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It's not uncommon to hear people say that animals must have souls because clearly their dog, cat, horse or whatever has a distinct personality, emotions they can understand and relate to and so on. But if that's the case where do you draw the line? At cattle? Reptiles? Fish? Insects and other invertebrates? Amoebas?
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Bible is all true, sorry :/
Ad homonym
Divinely inspired Translation + personal revelation = based takes
The Hebrew references the life/being, not the natures. Flesh and spirit, Bible only references animals being creatures of the flesh.
Also Elephants or wolves don’t make art, not saying animals cannot have empathy, that their that they have not been given the godly gifts of creation and dominion that humans have
Yes. No I will not elaborate.
There are quite a few descriptions of heaven seen throughout the Bible. Most of them including angels.

Either all animals have souls or none do. Every creeping thing (ie bugs) are always lumped in with animal descriptions.
Would ere on the side that they have some form of metaphysical existence, whether that is a soul or not I do not have those answers

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If that animal bonded with a human, it goes to heaven with that person. If that animal didn't bond with a human, it goes to the heaven of its species.
All mammals have souls, simple as
>it’s the buddhist schizo again
you know they preach about souls too right
>"Either all animals have souls or none do. Every creeping thing (ie bugs) are always lumped in with animal descriptions."
Yes good point. So I believe bugs do have souls.

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Free range popcorn
now we have sex
How come deer are cool with animals but take off if they see a person from a mile away?
no cat ever shot a deer

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So true
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Yeah I don't want to speak to any Chinese data centers, sorry
Forget talking to "le spinosaurus we know nothing about" (the most studied spinosaurid from an articulate skeleton)

I'd need to get on an immediate hotline to talk to Noasaurids and figure out their deal.
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I wanna know if Deltadromeus was some giga-sized noasaurid, because if it was, that would be a HORRID thing to see.
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Absolutely, they're the most esoteric theropod group.

I want believe delta is a noasaurid since it's like a megafauna sized compsognathus

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Why does this little crab cause so much destruction in the coasts of America, SA, and Australia? The native crabs are way bigger, they should be able to just eat it.
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I read somewhere that blue crabs are moving farther north into colder waters because there's so many green crabs to eat.
they dont buy that stuff because its expensive, seafood is generally expensive for anything that isnt a shrimp, because most people dont live near a coast and theres a lot imports, lobster is about $30/lb, you can more beef for that kind of money
Shrimps are very tasty though and easy to prepare
okay, nothing i said was contrary to that
>6 dollars discount when buying twelve of these fuckers
wow what a deal

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Fennec family edition
Previous: >>4700705
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nice paws
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So what your saying is is this is your pfp but you cropped the lower half instead
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top is more attractive let's be real
I like this fox, looks like it scrounges

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Fentanyl edition

Discuss anything related to the bulldog/frenchie/american bully mixes, also known as exotic/toadline bullies, and its associated culture here.
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Shit man even the elderly are getting into the skeem
Gotta leave a legacy for your children to inherit
>Now ya see kid skeemin has always been in our blood, my pops was skeemer, his pops was a skeemer, and so on so forth except the third generation he got into the pigeon breedin so we don't talk much about him but even then the skeem was coursing through his veins. Now, son, ya see cumtank right there? He may not look like much but his bazooka juice is worth millions if you can sell it right, so go on son, jack cumtank off and freeze his semen, we got 10 breedings in 24 hours.
>worrisome reminder that this is going to happen eventually
>children will be skeeming soon enough - mentored by parents
Skeemers will become the new elites, skeemers will become the new bankers, skeemers will become the new Rothschilds, skeemers will become the new jews.

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Blurry animals
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Excellent thread.

Post monkeys, talk about monkeys
For me, it's the pygmy marmoset
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>you have no proof
You are asking for fresh monkey gore to be posted in 4chan, which is a bannable offense.
Just enter one of the anonymous pityfag telegram channels if you think you're so brave.
In 2ch (now 5ch since the Hiromoot incident) they keep talking about new material being released:
>we just won't share it that easy
Good. Please refrain from sharing it or posting any evidence that they even exist. Thank you for complying.

lol Nothing there except old and lame Facebook and Niconico videos.
Some people experience some kind of satisfaction or immense interested in seeing baby monkeys in distress. Pityfags tried to justify feeling like that by coming up with absurd theories and rationalizations, like saying they want to see baby monkeys being crushed because they resemble the closest species that could compete with humanity in a biological sense. Some take the route of justifying the abuse because they see babies as heavily dependent on their mothers to the point they become loud and demanding when they need something, which is seen as annoying and worthy of the abuse.

Any justification for this kind of stuff is ridiculous and if you are feeling like this is okay, you should probably stop watching those videos.

My bet is that this satisfaction people feel is actually a black op conducted by CIA niggers to imprison as much people as possible and then wipe them out, effectively causing a huge population drop which might make the global economy better. Do not fall for the trap and remember that CIA niggers glow in the dark.
> to imprison as much people as possible and then wipe them out, effectively causing a huge population drop
idk man even if they managed to entrap a million people with this it wouldn’t make a dent in global numbers
No, I mean you sound like you're slowly falling down the rabbit hole from binging on this stuff and before you know it you'll be getting your rocks off from watching baby monkeys being tortured.

