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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

Could an FPV drone swarm defeat a USN Carrier Strike Group?
A lucky FPV that managed to pass trough ECMs and CIWS could maybe blow up a plane or dent the command tower, but probably nothing critical.
A WW2 carrier with a unarmored wooden deck maybe. Not a modern one. I guess even late WW2 carriers like Taihou would be safe.

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there will be a joint company composed of KNDS Germany (ex-KMW), KNDS France (ex-Nexter), Rheinmetall and Thales
project will be divided into 8 pillars:

>chassis and automated navigation - German-lead
>cannon, turret and ammo - Franco-German lead
>secondary armament with e.g. guided missiles - French-lead
>communications and battle management system - Franco-German lead
>simulator environment - Franco-German lead
>sensors - French-lead
>protection and drone defense - German-lead
>support and logistical infrastructure - Franco-German lead

for the cannon both the French 140mm and German 130mm are to be tested and then one is to be decided on after evaluations

motor will be a diesel-electric hybrid, quiet electric motor may be used to approach the combat zone undected

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It's over Poorlack and Kpop sisters.
Once they've gotten enough IP from Germany they'll leave the project and build their own anyway.
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Untrue, the BTR4 has an unmanned turret and does very well.

> and 100% in FCAS?
That's plain wrong.
Also trying to put an equivalence between those two project is especially plain wrong. They're not remotely of the same scale.
Aren't these things basically extinct now? Can't remember the last time I saw one

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Assault motorbike with the cope anti-drone net.
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Sure it was
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>It also stops any of them from getting off the ride before it
.... blows up.
Also traps everybody who survived.
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The ride never ends!
They'll want anti assault moterbike cope nets next. The sinews of war are infinate nets and cages.

“Why by God girl, that’s a Colt’s Dragoon!”
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I wouldn't really call it a remake, it's just adapting the same source material. With its own odd touches, these are the Coen Brothers, after all.
Hanged, he's a man, not a painting.
There's a lot of dialogue between westerns and samurai movies, really.
Because structurally and thematically they're the same movies. One just has swords instead of guns (and even then they still sometimes have guns).
cowboys are cool as fuck

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who are the more annoying gun owners: boomers or zoomers?
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gatekeeping is a natural defensive action
>no really, you need to let in the diversity!
>Part of the ruling apologized for fighting the Indians when settling the West.
Ten bucks says he hoovered up joints at Burning Man in his youth. The hippie movement and its consequences have been a disaster for the United States.
>natural defensive action
so is the guilt preventing you from making sexual advances on your sister. what's your point
>The hippie movement and its consequences have been a disaster for the United States.
For everyone, including leftists and people on the other side of planet.
I like how zoomers are normalizing larping and wearing kit and shooty fast.
I hate how zoomers think you need to train and cant just shoot for fun.
I hate how zoomers think the only thing you should have is "high performance" guns.
IE this zoomer asked me why I have a G3 instead of an AR10, and I said well its because I like it. "yeah but its not as practical, garand thumb...".
I hate zoomers because I cant get new made high gloss blued steel and wood guns with no pic rails and iron sights.
Compare a cheap stevens shotgun from the 80s to the current turkshit at the same price range.

Boomers are much the same but opposite.

I cant ever talk to guns with zoomers cause they always mention some dumbass shit about how my M16A1 doesnt have a lpvo so im going to die.
At least the boomers appreciate my tastes in firearms, even if not all of them particularly like scary guns.

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are airguns allowed?
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Yes, frequency depends on how humid/dry your area is and how often its used.
small cheap airgun rifle i can shoot grouse with that has scope and can handle very rough four wheeler/dual sport rides?
currently just shoot them with 22 revolver because they let you walk up and do that but i would rather the challenge of shooting them from longer ranges
define cheap in this case
somewhere around 200 but in reality unlimited budget if it is worth it. cheaper is better since i don’t really need this and i would tend towards .22 caliber since the grouse are already gamey and i want them to die rather quickly so as to not make the meat even worse

been looking at gamo stuff because quiet is better but i have friend with a benjamin nitro piston and am interested since u really don’t like the idea of springs in -20f and below

it does have to be quieter than a 22lr since i already have a couple of those but if i can add to my wishlist a scope that comes with the gun would be very nice since i hate buying additional shit for guns
Keep in mind in airgun world scope should be as expensive if not more than the rifle itself. Airguns are extremely harsh on scopes so you don't want to skimp on one. Look into gas piston rifles since they generate less vibration and are much quieter than springs

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>Benelli M4
The best to ever do it. Nothing comes close.
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iirc a few years ago Benelli did outsource part of their manufacturing to Turkey, no idea if the M4 line is affected however
yeah, the trigger is better than some other long arms, like the AUG, even though it's a shotgun.
we get it, you neither shoot your guns nor can you delay gratification.
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Leon picked M3 tho. You do want Leon's gun.
This game is pure /k/ino
All the guns are satisfying as absolute fuck.

