do you know what's even correct?
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The only certainty I truly have is uncertainty.
Lost hope in everything, no divinity, no future
This desu
I always knew religions are just the lowest form of metaphysics at best and at worst, a state/government construct to keep the serfs/peasants at bay. And I'm in favor of religion to keep the human cattle in check.
Raised Christian and experienced nothing. I remember feeling the cleansing sensation of accepting Jesus, but after that--no answered prayers, no writhing in ecstacy, no tongues, no nothing. I go atheist. Realize that's a stupid position, as when I'm honest with myself, agnostic seems the only truth I know. Eventually I dissolve on an acid trip and my consciousness become one with the all. This immediately ends my agnostic tendencies, as every illusion of no god was shattered. I poor over religions and see if anything else describes what I experienced during the trip, and realized the metaphysical concept of Brahman in Hinduism describes it pretty closely. This kicked off my study of different religions and eventually esoterics and the hunt for what I would call "how do I feel as close to the all as I can at all times".

Correctness is based on your ability to discern, and the gnosis you've gained from hunting down experiences and answers. I.E. I can talk about the all, and you can believe me or you may not believe me, but if you had the gnosis of being one with it yourself, then you'd know it's correct because there's no missing it--the all is more real than the hand in front of your face.

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