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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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Today: more fractions
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Good practice OP. Keep at it
How many days do you have planned out already?

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If I see one more person on this board use the word qualia I'm going to lose it
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>what if it doesn't come back when you take them off?
Then your brain would be misrepresenting your perception. The point is that the concept of qualia is trying to separate subjective experience from physical reality, which are actually inextricably linked because they are different ways of talking about the same thing.
NTA but are you completely retarded? Whether or not both brains are "normally functioning" has no bearing on the question of "what if my red looks like your blue?"

You're also entirely missing the point of why synesthesia is relevant. Even discounting that some form of mild synesthesia is experienced by up to 1 in 4 people at some point in their lifetime, the existence of synesthesia itself calls into question the causal relationship between perception (i.e., raw signal detection) and qualitative experience of said signal as a conscious agent.
no it doesn't, it's just something which doesn't work as it should. if your pc monitor's colors would start changing based on the audio from PC you'd get over the novelty pretty fast, and realize there's a point to color permanence. a functional one.
just because you can build some retarded shit doesn't mean it's worthy of "functional".
>Even discounting that some form of mild synesthesia is experienced by up to 1 in 4 people at some point in their lifetime
everybody has medical problems in their lifetime, some headache, some non-optimal state.
a car with a broken engine is not worth pondering over. it's a broken car, doesn't work as it should.
the confusion here comes from purpose. a car is built to a purpose, so are we built for a purpose (in the evolutionary sense, the environment shaped us, for a "purpose"). if that purpose is impeded by your problem, you are broken, technically.
Ah, so you are completely retarded. Got it. Enjoy the rest of your life fampai.
I am retarded for engaging with you because it's pretty clear you're on that "can't prove it so I'm right" faggot ride.

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Help me out. I am trying to teach myself to draw and I want to study proper perspective in order to do it.

I'm having trouble trying to rotate a cube by its axis. By drawing the elipse at the base I have an Idea where should the 45° angle of the corner lie (blue line), but I don't know how to figure out where to cut it so the figure keeps the same size but in perspective. Anyone has an idea how to do it? I tried reading some book called "Viewpoints" but it was garbage that didn't explain shit, to be solved in a classroom as part of a course.

Serina Edition

Previous: >>16125002

We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.
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Medically speaking, how do I stop feeling lonely all the time
I got accepted into medical school. I'm so fucking happy.
Congrats anon, US?
find a satisfying addiction
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How did you guys get started with studying medicine? What are some good resources for a retarded idiot who aint never finished 11th grade but wants to learn about drugs and hormones and stuff?

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Consciousness is the product of some quantum effect
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I will never have any bit of respect for people taking your position. it's comfy and safe and doesn't say anything. hyenas running back to some safe space. that's a bitch position unworthy of respect.
Technically a bit, in that quantum tunneling plays a (small, but measured) role in the electron transport chain during cellular respiration, and the exchange force of oxygen in rbc. Standard simple quantum chemistry.
But I'm sure that what this bait thread actually wanted to say is that Entanglement plays a major role in consciousness. And for that, the answer is plain no.
>>16148172 me
>that's a bitch position unworthy of respect.
more clearly that rocks or power grids have consciousness
Penrose's theory is false, and the fact that he actually knows something about quantum shit only makes it worse because it gives ammo to Deepak Chopra types.
even if it were true, that still doesn't imply synthetic brains aren't possible, as we could just add the required quantum effects. my concern is less with how exactly and more with how do we make it last way longer.

