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How to roll dice: "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the email field rolls 2d6. "dice+5d42+23" rolls 5d42+23. "noko+dice+2d6" rolls 2d6 without showing the roll in the email field.

In the rules department, you can look at http://www.4chan.org/rules - all global and board specific rules are in full effect. Apart from that, only two rules are important.


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Please post all quest threads on /qst/


Quest threads that are posted on /tg/ will be removed.

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Rohirrim ride to war edition

>Previous thread

>Battlefleet Gothic, Blood Bowl, Epic, Kill Team, Man-o-War, Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, Mordheim, Necromunda, Shadow War: Armageddon, Titanicus, Underworlds, Warcry, Warhammer Quest, Warmaster, and any other GW system and board game are welcome.

>Helpful resources: (very much still a WORK IN PROGRESS, feel free to suggest more links to be added!)

>The previous archive links are all dead and any time someone tries to make a new one it gets taken down. If there is content you're looking for ask in the thread and someone might help you out!

[REMINDER: By new /tg/ rules threads are getting auto-saged after 7 days]


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I wouldn't go too heavy into bonepickers, maybe have 3-4. They're great for the price but you need gangers in order to get some range. Autoguns/autopoles are great for getting some pinning in, and too many blunderpoles is seen as a dick move. I wouldn't go for more than two or three in a given list. But good luck with objectively the best house, and I am not biased.
They're definitely exaggerating, the have mounts which are pretty good, and if they're playing in an Ash Waste campaign/scenario, they get access to cool abilities. They do lose a lot in 'in-hive" games, but they're far from being terrible in my eyes.
Autopole is pure trash, 2 slot and now you can't take buss or a 2 weapons for CC loadout anymore. The pole was never the reason people take it, it's the cheap flamer and only gang in the game that can effectively use flamer weapon. Want a pole with autogun? Grab a pistol + autogun, it's even cheaper.
Still new to Necromunda. Got a Cawdor gang I've used once and a Chaos gang which I haven't used at all.

My FLGS is midway through a campaign. There's a plan to to do an ash wastes campaign after. I'm very unfamiliar with ash wastes. What am I in for?

I understand vehicles are a big part of this. The official vehicles are kinda ugly. Are there any good 3rd party vehicles (esp for Cawdor or Chaos)?

Might convert something if not

Do I need a vehicle before starting, or is it the sort of thing you get later on?
Thanks anons,
I'll build up more autogun gangers to fill up my ranks. I definitely need a bit more range, especially for any sector mechanicus maps.
I saw people saying the autopole was bad but couldn't see any issue with the Polearm. I thought 10 points for the Polearm was pretty good until you mentioned that restricts dualwielding and only allows them 1 additional weapon.

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'Miring Edition


>New Errata


The Trove Vault (seed, please!):

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Reminder that a Wizard is stronger than every other class in the game at every aspect of the game at every single level. A Wizard will deal more burst damage, more sustain damage, more single target damage, more AoE damage, tank more damage, heal more damage, mitigate more damage, provide more battle field control, solve every problem, remove more conditions, inflict more conditions, scout more safely, handle social encounters, has the strongest early game, has the strongest late game, always roll high, and never runs out of resources. A wizard crafts more magic items than an artificer, rages more often than a barbarian, seduces more dragons than a bard, heals more than a cleric, summons more creatures than a druid, does more single target damage than a fighter, stuns more often than a monk, has a better aura than paladin, is better at exploration than a ranger, is better at skill checks than a rogue, is better at spell casting than sorcerer, and has stronger cantrips than warlock. All at the same time. Beginning at first level. No other class can ever compete.
>>Suggests we listen to best party member for the task at hand
>>Employs basic tactics and nothing more
>>Misses attacks with style and panache
>does nothing and is a total failure
>optimized champion fighter
ha ha polearm crits go BRRRRRRRRRRR
I'm going to assume the silence is from a lack of criticism of the idea.
I still want my sorcerer subclass with extra attack if anyone knows of a semi decent homebrew.
Besides some martial proficiencies (preferably leaning to heavier weapons) the rest of the features can be ribbons.
Fuckin sucks wizards gets bladesinger and I find the class thematically and mechanically really boring.
>inb4 quickened booming blades
Doesn’t count.