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What kind of weapons would you use to defeat a vampire?
Keep in mind that while vampires are typically vulnerable to silver, garlic, and sunlight, they are also much faster and stronger than a typical human and are vastly more cunning and intelligent. They are also likely to prepare several layers of defenses in their hideouts.
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The flashlight or spotlight would only be effective if you had to haul ass to get it there.
Any anti-vampire flashlight or spotlight should include a sort of jungle-gym dump truck filled with spikes, which you have to swing across on a chain or a rope, to reach the light source. Which is secured on a pedastal, atop the cab.
That level of trial should grant at least 25% vampire effectiveness.
>Any anti-vampire flashlight or spotlight should include a sort of jungle-gym dump truck filled with spikes, which you have to swing across on a chain or a rope, to reach the light source. Which is secured on a pedastal, atop the cab

This an AI post or what?
No I'm just being ridiculous.
Get high as balls on DMT and power through the trip to fight it. If it bites me, I have an advantage - as soon as my DMT-laced blood hits its system, it's going to have the unexpected trip of its life and completely lose the ability to fight back. Then I stake its heart and leave it out for the sun.
The sun is not divine, burn in hell idolatrous heathen.

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How do you justify your ownership of a ”black rifle” when your relatives or other associates question it?
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>your relatives or other associates question it?
nobody I'm related to is this stupid, it's nice.
i really don’t understand you people
do you live in a desert?
the color black is basically camo in itself if you live anywhere else
I don't need to justify it since I don't have any black rifle, I much prefer the HEB brand coffee
I've heard the "nobody needs that". I replied with "nobody needs your ...".

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In Memoriam of Overwhites Edition
OLD: >>61501546
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I think I need another Bushy lower. Crazy what people charge for these
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Hello frens
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damn this looks gucci
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Best place to source a bayonet for my 20 inch Chad rifle?
phantomleaf is one of the most effective camo patterns ever made but it’s always out of stock and nobody makes gear in it.

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What's something that war movies consistently get wrong?
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>>Dere is no glory in war!
but this is true no one even remembers the war I was in
>I've always viewed the Zeon collaborations in California as an allegory for how a significant amount of the Imperial Japanese elite immediately "sold out" to the Americans right after the war. I think pacifism is gay as fuck, but the more I read about that period of time the more I understand why the Japanese leaned into it so hard.
Under the circumstances it was definitely understandable, even if long term the risks are clear. But it's still bought them like 80 years of focusing on civilization and building a pretty nice place, whatever its domestic challenges. They were sold hard on the militarism thing, but their leadership and elites fucked everything so absolutely insanely fucking badly and then the people they shit on who then beat them turned around and rather then just enslave them all or whatever offered effectively to defend them going forward and help rebuild and let them get to it. Makes sense they'd want to purge the fuckhead nobility "throw your babies at their bayonets muh honorabu" militarist assholes and go full swing the other way given that chance.
>>>Dere is no glory in war!
>but this is true no one even remembers the war I was in
its not true as a universal which is what I think anon was mocking. some wars were shitty with zero glory. a lot of civil wars tend to be the worst. some wars had a fair amount of glory mixed in with the usual amount of shitty though.
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>watch chinese movie on the korean war
>intro battle pans to a line of white US troops on top of a hill
>villain music plays
>Every war movie now being a Vietnam war movie.
Unironically why "We Were Soldiers" is my favorite Vietnam movie. It faithfully depicts a combined arms air assault, the soldiers are competent and the battle plan is clear.
That movie is so much closer to actual combat than Platoon or Full Metal Jacket ever fucking could be.

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Post family photos and roast eachother.
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>or just move to a whiter area
How do you unite the pictures?
Is the US like europe where if you want to move to rural places with no noggers you usually end up with places that have no jobs?
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yes thats true everywhere in the world except ethno states like china or israel

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Thoughts?: https://www.janes.com/defence-news/news-detail/new-aerial-vehicle-seen-on-chinese-h-6-bomber
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You're late to the party gweilo
With this most recent achievement, fate has, in a single stroke, marked the decline of the west and spelled a new era of wondrous prosperity and peaceful global dominance for the Chinese dragon, which promises to firmly stand in sharp contrast to the historically bloody ascent of western powers and the cruel subjugation it brought to the humbler nations of the world. The blessings of Chinese
>plasma stealth technology
>undetectable hypersonic wombat vehicles
>quantum direct-current electricity
>neutrino submarine detectors
>hypersaturised turnpin computing
>polygonical airfighters
>rehubridating fields
>gamma titanium mono crystal turbines
>mono-edge wertens
>quantum aircraft carriers

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Because you are nonhuman and thus will go first

Example A. Notice subject's display of simple-minded seethe
Holy 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, Batman. That's a lot of words

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