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Why is this necessary?
It makes no sense that a conventional calculation of a transition probability gives you an infinite result. What craziness lead to it, a division by zero?
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Yes, that’s right. But that does not mean your large scale theory can be applied at the smaller length scales. Otherwise you’re arguing like people did to wind up with the UV catastrophe. This was surely covered before a QFT course.
Such a large scale theory doesn't exist if it doesn't have a small scale explanation. There is nothing to explain. It would be just pseud screeching about things they call laws, founded on nothing. The building blocks of the large scale must precisely match the small scale.
>your theory isn’t valid down to infinitesimally
This isnt even defined. What the fuck do you mean by "not valid"? We are talking about symbols on a blackboard. It isnt relevant if the theory describes or not reality, thats not the issue here but that a completely theoretical calculation gives out an absurd result. Absurd not because it calculated a wrong probability, but an infinite one, which cant happen no matter how wrong a model is.
>The building blocks of the large scale must precisely match the small scale.
You understand that physics is just an inferential discipline right? It's not the source code to the universe. It is the best approximation that we have right now with the limited knowledge we have right now.

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Did you know that we finally resolved the polytomy of Neoaves?
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If the male is capable of surviving with the handicap of being a walking fast food sign with a giant tail weighing him down then he must have some pretty good genes
It's called the handicap principle. Same reason why frivolous spending is a status signal in humans
Why are penguins so far? I would expect them to be fairly basal, like ostriches chickens, and such.
Maybe they only happen to have colors that are easily visible and attractive to people?

What kind of problems do high-IQ geniuses have?
>inb4; none
for me, it's money
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stress lines on our forehead from always being the smartest person in the room
Constantly feeling like a retard because you have more awareness of how little you actually know and how little you actually understand.

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How accurate is the IDRlabs IQ test and would I expect to score lower on a real one?
I feel like this is a generous result considering few of the questions are like any on other online tests I've done, although those give similar results, and I only got 48/55.
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the timer is way too fast
wait nvm it's a speedrun iq test
I can't think of any important scientist or mathematician who's a member of MENSA. It seems like a club for blowhards.
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the smartest men in the country are posting frogs on the internet
I think so. It reckons I got 45 right and I didn't even get to the last 4. I'm ESL and I was just guessing half of the idioms and dissimilar words

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How did grifters manage to fool retards into believing glorified madlibs is actual artificial intelligence?
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True and real, and is a problem very easy to solve with genocide.
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How can people make any definitive claims about AGI/ASI when we can't even coherently explain what consciousness is? Like right now, aren't our "AIs" basically just glorified calculators trained on huge amounts data aggregation? They're good at accepting inputs and generating outputs but that's it. From that to actual sentience, ie having a Will of its own, seems like a huge leap. How do you even go about making something self-aware?

To me it seems like a bunch of neurotic nerds are just being, well, neurotic nerds. I don't get the doomsday prophecies. What am I missing?
How do you determine whether something has a will of its own?
Anti-intellectual midwit is at least uncensored and can actually say anything unlike this garbage.
Advanced math? The fucker can't even do basic multiplication of integers.

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>Last September, astronomers in Japan detected a series of objects in the Kuiper Belt – described by the BBC as a "doughnut shaped region of icy bodies" beyond the orbit of Neptune – that had unusually warped orbits around the Sun. Researchers Michael Brown and Konstantin Batygin, from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, speculated that only a massive planet's gravitational pull could explain these "orbital anomalies", said Live Science.

>Then in February, scientists narrowed down the "likely hiding" place of the "elusive" planet after they "whittled away" 78% of the "hypothetical world's suspected orbital pathway", said Philip Plait in Scientific American.


>If things go at this rate, it might take about a decade [to find].
Quote from 4.5 years ago

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So what kind of horrific undersea life forms can we expect to find on this new planet? If Pluto can have an ocean then P9 should also have one.
primitive ones at most, in life on Earth terms
I wouldn't worry about it.
>fingers crossed it's a primordial black hole
there could be a small one inside the sun and we would not know
>Based on the helioseismology studies we’ve done, there is almost certainly NOT a black hole in our Sun. Or if there is, it would need to be exceedingly tiny.
anyway, I'd take my black hole as Planet 9 if possible

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Post op trannys are over 10x more like to commit suicide than pre-op trannys