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previous thread: >>92541181

/pfg/ (pathfinder 1e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/RSt0rF0T
/p2g/ (pathfinder 2e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/1zySxwm3
/sfg/ (starfinder) link repository: https://pastebin.com/5yp9s2U3
/3eg/ (D&D 3.X) link repository: https://pastebin.com/VMRsxB2m

The T̶r̶o̶v̶e̶ Vault (seed, please!):

TQ: What's your favourite homebrew and/or houserule?
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The Pharaoh of Osirion seems pretty competent. If you're talking Good in an alignment sense I think the only two Good leaders of major countries are Galfrey and the queen of Kyonin.
I was always disappointed that demodands never got one.
Truth, 2e was a neat idea but it's not good. I haven't tried 2e remastered but my table probably won't bother with it.
dont bother with the remaster. hardly anything is changed, its not worth.
oh come on, plenty has changed ...for the worse.

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You can choose anyone from the real world to add to your party, for dungeon exploration. Who would you pick?
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Croikey, I hope there'nt any cunty sting rois down under that dungeon, mate!
A bunch of SEAL Team Six members
the man died the way he lived - with wildlife in his heart
Dibs on Bear Grylls for my Ranger slot
Infinite water supply

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Welcome to the Old School Renaissance General, the thread dedicated to TSR-era D&D, derived systems, and compatible content.

Broadly, OSR games encourage a tonal and mechanical fidelity to Dungeons & Dragons as played in the game's first decade—less emphasis on linear adventures and overarching meta-plots and a greater emphasis on player agency.

If you are new to the OSR, welcome! Ask us whatever you're curious about: we'll be happy to help you get started.

>Troves, Resources, Blogs, etc:

>Need a starter dungeon? Here's a curated collection:

>Previous thread:

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You can be functionally illiterate and still be able to understand a stop sign. Think about your average weeabo's ability to read japanese. Still might pick up the meaning by context.

3. Struggles to write ANYTHING. Can count to potato.

6-8 Could make a stop sign that others could understand. Can figure out which tavern to go into with a nameplate alone.
I have done this - if I were to offer any advice: in an OSR backdrop, make sure there is a "town" they can get to relatively easily. The way OSR mechanics work, you kind of need one - B4 might serve as inspiration.
>HEMA nerds in the 1970s
No such thing, HEMA started in the 1980s.
Are you sure? I've always been under the impression "HEMA" was an umbrella term for the study and recreation of historical European martial arts - not a specific organization: if it is an organization, I will stand corrected - the SCA was founded in 1966, so I could amend the statement to "SCA nerds."
HEMA is indeed as you say an umbrella term and not a specific organisation, but at the same time refers to a specific movement with a specific point of origin in time, around the 1980s/1990s.

E.g. Fiore dei Liberi never used the term "HEMA" (or however you'd say that in Italian), even though he was doing something that people today are trying to revive when they do HEMA.

Rule of Cool aka "Arquitens Rule" edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

Previous thread: >>92578614

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

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>tell delta squad to restore peace to the middle east
>they start killing the IDF first

what did delta squad mean by this???
Did Alec Guinness ever hurt any of you feelings?
They are very good
They wouldn't do that
I wonder why he was so angry? Mad that it overshadowed the rest of his career I guess. Or maybe he had a vision of the future.

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What does she do with all those young Bretonian mage boys?
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The Lady is heterosexual.
>t. 500lb 35yo heliozoa
Murders them and drinks their blood. Later other elves make footballs out of their skin.
Unironically the least terrible thing she could be doing to them
Unrelated, but why is it a terrible revelation to Brets that their lady goddess is actually a lady goddess (elf) ? She still protects the knights and hands out more blessings than most wh fantasy gods

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>All the underdog factions are non-humans
>Becomes the most popular TRPG setting
Was making humanity a dominant and overwhelming force the secret to being a popular game all along?
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ripping off heavy metal magazine is not an aesthetic
>Necrons, Tyranids, Orkz when they're on the attack and technically chaos if you discount their human gimp bitches
Have you even read a single book set in the setting? It's purposefully written so humanity is the underdog on the backfoot even in this dogshit capeshit infested nuhammer
I wish retarded /v/ tourist was a bannable offense.
I wouldn't call it a secret, but yes.
Yes it is, go back to R*ddit you uncultured faggot.
>all the underdog factions are nonhuman
is not the same as
>all nonhman factions are underdog
Reading is not your strong suit.

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Have been running a campaign with some friends for the last year +, and uh... well considering we use discord for it mainly, I've taken to having a bit of fun with the session planning.

