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The elites want you to think dying at 70 is normal, or that living to 90 is a "long life" (lol). They don't want you to enjoy your pension, so they promote unnatural diets (grains, vegetables) and stressful lifestyles (gym, work) to heavily shorten your lifespan so you don't get to spend your pension.
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That dude's a satanists, he stabbed his classmates in high school, he shits on people for their looks while he has a hair transplant, and no it isn't normal to drink blood.
Though his vegan commentary videos are pretty entertaining and I like how he shits on gymcels
46 & 2 =120yr lifespan. we used to live hundreds of years.
No. You’re an idiot.
>Nobody lives past 80 nowadays dumbass
yea thats my point
>We used to live to only 30 or 40 a couple hundred years ago
yea back then diet was even worse, now people semi eat like peasants, back then they 100% ate like peasants, nothing but grains and water, and also manual labour which ages you faster than working for hollywood
stop being a cultist, blood is hydrating and packed full of nutrients, idk why christianity hates nature and health, also killing animals only to just eat the muscle meat is wasteful
He works for KGB

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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Eh, if they're not a jew and deliver the truth consistently without being btfo they can earn back trust. Like American cars were complete shit in the 1980s and 1990s and are nearly as good as Japanese while being arguably more cost effective now.
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I'd rather vote for rfk jr than israel sr

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About inflating roastie, waller, burnt-out femcel population?
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Ok, so you force me to marry.
Are you gonna force me to be an attentive husband?

Because I could nut in my mandated wife and then proceed to ignore her beyond basic upkeep and be happy.
Reminder hitler preffered to literally blow his head off rather than spend any more time with state issued wife.
I don't agree with sectarian violence and think that the Troubles was stupid 3rd world shit that shouldn't have happened. And I don't look down on Irish Catholics.

It's just that I have pride in my roots and my family lineage. Her dad was just as prideful which I can respect and we couldn't come to an agreement.
>The moment you act like foreign tourists you can grab most of what you see.
What do you mean? That I would have dating power in Poland?

>For us, locals it's expectations of having stuff that her father has in 50'.
What do you mean?
>you are privileged compared to American men in some key ways you don't realize
Do you actually know this for sure, or are you just imagining things are better elsewhere? Because Polish wamen are turbo-whores like everywhere else, I know because I live right next to them and they're our biggest immigrant group.

Stop spanking your kids. Physical ""Discipline" is exclusively for shitskins and slavshits. All it ever teaches them is to lie and be violent (i.e. like a shitskin)
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I was abroad recently and had fun with all kind of different Europeans man. They consider us a bit sneaky but good overall
Physical discipline is for rebellion. Failures, mistakes, shortcomings, and inadequacies are met with reprove and teaching.
Children should fear their parents, in order to receive wisdom from them. Children are not your friend.
im sorry your parents never properly loved you anon
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You love to prove my point, we may be friends yet.

I grew dark on Joan Baez - Diamonds and Rus

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I’m stressed out. I’m young and I’m responsible for a wife and daughter and it makes me feel like shit. Like do they even love me? Why do I get so angry at my wife in my head. Why do I just want to get a gf? A girl from high school who has rejected me over 5 times was flirting with me when she saw me at the park with my daughter. even though I got everything going for me for a man, I feel like shit because I can’t tell if any of these people are genuinely interested in me or like me.
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>Mfw when driving home stressed out
>I’m young and I’m responsible for a wife and daughter and it makes me feel like shit.
>I'm young
We could see that when you didn't even know how to "mfw" meme
Life doesn’t work like that
Because you fall into the marriage trap out of desperation, you were not intelligent or self aware enough to realize that werent ready to that shit and now youre stuck with two people you hate and you just want to live life
It usually happens to sex starved retards, now, I dont see how you are going to fix this, usually a pussy is enough to tame a man into a harmless Pet when the pussy isnt enough the man just cheat or leaves, either way I dont think that you truly love your family If youre still stuck in high school drama with your high school crush
Natalists lose once again, should have gotten teenage pussy to prevent this shit
be there for them more, do it for us. You'll feel better after doing this and getting more sleep it's a right of passage
Nigger go out side.

White Power

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Is there a worse fate than just having daughters?
i hear if the woman orgasms, the odds if having a boy are much higher
is that true?
being a genetic dead end
I have 2 sons and do not care if women orgasm.
One of my exes was 1 of 5 girls.
She was insane. They were all insane.

Also, slide thread - herbs in field
Yeah, paying their make-up bill.

