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Previous thread >>10890811

In this thread we talk/post/edit and possibly draw shemale hentai/write shemale smut.

No pussy, please. That's all I ask you.

Feminization is highly encouraged and traps are fine as long as it's related to it.

If you have any new content be it writing, drawing, translations or even image edits feel free to post it!

Please refrain from spamming the thread with dumb discussions, or at least have the decency to contribute if you must post you retarded walls of text.

C's Haven 1: https://e-hentai.org/g/1769296/2222818c5d/
C's Haven 2: https://e-hentai.org/g/2066147/7a2abb221e/

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>crotchless panties
What a slut, some punishment is in order.
I do love this conceptually but boy it needs a proper translation. I think I get the gist, but I'd totally buy a full doujin about this concept. Hell, make a whole tank about feminizing NTR bastards.
As nice as that is, I think that the huge bulge stretching her jeans while she shamelessly walks around, is hotter.
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Of course I forget my pic like a retard
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No doubt, casual futa/shemale content like that is hot as hell.

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The rules:
>Grant the wish of an Anon above you, putting your own lewd twist on it.
>After granting a wish, you get to make one wish yourself. The Anons below you will grant it, and so on.
The first Anon of the thread gets to ask for a wish for free, without having to grant someone else's wish. (To be clear,does not mean without receiving a twist.)
>If a wish received only lazy "the wish is made completely unenjoyable and everyone dies" answers, you can re-grant it in a different way and still get to make your wish.
>If all wishes have been already granted, then you can just ask for a wish for free.
>Not a rule but it's still good form: if someone put effort and creativity in their post, you are encouraged to put effort and creativity when you answer their wish.
>Remember that we're here to have fun!

Last thread:
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Some might even pull you to their homes, even other cloud sheep who are better at controlling wind currents...

While rape is frowned upon, monster folk have a much different definition, and care FAR less about sexual taboos, and will often justify dragging you, or other partners home forcefully with "They were cute and into it". They DO however understand if someone isn't into it, that it's not something they should do. Really, it comes down to:
Are they cute/sexy?
Are they into it?

Things like "I have somewhere to be", "There are better times and places", and "I just met you!" aren't reasons not to as far as another monsterfolk is concerned. They're animalistic in that manner.

if anything? YOU'RE the weird one for having such a "human" view of things! It'll get you teased and confuse your fellow monster folk... but also be a CUTE quirk that makes you MORE desirable... watching you blush is SO much more fun than a normal casual fling with some other airborne monster boy!

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Granted! But... there's really no telling where the slime ends, and you begin.

Some background? You found a cute slime girl in your shower as you were using it. She came out of the showerhead, falling to the floor, pitch black, small, and... you think... she was desperate? Needing help? She didn't seem INHERENTLY harmful, so the part of you that'd be down bad for cute girls like her extended a hand to help her up... only for you two to share a moment of shock and confusion as she vanished, and your veins pulsed black, with a new voice speaking up in your head, seemingly new to advanced communication... but sounding cute as hell.

"...Friend? Two friend, one body...", followed by what you can only describe as a telepathic pout, and thinking from your new symbiote.

Yes, you can think to her, and she'll learn things from you, but to make things brief? She was at death's door when you found her, and while this species can NORMALLY interact with humans safely, she didn't have enough energy or substance to survive on her own, so she fused with you as a survival mechanism.

Now for the FUN part! Not only do you have a new slime waifu who's adorably naive and new to the world, but she's a fast learner. Don't mistake her naivity for stupidity... teach her chess, and she'll learn to beat you faster than it took for you to learn to play. Granted... you two will be in the same body and "feel" each other's thoughts... and no, she does not need to be taught what sex or relationships are. That's one of the few things she DOES understand, and she's a bit kinky...

She sees you as a "life partner", which CAN be a husband or wife, but isn't automatically. You two can share a body and find other partners just as easily. You're kinda like siblings... but in the same body... and incestuous. Speaking of body? Having all that slime in you wasn't without it's side effects. You're part slime now, and your GF can alter your body freely. She can idealize your body...
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She can CHANGE your body, absorbing food as new mass or expelling excess slime as needed, and give you changes as drastic as "You're now a cute girl with pink hair, and yes, girl, with fully functional breasts and pussy", or even mix and match, such as making you a dickgirl or cuntboy. Now she does like you, I mean, you saved her life, so she'll listen to you when you tell her how you want to look... but you two are also going to share fetishes from now on. Good news is that's MOSTLY one way, with her being into everything you are. But of the few fetishes she had? Cuddles, cute girls, and transformation were the three she'll NEVER get tired of. I'd wager these can co-exist with your fetishes, but... this also means while she listens, she might not always OBEY. You might be looking at anime girls, and think "FUCK that girl's cute..." only to find your skin transparent as she turns you into her, echoing "Cute cute cute!" in your head, teasingly. Ask her to change you back, and she'll probably just reply with a telepathic raspberry unless you can convince her to change you into an equally fun, sexy, and cute body. You can't make her "change you back", but you can make her transform you again, and subtly influence her decisions... but you might want to be subtle about it. She's VERY impish and might fuck with you if she knows you're trying to "trick" her.

