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last >>35547271
qott what is the unhealthiest behavior you refuse to give up
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we're just going to play video games and eat pizza in my neetlair
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officially cigarettes. unofficially all the dumb shit i do for validation.

i thought gooners only did white but maybe i've just never met a real gooner before...
Talking to bpd ex

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Are you an extroverted or introverted tranner?
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I'm sorry you're so cute already. I'm sure your personality matches externally too. You're a cute introverted tranny, and would be a fun shy GF.
>I'm sure your personality matches externally too
dont know what this means
also doubt i would be "fun" im afraid of going out
doubt im ever gonna do either though im thinking its over
bro you are over 80 kilos you're fat as fuck
what the hell is a kilo dude
also i think you are also probably fat nobody hates fat people more than other fat people

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>What is your favourite vegetable?

Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads.

Discord: https://pastebin.com/P644WESi

Previous thread: >>35531887
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what video games are you playing?
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Co-op Stardew Valley with a hot lady who carries us while I run around for whatever she needs. Smash Ultimate by myself, and weekly with a friend. I think I'm okay enough to attend locals now, if only I didn't work weekends. I'm in the Silksong waiting room and have been for a long time now. I don't want to talk about games I have started and intend to complete, but haven't
your mum's nipples
Currently on a complete 100% playthrough of RDR2, that means getting every single missable item/document, bonding to level 4 with every paint/breed of horse, doing every item request/companion activity and collecting all hats, in addition to platinuming the game. The biggest pain is collecting every stolen hat, I swear this shit is the true endgame of RDR2.
Kingdom Come Deliverance

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i'd rather die a virgin than have loveless sex.
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i dont think i can bring myself to type it out anyways, i consented but i still hated it. i dont know why i forced myself to do that
loneliness and horniness make us do things we regret. i've been lonely and horny for a long time.
how do i forget tho? or at least not be so haunted by the memory?
This, I fucking despise how people on here talk about like hookups or 'getting laid' or how many people they have had sex with, it disturbs me to my core.
one hundred per cent

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Why are muslims so anti lgbt? Can they be reformed?

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You guys literally don't even know how much I samefag on here it's crazy how many psyops I'm responsible for
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Why would you even think that
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ffs why you gotta ruin this
i know all about you girly
Why are you doing this I don't understand

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Your "hopefuel" cannot include FFS because:
1. It's out of the price range for many if not most people
2. Even if they can afford some kind of bottom-of-the-line budget surgery, or maybe some gubment-funded option, cheap FFS seems to have really poor success rate. So you could easily end up a permanent uncanny bogged freak who now owes a few thousand (instead of a just a normal looking man not in medical debt).

If you're poor and your face is so fucked you need surgery, you might as well just give up now unless you have some sort of successful grindset going on. It's ok to admit that it's totally hopeless for some people.
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when you're paying cash it's different. insurance price for everything is ~90k, but even paying platinum level insurance + max deductible ends up being like 25-40k (assuming you're on a waitlist for 2 years)
if you were paying cash you could probably get everything at keo/braly for 60-70k, but maybe im off there. prices are crazy now
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That's tits and a nosejob.
>That said, I consider it something to not worry about for the first two years of transition anyway since it's generally not even recommended to get a consult until you've been on HRT for two years due to changes in face shape from the HRT fat redistribution.
This is not good advice.
It's not worth getting a consult, but you should be saving.

Even if you don't need FFS at all, transitioning is fucking expensive. Makeup, clothes, hair and skincare. You're starting with zero inventory, there's a lot of little purchases that add up.

It's why I think waiting to transition can actually be a good thing. If your housing situation isn't settled, if you're just working gigs and stuff, if you don't have all the other things in life that young people have to deal with sorted, you're making an already difficult thing that much more difficult.
My nose is already pretty feminine though, that's the least of my problems
I'm actually going for a consultation with him in a few days. A lot of his results actually look better than FacialTeam. I also had a consultation with Rolfes and I got a $49k quote from him.
mogs me

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Angel Devil Edition

Last time on /bmg/

QOTT: Do you read manga? If so what is one you really enjoyed recently?
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baséd bridget
Good morning bmg! What are your plans for the weekend?
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when youre older than like 15 every birthday feels like a punch in the stomach.
its not my birthday btw

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/lesgen/ is an inclusive general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis or trans, to discuss lesbian relationships and topics.

>QOTT 1: Are you a social drinker? What kind of drunk are you? Favorite alcoholic beverage?
>QOTT 2: How does your personality change around different people?
tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
old thread: >>35517572
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I have to break up with my gf. But its so hard. She is so fucking innocent. This hurts too much. Why why. This is what i get for loving. I should never have bothered. Im a sobbing mess. But i have to do this. Please give me the stength and courage.
She'll be so much better off without me.
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you don't, you should marry her instead
No. Im not capable of love. I dont love anyone. Thats why i have to do this.
wydag that loved too deeply
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is there a market for clown girls, like seriously if I got the makeup and the outfit would that make me more diserable

>short boy that smells your farts
hahhaah well,, that's just..,, yeahhaha thatsm. ummhj Just great hahahahas i would..,, likme,,, love thagt ahahajsjss...
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Oh nononononoooo
>short because to me every man below 5'10 is like a toy
short bots are made to be bottom sluts, they are the ones getting bred

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total [REDACTED] death edition

chudpoon qott: what is your least favorite minority?
non-chudpoon qott: do you like kitties? :3c

previous: >>35545015
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i have a good body, why not flaunt it a little? i can't wait to see what else t does to me
it's joever for me
What about indian women?
i wouldnt fuck one but theyre okay. im scared of the smell

how does it feel like to fail your parents, making them realize their son is just some tranny dicksucking bitch
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king shit
good thing is, it only matters that you are happy, dont live for them
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Thanks anon :) so true
My dad doesn't care but that's mostly because I grew up without him. My faggotry almost killed my mom though, and I hate myself for that. For her I'm still her son and I'm okay with that, I don't want to make her more ashamed. I would never present someone I'm dating to her.
GD doesn't have a reason either if you're agp

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qott: do you drink? what do you like to drink?
qott2: how important is family in your life? are you content with your involvement in family life?
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Meeting some friends in an hour and I need to get ready. I have to do the unthinkable and be cruel enough to nudge him off me. Hope you can all forgive me.
I'm gonna jerk off tonight and orgasm really hard
You will never be forgiven. Enemies for life.
Water, sometimes zero sugar soda, I don't like alcohol so if I do drink it (rare), I usually drink the strongest to get it over with
I love my family, they're pretty involved in my life, especially my aunts n grandma, they're all super supporting and love me a lot :)

post hairy ass
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>be me mtf
>7" dick
>develop sph fetish
how over is it sisters? even when im winning im losing
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you can still wear a cage just turn it 180 retard
you are evil i shouldnt like this
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>be me mtf
>7" dick
>sph fetish
>cages never fit
>born black and expected to be a bbc dom futa
>impossible to find women who prefer topping a black tranny that won't use her dick
Should I just cope and become a service top for chasers
Literally be my slave bottom and let me call you the N word

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Jeeps are encroaching on lesbian turf and if you say anything about it you are disgraced as a 'transphobe', how can we push back against these lowly AGPs?

>another twitter thread
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gatekeeping, and not caring about them trying to cancel us for it. bully rapehons, shame rapehons, make fun of rapehons, laugh at rapehons, clown on rapehons!
they have to actively include them in their filters
I've seen this exact same screenshot reposted for literal years at this point.
crazy they can't find any new material given the supposed tranny epidemic
A jeep is a fucken cat

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