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I'm not being edgy or trolling, but I really want to watch my wife fuck another man.
I think it's because I'm bored of our sex life, I also think it would motivate her to get in shape, and it also serves as my penance for having an affair.
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Is this your conclusion?
Give it to me straight mr bateman.
>be in my self improoooovement arch
>100% striving-pilled
>meet cute guy that has similar mindset and goals
>fall in love
>start dating
>get married
>have kids
>he is taking off, being in the best shape ever, getting promotions and widening his social circle
>i get burned out, lose my libido, get depressed, suicidal, just straight up not having a good time
>feel guilty because i feel like i keep him stuck, am a burden and drag him down
>he insists that it is fine
>it is in fact not fine
>cant help feeling like he would be better off without me and having a wife that can keep up with his pace without it flooring her every few months
>always try to pick myself back up and try again but it just ends up making things even worse

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get depressed,-> lose your libido -> suicidal

How the fuck do you ask out girls while they're working? It just seems awkward, and like a massive faux pas.

There's a girl at the grocery store who is super cute and we always talk a little when I check out but I can't imagine how awkward it would be if I asked her out in earshot of all her coworkers and other customers. I imagine they're not even allowed to give out their number while.on the clock. Any advice?
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>another post with inability to even imagine these conversations
>instantly just jumped to reddit projection of his own problems

At first I thought you are stupid, then I thought you are just pretending, now I am sure you are deranged autistic.
Its incredible, you are completely brainwashed by reddit and incapable of thinking on your own. I wonder what kind of trauma causes this. This reality denying stubbornness of mental self punishment similar to 'its possible to just manifest 100k without ever working' or 'teleportation is possible' or 'doing nothing but eating fries will make me look like arnold' followed by mental gymnastics and made up facts while running away from topic at hand and being incapable of writing how he'd actually get there

Running away from conversation is the most bizarre part. Imagined the inveitable success without being able to write anything he'd say. He cannot comprehand people having verbal communication, to him by his own words are fundamentally impossible.

Its amazing. That guy believes that humans are harassing strangers on streets or in stores into relationships. I wonder if it comes from childhood, hes the guy so mother is the first woman he had a connection with. Could that comes from his mother? What led him to think any strangers could fuck her at any moment? What abuse did he subjegate him into thinking that strangers can ever speak?
Tell us about your mother reddit schizo. Did she perhaps fuck random strangers, who never even had to speak to her?
Why do you think every stranger can fuck every woman just by saying "hi"?
Did you have to look at it go down?

Explain yourself to us, lets unpack some of this trauma you've been carrying. Treat it as a safe space.

It's bizarre you are so hyperfocused on just naming random locations, while simultaneously being unable to write what could be said in them. Have you ever been outside on your own yet? I can't imagine what a crushing blow to your mental health it will be once you do and see that people dont just fuck random people walking past them. Your obsession with the idea people dont communicate verbally is also interesting. Are you capable of actually speaking?

Can you even understand the doublethinking paradox you're presenting to everyone?
If you believe people can speak to strangers, you could write what they'd say.
Your inability to write anything that could be said is a proof that you cannot do it.
Surely even with your traumatic abusive childhood and your unstable mother you can understand that to normal people, you come off bizarre and deranged.
We have writings of all human beings who have lived up until now, and none of them wrote anything about speaking to strangers. There are no words or phrases that a person can use to ever communicate, build relationship, get to know someone or form a bond with anyone but their friends out of school and it's a fact.

Every day people post everything they do, every other action and conversation type has written down evidence of them occurring, except for 1 thing and it's men/women talking to each other to date or form relationship outside of schools.
You have to be seriously deranged and at odds with reality to ever lie that it can happen just because someone on reddit wrote that "they did it"
If you saw a comment saying that
>I can turn leafs into golden bricks
would you believe that as well, with no explanation or recording or any evidence that it took place? Because that's the same logic that people use to justify their constant spam of reddit location list with no elaboration.

You need to go outside for once in your life or even justpick up a book or watch a movie or engage with human culture at any level except for reddit spam written by chatbots.
If you went to a bar you'd see it's just people sitting at tables with their close ones and no option for a man to ever get to talk to them. There's no way to ever speak to anyone ever outside of schools.
Shit you dont even need to do any of it, you just need non-nigger brain that lets you ponder hypotheticals. If you could do it, you'd just imagine yourself in a bar, looking at a table of strangers or out in the park walking past some couple thinking what could be said to them and you'd quickly arrive at conclusion there is NOTHING that can be said or talked about with them at all in any way.
If you still insist that strangers can speak, you're just an autistic nigger who has never left your room and never been involved with human culture at all beyond your same ai written comments on quora/reddit
Wow, that hit a nerve. Are you okay?
don't worry, he's just a troll. I don't lurk /adv/ usually but from the other answers I gather he does this here a lot. I don't know why, but to continually pretend to be such a person just to get a reaction out of strangers you'd have to be just as fucked up as a person actually believing what he's saying.

your trolling is obvious, because according to your theory, every person moving to a new city (where they have 0 friends/family) would forever be alone there. This is obviously not the case, and even the most deranged basement dweller raised by Pakistani fundamentalists will instantly understand this. so maybe you'd want to refine your shtick a little.