You're in charge of your body for the most part. Motor functions, movement, speech... though she can take control if she tries hard enough. Are you sitting near a cute girl at a bar or park? She might make you blurt out "Cute" before you can stop her... but she does a REALLY good job making your body look cute yourself, so this is more likely to lead to sexual shenanigans than not. What are you going to do, backpedal now that the cute girl's looking your way, interested? Or maybe you reached the bedroom with someone, and your slime GF suddenly bent you over or something. No backing out now!
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She's into the same partners you are, and she's even into the same sex acts you are, so rest assured she won't make you do anything you don't want to do, but "want" is being used generously here. If you'd be INTO it, she'll see no reason not to. She thrusts you into situations you'd find hot unexpectedly, because even if you're into them, she STILL wants to fluster you and hear your cute yelps and voices of surprise.

And finally, a few of her other powers. Monster girls exist (though they are rare), so you won't get locked up in a government lab or anything... on the contrary, you might attract people who are INTO it if it gets out. Perhaps more than you can deal with, so maybe stick to disguises? Your physiology might be human as far as anyone looking at you, or balls deep in you can tell... but you still have some quirks. Being half slime, your body is rubbery, so bones will bend instead of break, being impaled is a minor inconvenience that can heal, and if someone, say, knew you were part slime... they could probably shove you into a fish bowl or jar to fuck with you. You can't carry as much as a normal human can either, so dropping a file drawer on you would be enough to flatten you, another thing people may abuse for fun.

Your GF can also turn herself into "clothes"... but they're more like latex catsuits, bikinis, bunny suits, and other fetishwear. The fun part about it being part of your body is that you can feel it as if it were your skin, and holes can be created in the clothing itself for sex. The bad news is your GF is still impish, and might play "surprise dress up" to embarrass you.

She can also change your body in OTHER ways. While you ARE limited to human limits... losing your limbs would leave you a "human" quad amputee... so if you were into that? Might want to look out for her doing that to you by surprise, because now? She is too! Don't worry, you'll get the mass back... eventually. You can be a shortstack in the meantime though.
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So while she IS into what you are, genuinely loves you enough to call you a "brother", "sister", "boyfie", or "waif" given time, wanting you to live the best life you can... she's ALSO far more eager and energetic than you are, often trying to "spoil" you with new forms of characters or people you find attractive, sexy outfits (made of her), and fun slime shenanigans, and is likely to try to get you to be more active in your sexual and otherwise physically intimate life, with an attitude of "C'mon c'mon c'mon! It'll be fun!"

Hope you can keep up! And watch out for her "pranks"... or don't. They ARE things you'd find hot, after all (even if they are VERY embarrassing)

>I wish I was a milfy futa monstergirl like pic related

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Previous thread: >>10974832

Nvidia: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-NVidia-GPUs
AMD: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-AMD-GPUs
Cloud: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Online-Services
Optimizations: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Optimizations
Extensions: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Extensions
Custom Scripts: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Custom-Scripts
WebUI Forge: github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge

Wiki: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki
Holara: holara.ai/
Training: github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | rentry.org/59xed3
Tags: danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups

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Thanks for the help previous thread, robot-anon.
I'm not complaining, actually I think I'm attracted more to futa without vaginas or shemales. I hate it it before, who knows why my taste changed.
It defaults to one set.
You have to prompt for both explicitly.

It's also a bit of a gacha to get dick+cunt without balls. Doable, just not fully reliable.
It usually fails by placing dick in a wrong spot, like to a side or even below cunt.

t. idort
do you prompt to the strengths of an artist? or to have the AI make something they'd never do?
You can do anything, you're just less likely to get coherent results with unmatching styles.
Say, if you mix a heavily western, detailed artist with a simplistic nip artist. Most of the time it would result in blurry lines and imperfect eyes, but it can cause mutants instead.

You may need specific artists for very distinct stuff. I'd expect robots to be hard.
If you only want cunts, dicks and cum, pretty much anyone will work.

