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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

You're teleported onto Titanic's Bow (front) the moment it spots the iceberg, what do you do from there?
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The lifeboats weren't guarded though.
>he doesn’t know
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Break into the telegraph room to have them start putting an SOS of the actual location Titanic was at.
You then get shot by Lightoller for trying to embark on a boat while dressed as a woman and plunge into the freezing water below, because this is 1912 - not 2024.

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>The church is the bride of Christ
Umm Christianbros what is this?
I didn't know you loved Jesus that much...
We sure do
If the church is the bride of Christ and also the Body of Christ then Mary is Jesus's mother-in-law as well as mother.

Just a lighthearted joke, no blasphemy intended. I love Catholics... well except for American Catholics.
The Eucharist is the Body of Christ

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"Why Do We Oppose the Jew?" by Dr. Joseph Geobbels


Did he have a point?
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>We probably fucked up, bad.

So your "this would never happen in nature" is nonsense.
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Damn. Good point.
Well that just fucking sucks. Is humanity doomed to just endlessly regress because we're too emotional to let go of our crab mentality? Holy fuck, what a blackpill. I hate might makes right now.
>Chad Goebbels
He was a limp dwarf who was also a serial sex pest.
It's not even might makes right, it's quantity > quality. That's the only thing that makes r selected human populations better than k selected populations. We're fucked, we're so fucked. No more renaissances, no more golden ages, no more empires. The more jam packed this planet gets the more retarded and gay it will get too. Maybe the depopulation crowd among the elites were right all along? I don't even know if that would solve anything.

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Which Roman era Germanic tribe or state had the most impact? Hard mode: Besides the Franks and the Anglo-Saxons that is.
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The genetic map is also clearly bullshit because we even see clusters of germanic descent even in North Africa after the Vandals invaded. Not much, but there is a tiny percentage
>you are spain-obsessed if you respond or engage in the spanix shitposters that make it their duty to derail threads with their haploshit
And the Basques never received the influence of the Goths too btw, so you are contradicting yourself.
Unironically yes. This board is my playground.
the best germans are the least germanic ones (southern)

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Humans are evil. Most here would torture and murder other conscious beings for arbitrary reasons. People pretend to be good, they seem good, until push comes to shove, in fact it doesn't even take a shove, if there are no consequences to their actions they are inclined to harm you. There is no true good in the world.
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No, it wouldn't. The resources would be hoarded.
Everyone else on earth exists as a retarded tranny hivemind controlled by God that only exists so he can dominate and abuse me through them because he's a retarded sadist. I'm the only one even capable of doing good because God is inherently evil for forcing me to exist as the sole frame of reference for this reality against my will and everything that happens is happening within the context of this constant, permanent, unjustifiable violation by God against me.
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Humans are lazy, greedy and selfish
Every human except me is controlled by God so humans are whatever God is.
I’ve spent most of my life being the butt of the joke. Maybe I should take the psychopath pill and just start treating these monkeys like garbage.

What modern European group are Scythians most related to?

Also does anybody have that art of a tocharian/Scythian man surrounded by his harem of Asian girls? Thanks, I think it came from Twitter artist or something
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To be honest, I think that genetics and blood relationships are much more important than language and culture.
what how?
If that were true, Romanians and Hungarians would be passionate Slavs and Estonians, passionate Balts, South Italians, passionate Greeks, and so on, but they ain't.
Estonians are Balts with a small Finnish admixture, Hungarians are Slavs, and Romanians are southern Slavs.
genetically this is true.
Italians and Greeks are very different, by the way.

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I can't tell the difference between a Turk, Kurd, Arab, Persian or Assyrian. Are they all different ethnicities? If so what are their defining physical characteristics.
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I descend from the janissary settlers of the caucasus. There was no rape, that is a european concept of barbarians who drink themselves to delusion and can't control their urges.
Turk is synonymous with traitor + mutt. That's the entire point of your nation. Be proud of it, your granddad probably got a lot of gold.
>Says the anglo saxon
That picture sums it up perfectly. The left one looks Arab. The right one looks Kurdish. Number 20 looks Turkish and the remaining one looks Persian.
Turks aren't Turkic at all genetically.

Why did Christianity fail?
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The Trinity is made up and it created a massive amount of intellectual tension within the tradition.

It is an intellectually unsatisfying religion.

