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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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What inspired you guys to start lifting?
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I see. Well you seem like what the kids would call "based on red pills" and you WILL make it.
Did some trail clearing as a part of my college's community service req. They posted pictures online of people chopping branches and shit. I looked like a demented fat ogre next to everyone else, it was jarring and really motivated me to unfuck my shit.
You it couldn't be about having a magnificent orgasm
>with my experience driving motorcycles at 200+ mph on highways I'm convinced that once I get a Viper there will be a tree out there with my name on it.
there is*
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lol and it's future too, thanks anon

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>Even the most handsome men look. Average as fuck if they bulk up a little bit

Is the Leanpill real?
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>tfw lean but ugly
ok and now?
Better luck next life
It is. I went from 23% bf to 15% and it's soooo good.
Don't worry about what you can't control, improve those things that you can
how retarded do you have to be to think this is some esoteric unproven thing

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>Advice for new runners
- Build up speed and mileage SLOOOOWLY (start with 15 minutes, increase mileage 10% per week)
- It will feel like you're going slow, you are; don't worry about setting good times for a couple months
- If you start to feel pain anywhere, stop and rest
- Don't try to copy what pros are doing. Do what feels natural
- Once you can comfortably roon 6 miles/10km, start thinking about a goal in terms of race distance and time, and look for a training plan for that goal (see below for suggested plans)

>Couch to 5k/Bridge to 10k Guides

>I want to run a fast 5k, 10k, half-marathon, or marathon

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feet and calves but also hip stabilizers will get stressed more but it's alright because the sand is much lower impact than road
Is it your glute? Maybe do some yoga in the meantime
really dumb advice, it doesn't take that long for your body adapt
99% of people that are determined to run everyday won't have the discipline to run slow and short enough on easy days to not get injured or chronically overstrained such that they don't make very good progress.
You may be technically correct but you are practically wrong.
This is my current routine, done it for 1 week so far and it seems ok. Should I move around which days I run? Monday-Friday is a stretch where every day I am either hitting legs at the gym or running.

Mon: Leg day
Tues: Upper and easy 5K
Wed: Easy 5K
Thurs: Leg day
Fri: Upper and long run (10K-15K depending upon how I feel)
Saturday: rest
Sunday: rest

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could a gf fix my sleep? has anybody tried it?
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How do you work on this? My gf doesn't sleep well without me, has anxiety and is codependent on me.
Funniest insult I've seen on this board
Thanks for the kek
I broke up with my gf late 2022 and life has been pure hell since then. I recently found a new gf but she just doesn’t hit the same as the last one. I don’t know what to do
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WAGMI. Posting an after-gym pic from yesterday to mog the blackpillers. You WILL find the love of your life. Billions will find happiness. Keep grinding, gamers.
The codependency problem is something that has to be figured out and dealt with in the head of whoever has it worse. If your girlfriend is the type that wants to go everywhere with you, even when you're going out with your own friends, then she has to work on that, not you. If you've ever been in a fight over something like not sharing information about your every step in life, you need to sit her down and figure out how you can both be together but still live individual lives. Everyone needs privacy, and trust can't come from never leaving each other's sight. It's not easy, and not everyone is willing to change their core feelings, so good luck.
How long were you with the ex? In my experience it takes the same amount of time to truly get over them. If you were with her for two years, it'll take two years to fully forget.
advice: Don't compare the two girls, and figure out early if your current gf is someone you can live with forever, and make a decision on it. Time is precious, don't waste hers or yours because you want sex and comfort in the short term.

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Hi /fit/! I will attend an obstacle course event on Saturday but I haven't exercised in quite a while. How do I get in as good a shape as possible for it in this short span of time? Should I focus on cardio and running?

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>only work out 1-2 days a week, with 4 days rest in between, if not more
>slow controlled reps, focusing on the negative
>1 working set for the muscle(s) you're targeting, to failure (time under tension is king)
Anyone tried this and actually made some gains?
I just started
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Bro calm down. It's okay to be wrong. What's with all the paragraphs with all the mental gymnastic? Who hurt you?
I'm not a pussy. I've worked really hard for years and it never gave me the results that I wanted, and I've only recently started to realize that I was doing too much. Now, I do less, and my strength is going up again and my left knee feels like it's starting to heal.
I don't know what deloading is, but if I need to do it, could it be that I was just working out too often in the first place and that I wouldn't need to deload if I just did less? Why settle for an inefficient routine?
>There is limits to everything and you know that.
Yes, so why did you claim otherwise?

>But instead if facing that truth your stretching what everyone is saying so you can be right
I've never done that, I just provided an exaggerated example depicting why more isn't inherently better.