I have used a random picture of john goodman in every single event posting. every one. from the big lebowsky to the terrible 'death sentence', no event has been safe from the mark of the goodman.

my players have yet to say anything to me about it. not a peep. I think theyre too confused and intimidated to say anything in fear of what I might start doing next, maybe john appearing in game.

actually I may just start doing that. random NPC's are just john goodman in different fantasy dress...hmm

just thought it was worth a giggle and a share. remember fellow DM/GM/ST's out there; you dont need scary monsters or 5d chess scenarios to screw with your players.
Cute if true, Schizo-kun
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I think it'd actually be really really charming if you were to use AI or photoshop to give the players visual references for characters but make them more and more ridiculous versions of Goodman
>local blacksmith
>ornery dwarf
>bugbear chieftan
>captured damsel
>masked knight (you can just barely make out his eyes through the visor
>benevolent regent
>his evil vizier
>the court wizard
>golem statue in the dungeon
>demon lord
>castle wall (not a character it just is one of those optical illusion AIs that hides an image within an image of the city so it looks like John Goodman if you squint at it

Getting these dropped in chat without explanation as a player would flatten me. Please take it farther.
>the damsel in distress

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Have you played it before? On what sapphic escapades did you go?

(Knowing /tg/, it absolutely won't go to hell)
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Idea 1. Make each player a Bannerman of a different supporting kingdom/tribe, possibly the church as a faction. Half for one emprie, half for the other. They're still working together, but they need to put their own side first. Players are STRICTLY prevented from TPK, as it would start a massive war.

Idea 2. Love triangles EVERYWHERE>

Idea 3. Vendors,merchants , suppliers.

Idea 4. Flesh out extended family. parents in law.

Idea 5. Have BACKUP suitors, in case the first fails.

Idea 6. Variable amounts of gayness. Warrior tribe thinks husband needs to do gay rituals to prove himself, ect.

Wildcard. Heirs really aren't into it.
>Assuming that because men don’t show up, they don’t exist
With all the glaring flaws you've pointed out, like the lack of dynamics, it's actually tempting to try and write an improved version of TLS 2.0 and share if for free, just to prove chuds can write better gay shit than fags.
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> The idea of it being a luxury among nobility is interesting but I was just going to have it all be girls. Maybe men existed at one point, but now it's all girls
Aye, I'm good with that.
In my gay system, you get +1 forward by telling a girl who's into you that you're gay. Triple forward if you cuck her and/or steal her boyfriend.

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Why it failed?
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I've seen people state Basic Fantasy RPG isn't OSR because gold for xp is an optional rule at the back of the book and clerics get better mileage out of the weapon tables than fighters.
You can tell who actually plays and runs games in OSR circles because they'll make one or both of those minor tweaks and just play instead of theorycrafting and screeching like a howler monkey over insignificant changes.
Gonnerman is trying to reproduce D&D as played before the year 2000 as opposed to D&D as played in its first decade, so of course there's going to be some overlap but also some discrepancies. You can make a few tweaks and then it becomes OSR, or you can pick a game that doesn't need those tweaks.
>just play instead of theorycrafting and screeching like a howler monkey,
screeched he.
You're a sinophile, I see. Traditional Hepburn romanization is the only one designed for the Latin alphabet and English language, and I could give zero fucks about how Japanese people believe sounds should be translated into Latin characters, they support sinophilic interpretations because they don't speak or write English. Senpai. Ganbatte.
Doesn't that imply that any houserules to OSR games mean they stop being OSR as well?

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How do you paint your minis? I just got my first set and I'm planning on painting all the human minis white and the goblins/orcs black and brown.
White is very difficult to paint, use several thin coats so that the paint doesnt clump up unevenly and ruin the mini. it takes a lot longer but its worth it

Work in Progress, "Pile of Shame" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

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will never stop being funny that actually skilled painters are like "yeah just use whichever it doesn't matter much" but consoomerbrain retards on wip that cannot stop buying every single product that comes out need to pretend you need an extremely specific primer or your miniature will look awful and be ruined forever
literally what I said
And Roman Lapatt
Some competition painters don't prime at all and just start painting directly onto the model. A lot don't varnish at all because the varnish affects the colours/finish. That doesn't make it a good idea for your average person to do those things. Paying $30 for a GW spray can over $5 for a hardware store spray can is absolutely full retard.
Hardware stores in my vicinity no longer sells cork and biggest "bottle stopper" out of rubber I could find is 32mm in diameter. Any suggestions on what could I use to pin metal models designed for 55mm bases instead?

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