>The normal conversation is not speaking at all because cool people do not ever speak to strangers
Cool people are usually those who remain confident while speaking to strangers. This is why people accept them as leaders and admire them, because talking to strangers is what gets you ahead. This is true for business, social settings, life in general - and of course romance.

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>5'3" man
>is it over?
I was quite tall when I was young but eventually stopped growing. When I was tall relative to everyone else I just existed and social interaction was easy. As I grew older, I started getting bullied which reached its peak in the last year of high school. I didn't consciously know I was short then (probably sounds crazy to some of you but I unironically had the 6'1" mindset or whatever) so I blamed it all on society generally being antisocial, being a zoomer and everything. I'm now in college and finally understand that it was my height all along - there are plenty of social people they just don't want to associate with me. I'm not really bothered about girls knowing all the MGTOW stuff but women AND men don't like me. When I'm outside I just get constant signals of people not wanting me to be in their presence or whatever and it's turned me from someone who's out going to your typical weird short man. Now I'm preparing to start working and I'm wondering if I'm also going to shat on in work. Learning about the halo effect and such has taught me that even if I grind in my job someone else will be promoted because they're taller than me. Or if I join a community of people into something weird/niche I'll still be at the bottom of the social hierarchy even if the group is usually associated with losers. I need some short men who are going to tell me the truth about my situation because it either gives me the options of
>insane grinding on some sort of online business where I don't have to interact with people
Obviously these things can be goals for normal people but I'm wondering if I should drop everything and literally use every hour of the day to achieve these goals so I can get there as soon as possible. Of course I just want to chill and be a normal person but if its literally impossible in this society to do that I understand what I have to do
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Haha he looks so wobbly and retarded
>puas are man's medicine to a changing date culture
PUA culture was an honorable attempt at this but it's ultimately a misguided one, because PUAs are retarded apes whose sense of masculinity is consequently ape-like and retarded. All it has done over time is trained young men and women to disregard intellectual masculinity in favor of barbaric masculinity. The result is the hot dumpster fire of modern dating which is a completely degrading experience for anyone with an IQ over 130.
Whenever you feel like it's over, realize that fat chicks exist.
if your cute you should transmaxx.

this is the way it has been for a long time
why do you think nobles wrote poetry and duelled in medieval europe

i guess what's changed is there's no guaranteed supply of pussy so instead of the local ugly girl you're almost forced to marry, you now get nothing

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Why do women prefer older men?
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My sister is 'young for her age', probably looks closer to 30, but she's starting to wall now. Unfortunately she often confides in me when she wants a "guy's perspective" which means I have to endure awkward conversations about how why the latest boytoy is ghosting her.
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If OP was a male he would be reposted on IncelTear and called Incel by every redditor, it's incredible how if you switch the gender of intermet feminist opinions they look like an Incel manifesto
they don't really, unless it's a provider type relationship. they like older men who still look handsome and are established. but that's a very small minority of men. none of my friends in their early 30s are slaying young pussy and they have decent careers

I have a sweat gland disorder and its horrible
This kill me in the summer
it affects my life a lot and I will never have a girlfriend
Im really sensitive to everything
>pointing finger at you
Move to a cooler climate.
I used to sweat if there was a sudden knock on the door. Once I started meditating I could consciously observe the whole process unfold inside me, and let it go. I no longer have such episodes.

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>met this girl online a year ago
>we live in completely different states
>we've talked / called every single day since then
>realize last week ago on our anniversary of meeting that we won't likely ever actual meet up in person because she's still in college for 3 years and I'm about to start working full-time in a different state
>we just "broke" up tonight
>we both deleted all the photos we sent of each other
>she's deleting her account so she isn't tempted to text me
Holy fuck this hurts so fucking bad, seeing / hearing her cry broke me in half.
Who will text me good morning / good night?
Who will send me funny little messages?
Who will call me her little nickname she gave me?
God this hurts so much, what the fuck can I do
I'm crying
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I know I know
The thing that fucked up is she has 3 years of undergrad, then 4 years of medical school.
How can we make it work?
Bruh, why not just visit her. You could even move there. If she's that perfect, you should give it some effort. I had my LDR for 3 years before a chance arose to meet her. Then it was a 9 hour train ride but I made the trip. It's about getting closer little by little.
Maybe it was a fat, creepy old guy in singlet and underpants typing one-handed.
Just find another bitch online, holy fuck bro.
if you've invested that much you should have just fucking visited her, and moved there

people move countries to be with a spouse all the time

love is so rare that if you have it you should sieze it, jobs are more transient

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Is it bad to have a mommy girlfriend?
My girlfriend's very motherly, caring, always cooks for me, taking care of me etc. Like pic related really. I love it, but it does kinda feel like a mom son relationship. I sometimes worry it's not healthy for me to give in to this so much.
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this anon does NOT have a mommy girlfriend
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I think it only gets weird if the woman looks like your mother.