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"From Internet Cult to State Religion" Edition

A thread for the fetishization of power... any depiction of the use or display of extreme power, such as possession, transformation, giantess growth, super strength / muscular bodies, soul vore, godhood / ascension, physical dominance, widespread destruction and others, are all welcome.

Previous thread: >>10869227 (https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10869227)
Archive of omnipotence stories: omnitopia.bplaced.net
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I want a supersoldier goddess wife now
Very based and cozy, would see myself doing something similar before being more active, interventions would be under a new persona that I'd mold to look somewhat humanish, but not fully and be unable to be destroyed just so I get to manifest myself without risking being blown to bits and having to come back mid speach, I wouldn't intervene in usual human affairs, just batshit insane moments, bloodbath tier or meteor on it's way to Earth bad, most of the time I'd be learning and exploring. Maybe I'd find out using said infinite powers if within our universe there is a still alive intelligent civilization of xenos and see if a meet up would be a good idea. (Only if humanity got strong enough though, can't risk a shit situation for my homies.) I'd also clone versions of Earth without humans for animal archival and alternative evolutions, also extra ressources if we deplete Earth too much, you never know.
Befriend B, become fisher price version of A but without powers, B uses you as a vessel for tasks (only if creator), if else then just have fun
I normally prefer giant women, but for some reason I've been getting more into the concept of an incredibly powerful woman who's only a foot or so taller than me with superhero-level abilities. Blocking bullets and cutting dozens of soldiers in half with a single motion. Even better if I'm scared out of my wits of her

Theme questions:

What women are used to appease low status males?
What role do women and their submission play in religions?
How does society use to put strong willed women into their place?
Or what about encouraging men to control the women in their lives?
How does the system of social status/class play out between men?


Imperial Patriarchy stories:

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Personally love it when the patriarchy is explicitly evil. D/s isn't fun when the Dom is good, really.
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I personally love the caption for this one - "When this was a woman's college, there was a different statue here. Only the pedestal remains."
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>The Malthusian Commandments
>Do Not Test The Limits of our Post-Scarcity Society
"Sure, we can set up edible forests, micro-farms, fabricators and recyclers everywhere. But the mechanical things can break and the living things can get sick. When that happens you will have to decide who among your dependants gets fed and who starves. Would you prefer to decide what happens to 3 kids and a wife? How about 2 wives and 9 kids? Or hell, if you're a true patriarch, a hundred desperate wives and hundreds of starving kids?! Never forget, the more you begat, the sooner you gonna have to answer... that question!"
>Protect Your Daughters Until They Outgrow Their Cage
"A good cage lets the canary see the outside world but keeps the cats from reaching in and eating the bird. If the canary can't see anything, doesn't know anything, she won't know that cats are dangerous. And we can't punish cats for wanting a taste of sweet bird flesh, it's just in their nature! But once the canary, your daughter, learns the way of cats, of men's desires, she can be released from her cage and fly without getting bitten... too much!"
>Suffer not the Myrmadonia to live
"This asexually reproducing simulacra of women make me sick! Sick I say! Whoever created them looked at the natural asymmetry of man and woman and bisected it viciously! Speaking as a Man for men, I didn't ask to be made redundant! And I deeply resent the myrmadonia's goddess who thought we were! You know what we should do? We should make her and her creations redundant! That's what we should do!"
>Tolerate the Non-Breeders But Keep Them on A Short Leash
"Gay men should be thankful that can have so much power and authority. Lesbians should be thankful that our population demographics skew so much in their favor. But they are ungrateful to the very system that aids them and seek to undermine it! Just because they aren't contributing to overpopulation doesn't mean they deserve respect! It has to be earned!"

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>Previous thread

>NovelAI (online, non-free)
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/tags

>DALL-E (online, free, cucked by Microsoft)

>Stable Diffusion (local, free)

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Great stuff! Can you catbox it?
would anyone be willing to do this, except maybe changed to just have one hand grabbing the top of her panties as if getting ready to pull it open, or making it so there's an outline of a person already inside her panties? i know someone attempted but didn't end up posting anything since the specifics were too difficult but hopefully it can be done with a somewhat simpler scene?
Damn... can't extract the metadata from there either for some reason. Ah, thanks for trying though.
best one I've got yet, between hibari and sonico idk which pink haired girl I love growing more...

(I find gens of hibari that are good are hard, since NAI wants to combine SK's style with an anime generic style; the eyes/face always come out fucked)

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Because the other two are specific to quads and boys.
Clumsy dsd edition.
Previous Thread >>10821449
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>TFW, you will never have an hot DSD GF to spoil on dates.