>Although the overall proportion of those experiencing a psychiatric encounter was similar between the vaginoplasty and phalloplasty groups, suicide attempts were more common in the vaginoplasty group (4.4% vs. 1.7%, p=0.033). The rate of a psychiatric encounter occurring after surgery if an episode prior surgery occurred was 33.9% and 26.5% for the vaginoplasty and phalloplasty groups.
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if he was overwhelmed by a group yes but if he peronsally attacked me and become no.
>Literally not one child has undergone surgery for the purposes of gender-affirming care
but they have? several people who were under the age of 18 are now sueing the doctors that performed their mastectomies? quite publicly?
because its not self-solving, its socially contagious, so before one victim is neutralized, they've infected 10 more others. how do you think we got here?
>he doesn't know that autism results in high T low E for both sexes
>he doesn't know that autism causes fewer estrogen receptors
>he doesn't know that autism itself is known to develop when fetal sex hormone levels of any type are elevated
>he doesn't know that HRT supplements the missing estrogen in autistic males and extra T can be converted internally to supplement the missing estrogen in females
>he doesn't know that the instantaneous mental changes described when taking estrogen are indicative of correcting a chemical imbalance
>he doesn't know that an incorrect balance of T/E results in cognitive defects
>he doesn't know that removing the gonads causes dependency on external hormones to prevent cognitive decline
>he doesn't know that the rest of the transition train not described by autism is supported by fetishism, sex addiction, and body dysmorphia

hory shiet, this explains both the sexual discrepancy in autism prevalance, and the discrepancy between mtf/ftm prevalance and causes. has someone managed to suggest this without getting cancelled yet?
modernity? actual retard.

What's the purpose of taking the supremum of the infimum here in equation A1.5? This is apparently supposed to extend arithmetic to infinite decimals.

(D is the set of finite decimals)
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>for [math]n\geq i, \forall i b_i < a_n + 10^{-m}[/math]
Why are you adding the condition [math]n\geq i[/math] here? Also if you were to add that condition it should go after the [math]\forall i[/math].

>This follows because we know that [math]a_n + 10^{-m}[/math] is an upper bound for the entire set (and consequently all subsequences). [math]b_i[/math] can't be equal to [math]a_n + 10^{-m}[/math] otherwise it wouldn't be a lower bound
It's possible for the upper bound of a set to equal the lower bound. It can't happen here because we know more than just that [math]a_n + 10^{-m}[/math] is an upper bound; it is strictly greater than every element in the sequence.

Also I realize I wrote something incorrectly in >>16145731. Instead of
[math]a_n - 10^{-m} \leq \sup \{b_i\} \leq a_n + 10^{-m}[/math]
what I intended was
[math]a_n - 10^{-m} \leq \sup \{b_i | i \in \mathbb{N} \} \leq a_n + 10^{-m}[/math].
>Why are you adding the condition [math]n \geq i[/math]
So would it be ok if I dropped the condition?
>It's possible for the upper bound of a set to equal the lower bound.
I see that, but if [math]b_i = a_n + 10^{-m}[/math] then [math]a_n[/math] would be less than the greatest lower bound which is contradictory.
>So would it be ok if I dropped the condition?
Well, adding a condition means proving a weaker statement than what we wanted to prove. So we want to drop the condition, but that also means the proof of the stronger statement can't use the condition.
>I see that, but if [math]b_i = a_n + 10^{-m}[/math] then [math]a_n[/math] would be less than the greatest lower bound which is contradictory.
If we want to prove this without adding a condition [math]n \geq i[/math], then [math]a_n[/math] isn't necessarily a member of the set.
For all [math]i[/math] we have that [math]b_i \leq a_i < a_n + 10^{-m}[/math].

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As a consequence of Hensel's lemma I have to officially revoke the title of "numbers" from the p-adic fields Q_p for p = 1 mod 4.
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