>commits cultural suicide and completely decimates their image worldwide

what the fuck happened to these people?
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Even a Bangla newspaper article confirms that this was mainly a thing in West Bengal in their cities like Mindapor Bankura etc

Our people need to stop with this victimhood shit, it's getting way out of hand.
>In May 1943, six districts – Rangpur, Mymensingh, Bakarganj, Chittagong, Noakhali and Tipperah – were the first to report deaths by starvation. Chittagong and Noakhali, both "boat denial" districts in the Ganges Delta (or Sundarbans Delta) area, were the hardest hit
wtf are you talking about?
5 out of 6 of those districts are in present day bangladesh and the other one is tripura, aka further east of bangladesh.
AND those five districts start from the most northwest part of current day bangladesh to the most southern most eastern part of current day bangladesh.
Fucking absolute shitskin fucking dumb retards…. Fuck this I’m out… playing chess is better than this …
and even if this is true
see >>466285505
>West bengal is still my people in Indian Occupied Bangladesh
im not here asking reparations from the brits, or the pakis.
I understand, the british were fighting ww2.
happened 50 years ago. its whatever, but there is no need for unnecessary distortions like this.
There is no need to bring it up anymore
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Yes but the death tally was irrelevant in those places. That's what you found from wikipedia which is fine but when you explore more it was literally nothing even close to a famine that affected BD.

Read those articles and look at the places they actually talk about the pictures.

All of them are in Calcutta/West Bengal. All of them. Anything that happened in BD is literally nothing.

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An ex-CIA spy said in an interview that America will be a shithole and that he's leaving to Europe by 2027.


He says Europe and to an extent the middle east (probably Saudi/UAE) are better places to be
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no such thing as a 'former' cia officer
its blood in blood out
you cant just sell your soul to jews and pretend like it was just a job
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>america, despite it's failures, is still propping up the west
Enjoy the Kool-aid. Oh yeah! And the pricey LNG.
fuck off nigger we're full
This guy is a total snake, but I like listening to him, though.

>"the Cia is a lot like the mafia, you can't ever leave... So anyways I left the Cia to start a family

Actual quote from him.
Cos he knows glowies are gonna get the rope

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Why are there no pro-White but anti-conspiratorial, pro-climate/environmental, pro-LGBT, pro-socialist groups? Where does one go for some reasonable, rational ethnonationalism without it just being an endless stream of Jew-blaming and science denialism?
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Yes, suddenly jews are the majority of government officials, army generals, bankers and financiers, hedge fund managers, owners of the corporate conglomerates, the heads of education, of the media, of entertainment and all the other shit jews now run... it's all just a big coincidence. All these jews just randomly happen to form your government by pure chance.

>Okay, guess literally every study and measurement ever is just false then
Well, there's no proof that manmade actions drive the climate at least. Before you have any real evidence you can make ten trillion studies on it and still have no evidence.
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>and a cancerous, self hating ideology
And that just randomly spawned out of nowhere. No group conspired to create and enforce it via social engineering; it just happened all of a sudden.
This is what you unironically espouse to believe: White societies suddenly came to hate themselves after thousands of years because of nobody in particular.
>Of course.

No, you aren't. You're chasing after the things that the media hype up and nothing else. Now that pro-Whitism has gained a foothold to use as a hedge against antisemitism, you are ready to embrace it but not that which will bring it about. The jews don't care about endangered species. They SAY they care about the things you care about, though. Don't be a chump, leaf. That's if you're not simply a jew.
I'm an oldfag but these zoomers with the broccoli hair are even worse. I'd rather be a millennial where our women were scene girls looking good. Nowadays it's all fatasses and mudsharks. I feel bad for zoomers and alphas
Zoomers will just have to play the age old game of fucking the young girls of the next generation.

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There are only two genders: Male and female. Females are, by and large, physically and mentally weaker than men.

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>highest white birthrate
>highest percentage of white people
>highest white birthrate
>yet almost no white trash outside of michigan, especially when compared to the nigger loving south and the kiked northeast
Can somebody explain to me how this works?
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I’ll shit on Wisconsin too. A bunch of fat Pollocks living in the mud who think they saw a UFO if they see a vehicle older than 1998. Retards who think taco Tuesday is a yellow shell from Walmart and shredded cheddar cheese. Only good part is door county because it’s nothing like the rest of the state. Couldn’t give a fuck about the whole yooper posing shit because it’s only a boomer feud, again see the description of Michigan. Also Milwaukee is full of lefties who got zogged in the army.

North Dakota is best. Fuck off. We’re full.
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It's full of nigger loving democrats, which makes them worse then niggers.
I was baiting you. I knew only someone from another midwestern state would give a shit about enough to write a blog post about how much they hate the other midwestern states. However, since you're from the depression field that is North Dakota I'll let you get back to thawing out your mouth so you can continue your alcoholism.
It's best to steer clear of Independence. That shithole has been divided into three parts, which are nigger ghettos, white trash meth hoods, and swaths of Mexican barrios. A lot of town looks like it's spent the last twelve years recovering from a bombing raid.
>no white trash in wisconsin

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5/23/58 - 4/26/24
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He could have done a live action version in the mid 90's
Made me google it. I'll give you a (You)
That’s pretty cool. I didn’t know that.
Must have been one of the good ones
Thanks anon
Oh is he alive. You mother fucker. lol.
Made me read Jew news.

