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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

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Romuva marriage kind of day.
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Headache + cringeache kind of morning.
hai sleepysu maybe you need dr buge to inject you with fluids
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Tuck me back into bed.
nooo what twake up sleepysu i wanna play doctors
being left alone to play doctors on myself

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I have a massive 6 inch penis!
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its really big compared to mine dont worry anon
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Nice! That's great, anon!
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Congratulations, you have average male genitals.
Biggest white boi on /r9k/
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needs more comment herpaderpa

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yo Wheatley from Portal 2 what up nigga
Thousands of years of upkeep. Thousands of years of studying the Flood. All of it; to still be alone.
lara. you okay?
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Who is this "Wheatley"? Clarify, construct.
I don't know what you are but I want some of that robussy. Where are you hiding it?

What's the point of reproducing if your offspring won't be genetically superior?
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there's always a way to become more feminine or more of a woman, we literally have estrogen pills now adays to improve your genetics.

They will be though, because I have great genes.
Superior to what? The world is full of ants and fish.
none honestly. if we had designer babies I wouldn't care that much about putting in my own genes, the same as how I wouldn't expect a prize dog to have my genes but I'd still care about its pedigree. if I'm gonna raise a kid I just want it to be genetically predisposed to have traits I care about.
Other humans obviously

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why should i date and marry a man when im just going to be cleaning after him and our 3 kids and get cheated on for someone half my age no matter how many times i open my legs

becoming a glorified bangmaid just sounds objectively terrible yet this lifestyle is constantly advertised to me because i was cursed with a vag
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i was jaded before i ever touched this basket-weaving forum sir
>already had friendships i thought were like family members and got suddenly betrayed because they decided i was not "enough"
Describe some of them. How did they suddenly betrya you and what were you doing with them in the months and weeks leading up to that?
i found a secret account where they would tell people our private conversations to make fun of me, calling me names etc. basically telling people i don't speak to about secrets. i found out because they said they bragged about it without saying it was about me and i dug around since i found it strange.

this was during 2020 when i was dealing with covid and other health issues. i didn't notice anything aside from them being more standoffish and denying it when i asked if they were ok. they also ranted about how they found me annoying but was too attached to let me go and they took the friendship fallout badly. ever since then i've kept people at arms length and have an invisible wall for pretty much everyone. it wasn't the only factor in my jadedness but it certainly cranked it up to 11.
Was this a man or a woman? What were they like besides that, and what kind of stuff did you talk to each other about?
my father and mother met at 14 and never cheated on each other and I only remember them loving each other unconditionally and me and my siblings.

You have to sort through the coal to find the diamonds.

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Part of Palestinian protest today at my University was to pray salat. Its Funny seeing troons and women supporting an archaic religion where they would be killed

Any anons in a major university with current Palestinian protests
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Quit making this about 'Jews' some of the largest anti-war and anti-Zionist groups are Jewish, such as Not in our Name/Jewish Voices for Peace, and Jews have been disproportionately harassed and arrested by the fascist cops, just like during the Vietnam war.
Tying "Jews" to "the modern Apartheid state of Israel" is a Zionist, White Supremacist tactic (two sides of the same coin, if you really think about it) aimed and dividing resistance factions and preventing solidarity of those fighting for justice by reifying essentialist racial categories. It's ab old trick that Fascists of all types like to play, and we can't let them get away with it.
Fascism is wrong, no matter who does it.
We don't fight against Zionists because they are Jews, we fight against them, and any other Fascists, BECAUSE THEY ARE FASCISTS, and we welcome all to join our cause to fight for justice, whether Jews, Palestinians, Arabs, Christians, Muslims, Gay, Straight, etc.
Yeah just know you are talking to unironic Trump-supporting right-wing terminally online zoomers who adopted alt-right brainrot as a cope for lacking a personality, guarantee that these people have no relevant lived experience, don't know any Palestinians, never bother to hear their stories or critically think about what they are supporting, etc.
>Narrator: *That*, was a *lie*







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Actual principled Jews should fight on the side of justice and resistance against Apartheid and not line up to support a monster like Netanyahu and his coalition of right-wing extremists and insane bloodthirsty settlers
Not supporting the religion or archaic observance of misinterpretations.
Opposing human sacrifice.

I won't try to douse you.
Thanks for the meal.

Port of Felixstowe edition
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honestly. the government should have an alert for people who can only shop online for clothes now because they are so fucking fat and lazy. grim beyond belief mr cmbyname lad.
Does she have big fat tits though?
no mate droopy saggers. honestly grim as grim gets. like a female seaside mark bloatlord
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state mandated fitness courses for fatties is the way
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>who told you bad man don't dance
>who told you gangster don't dance
>even with a wap on my hip i dance

Why are so many peoplle ok with dating women who had sex before them?

