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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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Any other promising games coming out this year?
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There is actually a lot of research on mesoamerican societies
songs of syx is anything but barebones.
>no lore
theres lore you are just mindless hater who never even played the game, it avoids the biggest flaw of most city builds which once you figure out basic building block game becomes kinda solved and only variety are campaign maps once those run out its over, Against the storm not only has different random quest every match, biomes with different resources which completely change the gameplay, great progression system and difficulty scaling, it has self generating campaign map which is different every time. Not to mention its very polished and has great UI (will admit its confusing at first cause it has a lot going on). Theres a reason it has overwhelming positive reviews on steam
>good but barebones
What? Are you retarded?
>needs at least 3 times more content desu.
Completely agree, I want much more differences between races architecturally for example and unique building graphics for things like homes and production buildings based on race. I also want processed foods other than bread.
against the storm is not bad, but it doesn't even feel like a colony builder

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We will get a new game one day, right?
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>why did it fail?
the companies it gets outsourced to don't know what shading is maybe or not
don't ask me I'm not an artist
all they had to do was use sprites, not the 3d shit we got
If you still care about this game's SP, then *shrug*. Personally outgrow the SP for this game forever ago.

If you wanna play MP, play AWBW instead...
>muh GRAPHIX!!!

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>want to start new game
>spend 30 minutes trying to generate a map that isn't either straight up broken or nonsensical
Definitely something that's going to have to be improved in the sequel.
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Morale loss is based on strength, aka a level 11 bro dying will send all level 1 bros into panic, but a dead level 1 bro won't have much impact on your level 11 bros
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The "pros" cheat by scouting the map before they start for real. The other option is to hire a lookout in the retinue, they'll help you find stuff easier. You can also find a thoroughfare and camp it as another anon mentioned.
It's a good idea to occasionally step on a mountain to scout the nearby area
>"oh my god our great champion has fallen!" vs. "lol get rekt noob"
>buy expensive bro
>no MATK stars

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>be europoor dev
>need shekels
>have Unreal 4 license
>make assets and ui
>hire artist?sound design? programmers?, easier just to market as total war killer to big youtubers
>almost a decade goes by, close to launch
>tell fans to lower expectations and gaslight them by saying it was always intended to purely be a city builder

So it takes almost a decade to half a half made EA title with no point in playing.

>Look how many apples i harvested
>look how big my city and pop is!
>now i just have to wait 5 years for it ever actually mean anything ingame!

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>it took him longer than 20 mins to complete this shit
Sorry youre retarded
Why are people here saying that this game was made by Russians when the developed is Polish?
Get a grip, it takes 10 seconds at most to google this shit
Ignore the schizos this game, oh my science, is the BEST GAME EVER!!! My life partner is on a holiday with her boyfriend this weekend so I'm going to build so many COOL AND REALISTIC medieval cities and post the cool screenshots on reddit and discord!!!!!
same race
imagine being this mentally ill you sit here basically 24/7 shit up entire board and make stuff up for 2 fucking weeks, how pathetic is your life you surely are some deranged faggot who is on verge of roping yourself.

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Song of Syx thread since last one archived.


It's a low fantasy city builder in the vein of Caeser or Pharaoh series. Oh and for whatever reason, the creator decided to over reach and bolt on a total war component so you can micro like an RTS while taking over the world. City builder is pretty much done and the latter has the foundations in but still unbalanced.

Demo is free-forever and is only a few versions behind the latest stable, good to try so you know whether you will like to core gameplay.

Fantasy means many races with their strengths and weaknesses like Vegetarian pigmen, tall dwarves twice the size of humans, cannibal elves lizards and bugmen. Oh so you want to min-max with all these races don't you? Well, too bad they are all Racists as fuck and prone to murder each other without careful planning. Good thing there's a very robust slavery system for you to prosecute and exploit the undesirables yes?
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Aren't humans way too OP? They are good at farming almost anything, they are pretty good at every industry, they are the best at science by far and despite the tooltips saying they are mediocare combatants they are probably the second best soldiers of all the playable races behind Amevias.
This just looks like a shitter version of manor lords??? What gives??? What a scam!!
Got to be careful with being obsessed with curves. Real cities are blocky and have shit jammed wherever itll fit
My race is fully happy without slaves tho
You're thinking of irl billionaires
They are sexpests, do not let them near your nurseries.

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The writers at Dandylion really are pretty shit when it comes to trying to write any sort of [Conclusion].
To this day I'm still baffled why Ben is a Hard/Cruel boss in a violent case while the final story map of DLC1 is just a random raid on the Clowns' convoy. Crimson Crow at least ended with a climactic showdown and the VHPD in flames.
Irene owes me sex!
She's never gonna fuck you Sion.
I love irene.

