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Mic: Guys!! Today is the watershed (moment)!!

Mic: Let's go!! This is the last big job!!!

AFO(?): Wounded heroes... Even with these numbers, I won't feel a thing ...how lonely.

AFO(?): You're scrap meat who will never reach All Might.
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AFO(?): (Time to) sweep up.

Burnin: Divert it!!
At least its cellotape and not a sextape.
I though the flaming sidekicks died?
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Burnin(?): He's fast...!

Burnin(?): Unless we use tens of people to deal with one of his actions,

Burnin(?): this won't even be a fight!

Kendou: Everyone, don't get separated!!

Kendou: Let's fight as one in a group!

Deku: I have to go-----

Deku (thinking): My body...!

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Chapter 6: Meandering
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No this is Patrick
Translation: "I'm old. Let me have some peace and quiet in my twilight years, and my estate will publish all of my sketchbooks when I die"
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there's also this tweet from the same author

>When I had a conversation with Hitoshi Ashinano last March, I received a colored paper drawn by Alpha. It would be a shame if only I could see it, so I will post it here with his permission. I hope it reaches those who love Yokohama! The teacher is currently preparing a new work! fun! !
Well, fingers crossed, but I'm going to stay believing we're not getting anything new that way my hopes don't keep getting dashed
i wonder if the plane fuel is cheap in 10x world, there should be more deposits (but placed deeper on the other hand)

Japanese people are fantastic storytellers but awful storywriters. Adapting Western works instead of shitty manga/LNs or bringing in Western writers to do the story would solve so many of anime's biggest issues.
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sure, my point is that a western elfen lied just doesn't exist, at least not in animation form. anon is sad that he aged out of a kids show and shocked that he aged into a not-kids show. hate western media all you want, but the comparison given sucks
It's a perfectly apt comparison really.
Japan has much more trust in their audience to the point even shounenshit like bleach and JJK end up having a lot of depth anyone actively looking for depth can engage with.
This is just not the case with the westoids, entertainment for kids is glorified tiktok short compilations with rapid fire jokes, entertainment for adults is the same thing with more toilet humor, swear words and quips, that's kinda it.
>Record of Lodoss War
...is written by a japanese guy though?
damn whoever runs this page is grasping at straws

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Thanks for confirming it. Mods!
Bleach's asspulls were tasteful and soulful, other manga cannot compete.
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>Mha has more jjk spoilers than this thread
who the fuck still reads mha

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>Be a corporate slave
>Just finished drinking party with co-workers
>Angry jk blocks your path
>Gives you this sign
How do you respond?
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Has anyone stumbled upon a quality version of these? I've ordered the album but it's gonna take a while before it gets to my shithole
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i approve of it therefore it's well-received
not that many people watch the anime on stream in japan, but it has plenty of new fans and fan artists following on social media. The music receives alot of attention too, big numbers
Where is this pic from? Is this character sheet included with the album? I don't remember hearing about that.

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RAWs for the last chapter have been released.
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I thought that it was pretty clear that Gorosei are weak shitters who ride on their op DF and Immortality operation
If Sanjiblud is K.O. its over for shep
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Sanji will save her.

I believe.
See here's the thing. Imu holds the heart of the gorosei.
I will admit. This panels pretty sick with the implication that Sanji is so quick he kicked off somewhere, then kicked off the sword, and instantly jawed an elder.

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If you like shogi, then you might like this series. If you don't like shogi, then you might like this series because I don't know anything about shogi and I enjoy it just fine.

Chapter 1
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Isn't 3-gatsu also a romcom? This doesn't seem to be like that so far.
Hope you'll stick around for the daily.
I've been liking this a lot so far. Dunno if the AI stuff will play a bigger part, seems like it could stifle the narrative a lot but the way they worked in in was pretty neat
>see pic
>instantly want to ask "is this yaoi?"
>scroll the thread
>anons already did this
Why it is so obvious?
It's already better

So now that a new tournament is underway. Who do you think is a part of the 8 strongest to be competing over the privilege that is becoming Shen's play toy?
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Pretty sure that since Ashura's success, Sandrobitch is essentially unsupervised and can write all the slop he wants. It also somehow doesn't stop faggots from enjoying his shit, so why even bother paying an editor ?
It's so interesting isn't it how so much of Sandro's writing just feels like he's fighting with his readers?
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Keeping the CEOs as self-serving scumbags wouldn't have made Omega better. But man, it would have been much more interesting than what we got.
There's a bizarre amount of spite that comes through in Sandro's writing from time to time in the oddest places.
Lu Tian is a great example, what did he possibly do to deserve his ultimate fate? Sure whatever kill evil bad worm, but there's still a leap between just that and deciding to have him be living in agony for two years on an IV drip because he can't turn off guihun(even though it turned off after the fight...), then have his return teased as a cliffhanger only to also reveal that he's basically a braindead chimp who can only scream NIKOOOOOO now and he gets brutally killed by a flashlight, then other characters talk about how pathetic it was to have had any trouble killing him.
I miss Togo so much it's unreal

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Deontay again giving us what the people want.
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But it was the other way and worked out for the best in the end. Creator's rule #1: never listen to the demands of your fans. Or only listen to them to do the opposite thing.
>/bort/ is literally dead
It used to be a really good general too . . . I liked schizoposting with you guys and doing the fanfic requests for you guys. Really I think I liked /bort/ more than I liked Bort itself, if that makes any sense. I haven't been keeping up with TBV for months now since it's been so boring but I decided to pop in and see if I missed anything good or if discussion was good again and I guess not.
Boruto is better as an idea, a concept.
This thread was decent before the ritual borusara shitpost.

I've been enjoying this season so far. Not sure why everyone is complaining about the melodrama. It's an anime set in high school, what were you expecting?
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I'm glad Hibike finally getting it's own kyoani cow. This needs to be updated by adding Mama chan.
now you tell us
nah, it's easier to just coast and numb yourself.
Reina was always very busty, and Midori literally called Asuka "oppai-senpai".
Asuka, Kaori and Reina are all canonically turbo beauties. You wonder why no guy in the band is hitting on them.

Why're girl bullying boy allowed?
Japan needs to put a stop to this
That's a man though.
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If you ban it, I'll kill you.

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Fusion are cool but they also fucking suck and defuse before actually doing anything.
The most balanced power up in Dragon Ball.
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Morning, gentlemen.
Imagine the STENCH
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How do pisstards justify this?

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How does he manage to stay always relevant?
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Shotas are into her
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Funnily enough a version of their first meeting is when she "married" an ugly bastard manlet.
I've never watched a women named Fujiko Mine but it looks pretty shit
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it's quite stylish, honestly gets kind of trippy
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And more ass groping

Not entirely IMO. It has its moments and it has one of my favorite Jigen episodes out of the whole series.

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You know the routine: share your favorite girls and evaluate others' preferences.
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You need a dictionary, lil nigga lol. Now go to bed. Grown folks are talking.
More like you're just one boring-ass nerd nigga, lmao
Firstly, improve your English skills. Secondly, please take a shower, as I suspect you have an unpleasant odor.
"English skills"
Lmao, kys retard
You have a bad odor, please take a shower.

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