>TFW, you will never have a nugget harem who are all in different stages of acceptance.
>tfw no congenital DHD+SSD gf to play light gun games with
Just wait for the "I have nothing left to lose" arc followed by the "Serial kidnapper/murderer in hiding" sequel...

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I'll Loan You My Body - Idol Edition edition.

Previous thread: >>10960639
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yeah, i meant it doesn't go any deep but i'm retarded
Anyone know any good revenge MtF gender bender hentai or stories? The kind where the MtF is unwillingly fucked by a man who doesn't realize his/her true gender?

That's what I would always do in Lilith's throne, but it is a janky furry game that will never get finished. You can enslave randomly generated NPCs and then force-feed them transformative items, or even better, give them cursed gear that slowly transforms them into whatever you want. I like building a harem of girls out of male criminals that attempted to rob me.

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Been so long since we had one of these!
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Need a woman to do this to me.
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Imagine a future where all men are gigantic immobile blobs who have their every needs taken care of by machines, while women (who are still small and thin) are an underclass that's only kept around for picrel and reproduction.

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Nude > All edition
Previous slap: >>10902864
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I'd probably freak out about where my balls went.
Can we ban AI from this board?
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We can't, it's too hot.
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Are you saying these are a lora/model? I would love details if so.

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Any and all are welcome, from Prina to Anime-Tamae and everything inbetween
>Old school fans: What do you like/improved with his newer works?
>New school fans: What would you like to see return from his older works?
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- All artists welcome!
- Post a sample of your art when "taking x requests".
- No AI requests/deliveries or discussion. Take them to the relevant threads.
- Respect /d/ and global rules.
- Do not request drawings of real people.
- Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost your reference. You'll have to repost your full request after the thread 404s anyway, so please conserve post count.
- Do not "bump", "re-request", "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
- Be patient. Art takes time.
- Not all requests will be filled.
- Take it easy and please be nice to the drawfriends! Remember, they do this for fun.
- Drawfriends, don't hold back. If you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take.
- If available, anchor your posts to make deliveries easier to track.
- To make the new drawthread, wait until page 10 at the bump limit so that our awesome booru-master doesn't get swamped!
- Have fun and enjoy the lewd drawings that come from this.

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closest thing atm is the /h/ skeb thread but that's primarily for japanese artists
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Requesting a futa hijab lady with body like in the large ref, you can use top 2 refs for the outfit and pose if you want or make her wear panties showing her bulge instead of pants or make her bottomless with a flaccid cock
Requesting futanari aqua from Kingdom Hearts, dominated by heartless and being forced to lay eggs from her urethra and enjoying her corruption
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Futa Shenhe, let's see something use her ears as an onahole
Rushia Uruha wearing only a bikini forced to swallow various large inanimate objects against her will.

DFC Edition
Previous thread: >>10937754
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>Lately cyborg room mate has been walking around naked around the house.
>She sometimes forgets to put on clothes because of her prosthetic body.
>Back at base she was naked all the time when off duty due to constant maintenance and "other services."
>She looks at me and grins.
>She rubs her boobs.
"Would you like to test me out?"
>Not interested in a used up sex toy.
"Hey! I'm clean. And I just had my pussy refurbished."
"So I'm as good as new."
>Too bad the brain inside her is experienced.
>Plus there's a contract.
"Yeah yeah contract cuck. I get it."
"It's my last chance to integrate into civil society."
>Otherwise the repomen will come.
"And they'll cut out my brain and organs, I know."

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ahh this concept is too good

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The thread for posting pictures, experiences, and adventures around chastity devices.
Both male and female chastity welcome. The more images the better!

Previous Thread: >>10953075
Belt Thread: >>10900184


>Lock Tracker & Guide


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Describe "bondage items".
My cage arrives in June, can't wait. I went to get some lingerie today, I'm pretty excited about having the house to myself, I'll fuck myself silly in just a couple days. I'm tempted to buy a bigger dildo than my 5 incher, but then I remember i just needed that to reach a no-hands orgasm and I don't get the urge anymore.
I'll just try the sock/condom method to make it thicker, I guess.
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no idea what I'm doing here. Do I need visitors to have add or remove options on a lock?
I used one of those hair removal creams for the first time. It seems effective but you need to do it a few times and you need to use so much. Doesn't seem very cost effective in the end.

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Thread for damsel in distress, girls in peril and predicament bondage. Kidnapped, defeated and captured heroines. Game overs and bad endings.

Previous thread: >>10963737
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