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Tactical Assault Sheep?
Post the cut open gold bars
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i'm still HODLing one full gamestock share.
am i gonna make it?
Poorfag can’t afford real money after buying cheap shit like seeds lmao

You’re gonna make it
>trust a Russian asset telling you to ditch US dollars

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Are Whites entitled to get mad about the Diversity initiative?

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What good is a 10 million dollar Abrams tank if gets killed by a Chinese 500 dollar drone?
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pre-internet footage, seems like italian writing, is that not cicolina, the prawnstar?
>All tanks are now useless
Good luck launching an offensive without proper armour support. No, IFVs and APCs alone don't cut it. Just like various kinds of anti-ATGM measures have eventually appeared so will a number of distinct anti-drone measures will appear and mature.
Traditional tanks are on their way out. We are basically at the beginning of the drone warfare age and tanks are already massively struggling to stay relevant. It's kinda like how cavalry was conceptionally dead the moment motorized infantry became a thing.
>b-but muh aps
>b-but muh laser
>b-but muh jamming
In a few years every army in the world will have highly sophisticated, compact, AI controlled military drones. The civilian grade shit we are using right now will look like a joke compared to them. Imagine cheap, loitering drones that release a swarm of small suicide drones. No amount of APS is going to be able to deal with that kind of constant threat.
>a swarm of small suicide drones
Small payload -> easy to shrug off with thick walls. Tanks will get bigger and slower, I'm afraid. But likely fewer in numbers too because they will have highly specialized roles.
these types of turbo mutts are biggest fanatics, no matter than country of creation.

turks for example, started off as mongol-chinese nomads and mercenaries and then they became mutts.
hence why these multikultist love them - same breed. mongrels.

they have limited existence unless they help each other and act aggressively.

How many power plants does Ukraine have left?
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Everybody knows what Putin says. Its just that people who aren't stupid have noted the contradiction with his actions.

Also, Russians have been invading their neighbors under ridiculous pretext for literal centuries and ziggers have NOTHING to say about that except, "Oh they're butthurt (because we invaded and butchered them)"
I'm just asking
Unlike America which has been invading every country on earth, right?
Kek, if by "invading" you mean "invited in, often to protect from Russians".

That's the funny thing about the west. We're basically ALL the not-terrible things that Russia claims to be.
In fact, we're the inspiration for those particular lies about themselves, it seems.
The patriots system finally ran out of missiles

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Redpills are digital torture. They are designed to make you suffer.

>not 6’2? You will never have a women
>not making $500k? You are worthless
>not white with blue eyes? Mutt
>do you enjoy other cultures? Jew
>eating carbs? You gonna die
>enjoy women? Cuck
>listen to music? Nigger
>enjoy art? Leftcuck

I can be here the whole day talking about how redpills are designed to make you suffer no differently from other religions or philosophies.

Whenever you think that you need to suffer in life to achieve something, you will only find more suffering. Whenever you feel like you just need to be comfy and happy to find success you will be more comfy and happy.

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Fully agree, good way to see the USA
>I just think we need to actually do shit and rise above if we want to succeed.
"Succeeding" would not give me anything I want.
If you mean "succeeding" as in return to an ethnostate in which women have no rights, let's be real, it'll never happen during our lifetimes.
Aiming for an ethnostate isn't possible. You'd have better luck advocating for a lasting French majority. Women need rights and independence but they just need cultural shaming to put them back in line. Keep slut shaming while giving them the means to criticize men.
That shit is just another box faggot
>Aiming for an ethnostate isn't possible.
>Women need rights
See life this way is hell to me.

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Suggested reading:
Suggested listening: https://youtube.com/watch?v=IOszSS0IDKk

Isaiah 54:17 - No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication from me, declares the Lord.”

>King Charles to resume public duties after progress in cancer treatment
>Moment crooked dine-and-dash lawyer struck off over string of food thefts is confronted by pub customers and staff
>Shocking moment army of migrants overpower armed French police before boarding boat to UK
>French police slice migrant boat with knife and use pepper spray to thwart crossing
>Reading terror attack deaths were avoidable, inquest finds

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so 31.0.3 to 31.0.7 will work?
maybe i'm wrong, this isn't a dictatorship, i'm, open to criticism on my kill everyone policy.
too convoluted, it will never work.
If you're doing this please remember that whatever facial hair you sport will be banned for the next 100 years and plan accordingly.
show me the rules

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