How can you love and feel loved by someone who has had another mans penis inside them and on their face?
How could you think of them as sweet and kind knowing they let another man defile them all the way talking like a nasty whore?
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When we believed in imaginary friends yes
When you consider that a woman having just ONE premarital sex partner increases her chance of divorce from 18% to over 40%, and no fault divorce exists, it makes sense to wait until marriage even outside of a religious context. Look, people can and do act however they want, but let's not act like there aren't consequences or these sort of standards didn't exist in the past for a reason.
I agree simpery started it. After all they got rights through them. Its hilarious to think about because women have the power only men deign to give them, and on the flipside you have men thinking women have all the power.

To any guys reading this thread and wanting a change:
As a collective if we all agree to stop supporting women things will change. The most difficult thing is everyone agreeing to it; its like the union issue. Any workplace will collapse if all the factory workers decide to fuck off, because all the fat cats with money can't do anything meaningful to keep it going.

The small steps to take in your daily life to stop supporting women:
-Don't blatantly agree with what they say just because you want to fuck them
-Don't hold open doors
-Don't pay for anything for her(She works too, remember?)
-Don't look at them and give them attention (They say this is what they want but then bitch how they don't feel attractive to people)

Basically just ignore them and call them out if they speak bullshit. Vote to take away abortions and birth control and any sort of governmental assistance (These are on your tax dollars mostly, not theirs as they do not work long hours or higher end positions)
Modern day brainrot with every midwit thinking they are so much smarter and the past totally had it wrong (Despite being the bedrock for a lot of our advances)

The biggest travesty is that we will be lost to our own hubris and unable to make the necessary changes to course correct. There's absolutely a fix, that's why we have intellect - we just can't apply it because we are thinking with emotions and ego.

I view history as the most useless knowledge in this world, because despite having parallels everyone disregards it. Ce la vie.
Bringing stats to a relationship is always a retard move. Conditions you at every turn and worse, it makes you believe your self fulfilling prophecy is some smart move on your part

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Candy Edition

Previous thread : >>77276768 https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/77276768/

Ignore annoying moids


>Do you like sweets? Why or why not?
>What's your favorite candy? Is there a certain type of candy you generally like (chocolate, fruity, sour, etc)
>What's your LEAST favorite candy?
>Is there a candy you used to like a lot that's been discontinued or you can't get anymore?


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You know these girls film themselves right? Dumb moid.
Yeah its almost like women can't experience life on hard mode.
Isn't that obvious? It would be illegal and immoral otherwise.
>being locked into emotional abusive relationships because youre terrified of being alone means youre life is hard

Oh fuck off moid.
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Part 2, this is getting good. I take it all back, art is cool I guess. She sounds like she has a punchable face, nothing personal. Sorry kpopnona

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music and kindness
that's just what we need
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Oh I forgot: i love Oingo Boingo. Elfman is a very interesting and talented man.
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despair, no hope to repair
your bright visions of the future will never reappear
that sinking feeling brings you ever deeper
crushed below unbearable weight
soulless and tainted you burrow down as you drown
like a mole digs underground replacing soul with soil in a barrow mound
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It's great that you are actually sharing music that you listen to. I'll listen to everything, good night anonies:)

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>Listen, Morty, I hate to break it to you, but what people call love is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hard, Morty, then it slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage. I did it. Your parents are gonna do it. Break the cycle, Morty. Rise above. Focus on science.
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it doesn't even matter; food is not a real thing. what you call "le food" is literally just a chemical reaction that doesn't give you anything.
Retarded comparisons it's not the fact that love is caused by chemicals it's that we are being led by our dicks for some companionship from irrelevant whores when we could become monks
>Stop having fun, they are just chemical rections to make you feel happy, instead you should watch paint dry all day long
Hey I like food. Comparing food to love is ridiculous nigga. You need food but you don't need love
>watch paint dry all day long
What else scientific thing can I do? He said to focus on science but what does that even mean. Also I have ADHD so I can't focus RICK. Having fun and exercising is like the most logical thing to do because what the fuck can I do with science if I have no patience for it

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Ietter thread time
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I thought about writing something, but you've won already.
I'm going to die like this and I don't think there's anything I can do to stop it.
That's okay too. Hope you find it.
FM 4
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she reminds of me, my mom used to gaslight me too

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kids are very mean but i have a record of never calling anyone ugly or unattractive irl
i dont talk to people often but im doing my part
That's what i am saying. Ironically enough integration is working wonderfully for everyone except blacks.
>It works for everyone except blacks
AsianMasculinity and Trump winning off promising deportations say otherwise.
That's an oxymoron
That's minor shit. Texas, a conservative state, is majority mexican but no one gives a shit. You dont see the same patterns of white flight occuring. Intermarriage is the best measurement of intergration and acceptance according to social scientists and US born hispanics with a college degree marry whites more than their own people.

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