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6 replies omitted. Click here to view.
>The tiny snack jars are good bt a full sized stck is juust too much
A full size can is 6 servings and the reason there's a lid is so you can put it back on after you've had some. You're not supposed to eat the whole fucking can in one sitting.
These used to be my favorite, then like 10 years ago (longer?) they changed the recipe and have never been the same since.
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farmhouse cheddar >>>>>>>> everything else
pringles suck balls and if you eat them, you are gay
what's the difference between these and the regular ones

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When I go to Red Lobster, I always wear my admiral's hat. The staff there knows not to give me a menu, because the admiral always gets the Admiral's Feast.
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>Red Lobster
Never been. Would go. Like fish. Is good
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>Never been. Would go. Like fish. Is good
I need olives can you bring me Olives its only my style to be Secret please bring me five can of olive
No those are tater tots. The whole point of this picture is everything is fried in a factory then frozen and thrown in the fryer at the restaurant. Nobody fries scallops like that with breading, its complete trash.
Honest question; where will the blacks go for a fancy night out on the town now?
I’ve been going there for nearly a quarter of a century and in all that time it’s been THE destination for blacks wanting to impress other blacks.

Are cooking youtubers worth watching, or is it better to learn skills from books and recipes?
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Youtubers are a waste of time unless they speak French or Italian.
If you watch how to make meatballs from youtube before you make youtube you might make a better meatball, that's all I'm going to say.
You can learn more from watching someone than just reading a text
It's hard to say.
I mean, generally the best way to learn a new recipe is by seeing the entire process demonstrated by someone who knows how to do it well.
Youtuber is a bad metric for quality. Most of them are insufferable cunts.
All I ever do is watch youtuber if I want a recipe. If I don't use a recipe where I can watch the step by step then I fuck it up.

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Is there a reason this has 2 holes? I’m confused
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I can tell by looking that you fill at the top and drink through a straw in the front. The second hole will also prevent a vacuum from forming when you try to drink out of the small hole.

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What more do you need?
More like what don’t I need. Colon cancer.
Some asparagus or roasted brussel sprouts and a side of extra hot horseradish for that steak and you're all set
Greens and a salad on the side, nice big glass of Dr. Pepper.
Looks great, but I don’t like mashed potatoes because I have a weird thing with food textures. I’d prefer some white rice or toasted sourdough for the carbohydrate portion. Also, some beer to wash it down with.

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You agree with your people?
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the other thread with this same picture is literally still up
Useless graph. I like what I like
>except Greek/Turkish
why, its basically italian + syrian food
No it isn't. It's shit, just like the "people" who make it.
Authentic Chinese cuisine is bottom tier, but westernized Chinese cuisine is right where it should be.
Surprised Brazilian and Peruvian are so low, they’re both edible.
French should be at the very top.

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that looks good
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careful with the n words guys, I got banned the other day. we clearly have a dark skinned jannie prowling around.
racism is against the rules
Most 4chan rules are kinda fucked up like that but only a few rotten mods actually enforce all of them, most just delete spam
4chan? disliking racism?
it’s sooner than you think
based thread until the /pol/eddit retards invaded

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going here tomorrow. what do I order?
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I got a gift card otherwise I wouldn't have gone there but Meatball Sub or New York Steamer are both great.
Came here to say this.
Smokehouse Beef & Cheddar Brisket
easily their best thing
$20 for a sandwich, fucking crazy shit.
This. No sauce. Keep or remove jalapenos. Put doritios in it. God tier.

This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20389604 (OP)
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That can happen, we found a few teapots on those etsy stores in the rentry that were from the same artists /the same models as some on YS and they were cheaper.
It was one of these shops
Scott has kids to feed, he is trying to get paid. At this point he also owns at least two warehouses and probably has 10+ employees.
W2t greens finally touched down in chicago. Anyone had a chance to try any yet?
The 2012 aged shai hong from KTM is nice. Definitely not just scented water
>I don't think anyone has really said that his tea is shit. Most complaints are his over the top tasting notes, his prices and his "600 year old tree" puer cakes.
That is the impression I have always got as well. Their tea should be fine.

>Does anyone actually enjoy shaihong?
I do but I also like white teas... I don't drink them for the "fragrance" I just find them tasty. However, I do tend to leaf heavily.

>I see teaware I like on YS and search on aliexpress
It is always worth shopping around. If you got the patience you can often find a better deal on Chinese mass produced teaware.
I get a great calming effect and nice mouthfeel from good white teas

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personally, I am of the belief that anything below 50% is not even real chocolate at all, and 70% is milk chocolate. I prefer 90%. How about you?
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Based cocoa contains caffeine enjoyer
>black girl gets AIDS from dad
>black girl gets raped by mom
>black girl gets GED
>black girl gets job
what does that have to do with dark chocolate (food item)?
>bitters: chocolate
>bitters: alcohol
Personally I can't eat any chocolate below 115% real, pure, unadulterated cocoa bean. It's just too sweet and lacks taste and I cannot fathom how anyone besides women, children and the lowest-T, soyest """men""" could like it.

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Doctored up Red Baron pepperoni pizza
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I sauteed the onions and peppers before putting on the pizza
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Make your own thread, faggot
it's translucent and therefore cooked
you sound insufferable
I bet you're eating alone

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>burns your hand
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I won't lie, I don't understand how how after months of use my pan still isn't anything like this. How are you washing it, if at all, after use? All I do is run hot water in it while the pan is still hot and the grime is loose, and I scrap the gunk off with a wooden spatula. No soap, no scrubbing, nada
seriously though, why don't cast iron manufacturers just insulate the handle?
So you can put it in the oven. You can buy removable sleeves for the handle, and some old fashioned ones have removable wooden handles.
A small, dry, cotton washcloth works fine.
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Just so we're clear, the silicon isn't what gets into your food. The silicon just has micropores that trap dishwashing detergents inside it when you clean it, which seep into your food. Neither one is good but I still think it's an important distinction to make

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W E B M thread
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holy shit I haven't seen that in decades
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Making it look like a wang on the magazine cover was like so immature.
eating garbage makes you black...
good to know.

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>be an american chain
>give literally every country but america the best menu items
wtf man
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white chocolate and doritos?
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Do people in other countries actually like these? Foreign countries American inspired foods are always the weirdest fucking things
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5 daughters is better
that looks good but it also looks like it's missing all the delicious fryer oil in krispy kremes

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I just had Korean BBQ last night /ck/
what did I think of it?
Who did you go with? I dont know how to make friends to get korean bbq with.
just my small group of guy friends from church
also if you manage to find coworkers that are a gamers befriend them since they most likely are the edgelord/shitlord types
wish you the best man making friends as an adult sucks ass
You're super blessed, literally, to have church friends :) Obviously I can't see them fully in the picture but they look like actual men too who will have your back. Maybe Ill start going to church again
Also, it looks alright. It doesn't look super amazing. You probably thought it was good but not something you'd have all the time.
Lol this looks terrible.

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