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Post your realms, The west has risen edition
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>They won't get shit in anatolia if they win right?
Nope, Greece is just Greece + Albania
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Finished my bloodline rush run
>Started as the count of frisia in 769 become vassal of Saxony and falsely convert to nordic invite the last Merovingian to my court and convert him making his monk trait null married him to my dynasty while reclaiming my father kingdom and converting back to catholic
>Said son of Merovingian reclaimed his fathers kingdoms from the Karl's and married of into their families too Create the Holy Roman Empire and become a saint
>His son spend most of his time consolidating his realm and participating in the first crusade,most of the kingdom become nordic because the Merovingian guy falsely converted and started a cult.Erase every bit of nordicuck sympathizer.His reign was so long that i manage to get 50k of prestige and piety combined and his successor came in just before he died of gout being a satan spawn
>Satan spawn come to power take the crown from the pope hand and become excommunicated,participate in a crusade and the pope forgave me,become the most schizophrenic character by having the voice of jesus and being zealous at the same time being leader of the satan order. Finally he becomes old and i won a crusade for croatia reaching the 100k score beating capetian dysnasty.
In total i had 7 bloodlines with him with 2 being from the in game mechanics (heir to alexander and saint bloodline)
The other ones was Karl Martel,Merovingian,First Christian,Visigoth King. His nephew last in the direct line of succession had 10 that being the Venetian Doge dysnasty,Khazar Dynasty and The Breton king dysnasty (i'm using historical bloodline mod)
I held most of Western Europe by the end of the game
Pretty fun overall which only becoming boring by the last stage like every other paradox game
Next its the agot game where im the duke of red lake and already have the blood of the Dondarrion and Arryn trying to become the king of Stormland and next claim my right in the Vale while at the same time trying to intermarry into the gardeners dynasty
I like those Anatolian kingdoms, desu the vanilla Anatolia kingdom is too big
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Huh, turns out that releasing everything in Greece just makes the pope pick another crusade target, who knew
and tbqh Judea/Jerusalem makes more sense for a first crusade rather than Greece
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And even Africa joined lmao

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I'm very curious if Pink Panzer has learned anything since TNO. Has he finally learned to respect his players' time by not bothering them with unnecessary text in a strategy game, or has the new game given him new opportunities to spread his unbridled need for graphomania?
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>People doesn't change. PinkoPanther still has his nazimindset.
"Don't" you fag

But yes.
Hello ESL.
Hello :)

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I enjoy the remaster
Devs better hope Imperium Surrectum is worth the wait because the only other thing the Remaster offers is the lotr mod.
Oh my SCIENCE is that all that TOTAL LOSE can muster?? Havent they see the flawless success of the TOTAL WAR KILLER, the GREATEST GAME EVER MADE, MANOR LORDS???

I just shit myself so hard from excitement that i came in my cagey!!! Im going to go and play more MANOR LORDS

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Anyone playing this?
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>He's completely unpaid by Steam purchases
Why doesn't he make the game free on steam then? He is never getting this money, the US senate is already planning to seize their assets
they are just politicking about the possibility that they won't, but it is pretty much guaranteed
>He's completely unpaid by Steam purchases
I don't believe this, his publisher is the new Microprose which is not Russian so they can pay him even if it involves jumping some hoops
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>Short game
The hours you will spend designing new ships in the shipworks and testing them out in the campaign is not "short" by any means, kek.
This is my only complaint about it. You can only choose your own ships once, and must work with them under a very tight budget (unless you tinker with the save files)
I'd enjoy combat a lot more if I weren't scared to death of losing my only functional heavy cruiser in this side of the map. Though I guess that is also realistic
>fill my two slots with carriers
>let sevastapol do all the work
I am doing it right, right?

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>filters shitters
Have you bowed to Johan (PBUH) today yet?
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>it's the damn tools again
we really need to start cataloging all the different goods we know so far
Previous poster here. You are right in that way. A bad harvest would mean eating moldy bread, disgusting beets and whatever the hell could be considered edible. I didn't say, "they would eat somewhat well for half the year" for no reason at all. At least there were relief measures by nobles (who didn't want their clients to die) and the clergy (who didn't want their parish to die) to alleviate some of the pain. The middle ages weren't the Irish potato famine, where soulless Anglo vermin, mind-raped my Malthus, would just let the micks die off or flee, while maintaining autisic laws about not shipping grain to Ireland
>naval supplies

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My dick is so fucking hard right now.

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the War Effort Patches continues....
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Well what specifically do you suck at? If you suck at macro, you can watch any of a million youtube videos to get an idea of how to macro more efficiently so your industry doesn't suck and you have enough material. If you suck at combat, it could be because your macro sucks, or because your division templates suck, or because you're not paying enough attention to supply/terrain, etc. Generally speaking the easiest way to succeed at combat is to just macro well, build up a large air force with good fighter and CAS designs, and let airpower win your battles for you.
Not enough hoi4 on the front page. Let's change that
>t. parajew shills

>i love when liberia can shit out 300 divisions and conquer germany!!!! it's so heckin realistic and heckin valid, it reflects my gender identity!!!!
You can actually win the game as Germany, without ever going into war, just by building a lot of planes. You can also help Japan win over the allies, with coups and volunteers. It's more fun than to micromanage an other eastern front campaign all over again.
are the airports in your controlled province or did you just build them in ally controlled territory? If you control the province your planes should have priority on the airport.

How hard will this game mindbreak the paradox fans, when it releases and turns out ot have been absolute shit all along?
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pdx multplayer is most popular in turbo nationalist low iq soulless countries inhabbited by soulless bugmen, like poland, turkey & russia
the more low iq eu4 multiplayer players that get filtered the better
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I know the term is overused but
>rent free
wow a third thread about this unreleased game
I hate paraniggers so much
Paradox board, Paradox website.

Thinking about thos necromancers
>skelly upgrade added in tft
>skelly mage instead of skelly archer as with book of the dead
rustled my skellies it did

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