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Horse General

Lonely Commute Edition

>>4769672 - Old Grey Mare
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Definitely sweeter.
>sitting in a neon lit hellhole
>*Toto's Africa blares on the speakers*
>Mare walks up and passes you a horse drink
>realise you're in the neighties
How would you honestly react?
Higher lactose content.
Damn, good point. Easy to forget the vast majority of Asia can’t actually drink milk without shitting themselves uncontrollably, I always kind of assumed Mongolians could though
more filly.

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>Always wanted to scuba dive a coral reef

>Most are bleached now

>Within a few years they'll all be completely dead

Ive always been too much of a poor wagie to afford scuba gear, get certified, and travel. Now that my prospects are picking up, it's too late. Fuck this world, it's not fair..
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Florida and Mexico springs are really nice to dive.
Indonesia still has some practically untouched reefs
It’s your ear tubes get them checked. You usually get surgery to fix it
There is a lot of freshwater diving in the world, but thermocline is real, and lakes tend to have a lot of sediment at the bottom.
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>>Most are bleached now
you don't actually believe this, do you?
Uhh what? QRD?

Has anyone been to a cat cafe and was it worth it? There's one in the city closest to me and they charge you just for playing/petting with the cats
>>$25 for 30mins
>>$40 for 1 hr
>>$45 for an hour long puzzle activity
>>$60 for a 2hr movie screening
And you have to buy at least 1 drink or snack per hour from their cafe. The main reason I wanted to go is all the cats are available for adoption.
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Just that the cats don't seem happy most of the time, that the staff aren't very good with them or the customers, that it smells
Well these cafes are just temporary shelter until they get adopted anyway
>I've never seen something so woman in all my life
Cat yoga while drinking rosé. Yes, this is very much a real thing.
I guess. Sorry if that sounded critical. I've been s city mouse my entire life.
>Japan/Korea still has them
But they're weird.

As said, I'd go to the rabbit cafe if it's still around. Bunnies are so sawft
I've never been to one and there aren't any near me but I'd love to go to the model train cat cafe.
It never occurred to me how cool model trains are

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Easter edition

previous: >>4725813

short disclaimer: posts about eating/harming buns are not welcome, kindly take it elsewhere! this thread is for rabbit owners and lovers to enjoy, please don't derail with off topic posts or negativity.

general rabbit care resources:

bunny youtube channels:
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Hahaha Peanut, Yes!

She looks so cute and soft! So wonderful that she can spend time outside. Pippa Bun used to love the sunshine and fresh grass.
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rabbit ass is a grave danger
Big fan of these edits.
Is it really an edit
Bunnies do make that silly rapid backwards hop when they're in tight spaces

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Why do these guys trigger my fight or flight so badly? Am I a pussy? Or should I be afraid?
I see these out my window every night except they’re a little taller
Are you scared?
You’re kind of a pussy but they can be intimidating I guess
I don’t know how to describe it but yes

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What was the Silurian landscape like?
In the past, it was assumed that it was basically dry and "dead". without a significant number of living organisms that stand out for being multicellular, eukaryotic, and that carry out photosynthesis and bla bla.
Well, today it is said that the environment was more perished with a "proto-forest" (or lawn) with high quantities of plants and even small worms living in the ground
well paleoanons, can you give me some light???
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Earthworms are about half as old as the Silurian period, and their ability to eat soil and process nutrients relies on rather fertile and well tilled soil. There would have been worm-like myriapods like millipedes and some silverfish-like arthropods scuttling around, certainly.
Scorpions appeared more or less as they are in the Silurian.
Thank you guys!
And about the land? Just a ugly desert?
In your logic, there was not earthworms
There were majestic mountain ranges, highly-eroded smooth rock pillars and boulders, deep canyons and gorges. There were lakes, rivers, waterfalls, and everything in between.
The terrain would be in different places and heights and depths than modern day but the same ingredients would be there.

One thing you would notice is that the soil would be far more sterile, muddy, and grey until things developed further. Early plants and fungi would not be nearly as capable of supporting soil on slopes like they do today, so mudslides and slumps would be drastically more common in the landscape. You would see more deserts, probably anywhere in the shadow of a mountain range that would divert rainclouds.
Heavy rain areas and coastal areas would have moderate plant coverage and these would probably overlook shallow bays with raft-like bacterial mats in peaceful areas, or rocky areas that produce lots of spray and help keep the plants wet.
These plants would follow rivers and streams upstream over time and gradually bring life inland, but it wouldnt be able to protect itself from drying out very effectively for the time being.

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Sleepy edition

>Food &Nutrition
>Outside Enrichment
>Behavioral problems
>Kitten care
>Cat Food Database:

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little eyes?
There are so many cats out there that need homes, and yet I let another give birth to 4 because I couldn't get her fixed due to having no transportation and no place for her to recover. I just hate myself. Now I have 4 more kittens outside to worry about.
the people who post here are cats
This is Ruby
She's been my cat for 6 years, I've picked her up randomly from some lady at the local flea market who was giving her for free. She was in a really bad state but I've nursed her back to health.
She's incredibly intelligent and closer to dog when it comes to how attached she is to me, always waiting me outside when I return from work, sleeping besides me for days when I'm sick. Talkative, likes people, when she plays she never uses her claws.
I need to euthanize her today because of leukemia I didnt even now she has, but it just sprung up last week aggressively and it's actively killing her.

Sorry for the blogpost bros, she is in my lap right now, numb, almost unresponsive, I cant describe how hard this all feels. My biggest regret is that she livid in an (spacious) apartment for 4 and a half years, but the moment I moved where she could roam and play she got really sick.
hey now, watch it with those pointed statements

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