Try Buddhism or Islam.
>and it created a massive amount of intellectual tension within the tradition.
Show me the failures, I will show you what God *should* have made.
Go find another thread to tank with your schizoid arrogance. You are one of those people that genuinely thinks they know more than anyone and have greater insight than all.
Cult of Passion is an idiot you should all ignore.
It hasn't

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Whats the history of trickle down economics?
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Has extremely reduced global inequality.
Trickle-up economics is what's actually real. Poor people spend their money, thereby reinvesting it into the greater economy. Rich people just hoard. That's why wealth redistribution always has the same result.
One day, Laffer drew a graph on a napkin in order to illustrate that a tax increase or cut does not necessarily result in a 1:1 gain or loss in revenue. Everyone has been aggressively shitting their pants and screeching over this development ever since.
>The entirety of the field of Economics in two sentences
>Those digits.
Well, that settles that then.
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Trade unions were not allowed under the Soviet Union. Also not all wealth trickles down from the top, sometimes people can generate wealth on their own initiative, even if it is difficult and not everyone becomes a millionaire it doesn't hurt to allow people that freedom. Communism is an evil oppressive ideology.

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were they actually from cyprus/greece/anatolia (as they are according to jewish tradition)?
what happened to them?

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>was a backwater shithole for most of its existence
>somehow the only non-western country to industrialize, develop and become on par with the west
How did China, India and the Middle East failed where Japan succeeded?
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>We need to export Scandinavian women to Japan, STAT!
We can send the "based" women, who appeal to right-wing men on Twitter and later have out of wedlock children with non-whites.
2 birds with 1 stone.
Race. Communism in China's case.
Europeans weren't interested in carving up japan, unlike the Ottomans, Persia, Or China
>Latinxos are B tier

You know this was made by a Paco.
Its from a streaming tranny

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What's a Vahaduo model I can use to model my ancient ancestors?
t. sperm donor child
You are just descended from boring old English peasantry. Sad!
Time for you to compensate by LARPing as an Aryan chariot driver and obsess over PIE fan-fictions and haploautism, like every incel on this board.
Hello Lord Miles
Try Barcin_N (neolithic farmer), Corded Ware PNL_001 (Western Steppe Herder with Forest-Steppe Component, Ganj Dareh Neolithic (Zagrosian), Kotias Mesolithic (CHG), Natufian_Israel, Iberomaurusian, Onge, Devils_Cave and Villabruna mesolithic
Id say run it on Single not Distance, using the "modern population average scaled" sheet on Source. That what I did.
But I still dont know how to adjust it to get consistent results. You get slightly different results every time you run it. Nothing too drastic though.

Also do this as well >>16555619

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Non-physical things don't exist. Or at least there are no good reasons to think they do exist.

Prove that a soul exists. You can't.
Prove that God exists. You can't.
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>Like, the solar eclipse
Famously, Einstein had to wait a decade or so, or more, for his theory of general relativity to be verified. Since it required a study of the effects of bending of spacetime on light through the moon. He only got his Nobel prize after. Even more so, the first experiment for a time was thought to prove him wrong. I forgot why they decided to try again, they possibly realized a measurement error.

It took 20 years of the theory to be verified, or so, and this was because of the elusiveness of experimentation. How many miracles are accounted for by both the Orthodox and Catholic church every year? How many saints? And who has actually done a thorough examination on these results and may correctly falsify them?
Non-physical things influence the path and manner of physical things, therefore they exist.
I personally trust the testimonies of inbred goat herders from a time when people unironically believed in stuff like dog-headed men and fox-sized ants. That sounds the most reasonable to me.
Your in for a bumpy road. All paranormal phenomena are real (or refer to real entities, even if their nature is not understood).

UAP is the most obvious
>Prove that a soul exists. You can't.
then why do i literally feel my soul right now

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>if anything this just further proves ξανθος (xanthos) did not mean blond or yellow like it does in modern greek.

We have known that for decades, only the Karl Earlson "nordics are aliens" type of people still take it seriously. The whole theory is based on how a poetic term is translated into modern english its not a reliable method. Not every english translation is consistent even: T. E. Lawrence's (writting under T. E. Shaw) translation of the Odyssey uses brown-haired instead of blond-haired to describe menelaus in the first book.
Nords lost again
joomersisters... not like this, looks like it's menorah dilation time, again...
brown hair turns reddish in the summer
Red hair?

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