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This board is for:
  • Asking for help in finding an image or the source of an image, or more of a certain kind of image.
  • Asking for photoshop requests.
  • Asking for recommendations for a new anime or TV series to watch, or a new manga or comic series to read.
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Once you have posted your request, please check the catalog for requests that you can help others with.
All threads and images should pertain to "work-safe" material. For adult content please use /r/ - Requests and for help with personal matters please use /adv/ - Advice.

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WebM files with sound can now be uploaded!

i like tough games, and ive heard that Omikron the Nomad Soul is one of them (heard Bowie wrote songs for it too so thats cool), and i want to play it.
However, all the links ive found thus far have all been to buy it instead of pirate it so... help, pls?
Thanks in advance

this is a repost btw cause for some reason i cant see the OG post i made?? Maybe it got deleted somehow? idk
my guy you don't have $10?
1. My native currency is dogshit, so no, $10 is infact expensive to me
2. Besides its difficulty ive heard its not really a good game so, no im not spending any money on an old game ill get solely for masochism n such. Im sick, not stupid.

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Anyone know which scene/timestamp in the movie the second quote is from? I wanna see the full scene but don't wanna watch the entire movie yet since I haven't finished the series

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Who she?
akessonellen on everything.

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I need high res picrel, it's by banpai akira and all booru links are dead or lower res
google images didn't work for me
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And here's a picture of a physical version from a Japanese auction website.
Sorry but i want the exact version, since it's not worth it to crop the low res text and legs in, and blue text out,
but thanks for trying

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Can someone help me find an arg/creepypasta about sentient drones/satelites flying over some kind of post apocaliptic earth and transmitting its "thoughts", if i remember correctly it was very famous and old so sorry if i am being a newfag
17776 (also known as What Football Will Look Like in the Future)?

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Anyone know where to find the Bronx full albums?
Torrent or download. All torrents I have have 0 seeds.
Use Soulseek
Ok, that is awesome. I found them. Thank you very much. It reminds me of the old peercommons days without the "my fellow Americans" spam

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How do I find artists who drew different characters at some point. What I'm trying to do is filter artists, if the artist has character A and B under their tag. They should show up. Is there like any way to do that cuz I couldn't find anything? Idk If I'm retarded or there isn't such an option.
I'm trying to find images of Karin from blue archive and Jeanne alter in the same art style, preferably made by the same artist, separate images.

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Anything similar to picrel? (Political Science for Dummies)
I want to read, not through a computer screen however, about the general political atmosphere and different concepts, with key people (e.g. Hitler as a key figure of Nazism). Preferably it should not be US-specific since I'm European

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Can you fellows recommend me a must read book for new parents like how to guide our children so they grow up to be good human beings.
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Grimms' Fairy Tales, aka the collection of fairy and folk tales compiled by the Grimm Brothers
Not to read for yourself, to read to your children
It is instrumental to their development that they be told folk tales
man shut the fuck up
most parenting books are scams. your best bet would probably unironically be to wing it and consult with several other parents as issues come up, take their advice with a grain of salt, and come up with your own conclusions. there's never going to be any advice (which isnt SUPER general) which will fit for everyone so youll need to think critically about it regardless, at which point youre basically just reading an entire book about one parent's opinion, at which point you may as well just talk to other parents directly

sorry i cant provide you with an actual recommendation
yeah pretty much what i was getting at

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Source of this image? Would appreciate it, thanks.
why are you so useless
Thanks. Although, I previously did try to reverse image search in Yandex and google images, but the source didn't come up. Whatever, all good now.

Knowledge or Know Lady on Steam

can anyone id the furniture ball? looks like an electric arm warmer you stick your arms into like a hug

can someone provide pics of any other examples like this?

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looking for a comic/panels that looks roughly like this. It's a dude complaining about women fighting when in armor in medieval settings but justifying women fighting when they're half naked
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there was a thread where this was posted and someone edited it to remove the speech bubbles and it was obviously funnier and better
>you're not supposed to read all the words, just to see at a glance that he's rationalizing with his dick.
If this was true you could
>someone edited it to remove the speech bubbles
be able to look at the pictures and see him having a visible erection. The point is conveyed with words words words
I like it better with the words even though I still haven't read them, and I won't.
The author calls itself Kasia, so it's probably just a woman making fun of how guys think. They find it cute.
(Women don't really have political views, they just gossip.)

That's assuming the artist isn't a tranny. If it's a tranny it's political/leftist.
This one actually portrays mental gymnastics, because the one doing the criticism is aware of the opposing side's arguments, but is exposing its hypocrisy.

This one is cartoonishly bad argumentation, because whoever is criticizing this position does not even know what people from this side of the discussion think or how they are wrong. Alternatively, it didn't happen.

tl;dr for niggers like >>1456610: Women can't into logical thinking.
it's a dumb meme but leftist wall text doesnt apply here. the entire point is that he's overrationalizing. it even ends with a "..."

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Pic semi related, I’m looking for the name of a pc game that was once popular in the early days of YouTube, but eludes me completely.
It was a physics based sandbox type game, a bit like Toribash, where you’d place blue 3d stick men, animate their movements, and then spawn things like cars to run them over and watch as they blasted into pieces.
Basically a crash test dummy type game.
Rekkaturvat / Porrasturvat / Dismount Levels?
interactive buddy?
Same era, but none of those
>early days of Youtube
Zoomers don't understand time, what exactly do you mean by early days? 2005-2008? 2016, when you started watching Pewdiepie screaming at minecraft mods or whatever?

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How would you describe this kind of music (I like the part from 0:00 to 1:10)?
I just started using suno ai, and I want it to make some stuff like this, but I'm not sure which lines would be the ones to use to get something similar. I don't even know what "instruments" or how can I describe what I'm listening.
i'd call it trance. there's some woodblock sounds in there but most of it is synthesized

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