>Are you autistic?
Yes, I've been diagnosed as a kid, and with ADHD as well, but that has nothing to do with this conversation.
>start working out only once a week max.
Try starting out with MaxOT training. One to two muscle groups per day with at least 6 days between the same muscle group. 6-8 sets max per muscle group, use only exercises you can go heavy with and use a weight heavy enough to reach failure within 4-6 reps.
>It seems pretty logical in my mind
>As a beginner
Since you are new you seem to have a complete misunderstanding of how quickly your body can recover in beginner phase and in intermediate phase.
To me, mentzers program sounds like its meant for intermediate/advanced lifters
take meth too

>nobody home

>want advice
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)

previous thread: archive
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>Doesn't even lift anymore
>Thinks his opinion matters on anything
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damn nigga. so you're basically just another goblinx. SAD!
Bobby and BD boxing match ?
Sumo is considered a deadlift under powerlifting rules. Your dyel ass disagreeing is irrelevant.

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prev thread hit image limit >>74102957

You're going to need to rebuild your house /fit/ the hallways are fatphobic
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The only thing she's influencing is the tides
As a 6'6" man I guess short-privilege is a thing too.
Dr. Pou is based as fuck
also it makes sense to save the young and healthy first, there the ones who will live the longest and are easiest to move
Why the hell would you prioritize 300lb 60yr old paralyzed ham planets?
Then the fat fuck dies from heart faluire and the family sues the hospital for not providing live saving medicine. Doctors aren't personal trainers and aren't responsible for your life choices. You can make the right choices or end up In the hospital where drugs are your only hope
Some have to adjust it forwards to get in, then adjust it back to reach it for driving. Depends on the size of the fatty and their vehicle.

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Which matters more: fitness or intelligence?
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Ok ranjit whites are still stronger then you and blacks lol
Kys sarrrr
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Cope and cope even more White men are pound-for-pound stronger than Black or Hispanic men. Source: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/10/508
the little "bye bye" wave he does when the dude goes down cracked me up

ITT we discuss various skills that can be utilized in everyday life to assist with and solve future situations we may find ourselves in,inwhich those skills could be found useful.
Now how could I train to move a paper around in my hands like this russian fellow?
pardon the zoomer edit nonsense but I had trouble finding it elsewhere.
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>Afraid of the guy they provoked into attacking them?
Yes that is how bullies act when you beat them. Or in this case, stab them. Too bad he killed a Jew, though, that means jailtime in the US.
kek reminds me of the time I hid my phone in a calculator case and used it to cheat the entire math exam,its a great feeling to be cunning,and know that you could beat up most men in a fight if you wanted to.
Reminds me of when I used to deliver pizza to unsuspecting latina milfs wearing bathrobes. Huh...
Yes its Drago after he lost to Rocky

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mfs who shower in they morning:
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I look like this and do this
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mfs who shower at night be wakin up lookn like and go about they day like
I don't get it
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i sweat and get nasty during the night sleeping, also i dont drink coffee so i need a morning shower to even wake up

clears your head, clears your mind, power wash your ass after your morning dump

i shower after the gym in the afternoon anyways. but i do admit going to bed right after a shower is kinda comfy, but i'd get banned from work if i didnt in the morning
I can't possibly be the only person who showers at night and in the morning

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>tfw 23 tomorrow
Bros I don't want to get older
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coming from someone from a flyover that moved to california it is unironically much easier to succeed in a flyover

california is much easier to fail but if you're on a roll there are many more doors to opportunities. I can't imagine having near-perfect sat's and grades only to have to go to some lower-tier cal school because I'm white or asian.
They're supposed to card you if you appear under 40.
>4 years ago
>attending college
>some guy on /fit/ tells me college is a waste of money for retards, its shallow to do normie stuff like party, get drunk, all the girls are whores anyway
>go to college
>do normie stuff
>whored and philandered as much as I possibly could
>burned bridges with 90% of girls I knew
>graduate college
>move far across the country, never see an embarrassment or girl I did dirty ever again
>it doesn't matter
>have hardly seen a single attractive girl out in the real world
>I now dearly cherish every sexual experience I did have

don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise, you need to be actively chasing as much tail as you can while you are in college. Get fit, be hypersocial, don't give a fuck. Trust me, life gets much more boring. Not impossible, but its not like you can just go to the local watering hole and walk home a new bird every single night like you could in school. you only get one shot at time where you are given the keys to so many nubile women in your life.
Is 22 too late to go to college bros?

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reminder that there are people who dont have one and dont understand
>dont understand
checked , literally me.
I prefer the stove.
I'd like the versatility of their higher end rice cookers but nothing about the medium or lower tier lines seems worth it. I love the zojirushi water boilers though.
>rice cooker
You bring dishonor to your family
I have that exact model accept newer. Greatest piece of machinery ever. Even doubles as a friend because it sings to you.
for me, it is the air fryer

Bros... a fascist worked out today...
No, it's my rest day.
It was me

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