Mommy gf seems like a dream but unfortunately does not really exist anymore. So If you found a diamond in the rough and you're happy then maintain and consider long term commitment even if it's scary.
That's hot af, just roll with it. I ain't getting no pussy you lucky ass. What Id do to have a badass older 40 year old MILF bitch with a thicc, shapely yet physically fit body let me suck LSD her titties in the car and take me shopping for new clothes and see a movie. Then we go to her place and Netflix chill fuck all night smokin a few dank ass Phillies and getting stupid drunk off Jack Daniels. Gets me rock hard, Mmmmm.
I guess if you've dated a few mommy gfs and got sick of them but some people ain't getting nuthin bruh why don't you just appreciate the unobtanium you have
Btw Id see Kung Fu Panda 4 with my bad 40 year old super model trophy bitch btw, and she'd be rocking Prada and Gucci. I'm into fancy ass shit live it up like Yeezy fuck every bitch ass poser ass wannabe be original don't be a cop out make some dope ass shit make them hoes pussy wet

Get wild get free, seek financial freedom. Trip out do some psychedelics make art music film etc just do sumn that'll make art ho's squirt.

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I think I hit a new low because I'm starting to get feelings for a hot Asian escort that I've been fucking. She's the only female that's been super nice and flirty with me. How do I snap myself out of it. I feel so much happier every time I have sex with her.
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Listen to nickatina and smoove. She can tell you are harmless and is playing you so you to come back bringing your money. If you get crazy you gonna get an ass whoopin robbed o worse. This is assuming you arent full of shit.
Just pay her and fuck her. Enjoy it while it lasts. Use that experience to get confidence and go after regular chicks.
Why didn't you take the advice last time you posted this?
>Why didn't you take the advice last time you posted this?

Why do some people repetitively post the same threads, supposedly seeking advice, but never acting on any they receive?
Do you think you are special? She sells her cunt and her warmth for money. She is just better at it than most. As soon as you are done taking up her, she cleans her cunt (hopefully), and goes to see the next lonely man. You must never love a whore. They are business owners and you are the customer. Nothing more.

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What is the honeymoon phase like? When does the honeymoon phase end in a relationship?
It is the phase where the fantasy you have projecting on someone has not been irreversibly shattered yet. It depends on how hard you projected on to them and how well they actually live up to your fantasy or at least can make you believe they do. Some people manage to destroy the illusion in a matter of days, others can keep it up for five years or so. It also ends when one person changes and suddenly does not fit the narrative that was expected by the other person anymore or one person changes and now wants something else in a partner.

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I need some help on navigating a situation with this chick I've been roleplaying with online. We've only roleplayed about three times and she's been super clingy, which by itself isn't a bad thing IMO.

The issue I'm having is that today she tried to get me to roleplay with her by saying she was having a bad day, I had to set boundaries with her at which point she got upset

that boiled down to "Hey, I'm not sure I'm comfortable roleplaying just so you can have some escapism, but I'm totally happy to do anything else"

She got upset, said she wanted to be left alone and then DMed me an hour later.

This progressed into her telling me that it's either she roleplays or drinks because she has nothing else. I then told her I needed to go to bed after we exchanged a few in-character messages.

Before logging off I told her I may not be able to roleplay tomorrow, but she immediately started trying to barter for my time. Give a little, she tries to take more. My gut tells me I'm being used and I'm inclined to go with it.

Do I talk to her again? Do I block her at this point? How do you properly handle this?
Suggest an irl date. If the answer is "no" then say goodbye and ghost her.

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How have the Chads you've known in elementary school or even from highschool turned out?
I've had the coolest friend back then but now I don't even know where he lives or anything else about him, for that matter.
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Most of the kids at my school who complained about bullies just hated other kids and didn’t know how to relate to them. They brought it on themselves, in other words. Contrary to the Hollywood stereotype (which is mostly an expression of bitter chosen Jews alienated from society for the same reason), people who are good looking, physically fit, and well-liked are usually the nicest - what do they have to complain about? Why would they want to be mean? There’s plenty of opportunity for them everywhere, and they don’t guard it jealously.
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I'm doing great.
I knew five.
One went to a soccer college then married a girl we both went to school with and last time i saw her she was pregnant with their second baby.
One went to the military and went to iraq. When he cane home he got married, had two kids, opened a salsa dance school and a shared work space type of thing during lock down. He is an engineer and is currently in charge of designing the new train station for the capital city in my country.
One moved away and i have no idea what he is doing now.
One i do not even know where he lives now. I once saw him on the road in a bmw, kek
One i ran into at the grocery store a few years ago and he said he has two daughters and still lives in the city we went to school in but i do not know much more about it.
Basically, most of them are doing way better than me from what i know.
This. The popular kids at my school were the kind and generous ones. The ones that got bullied were bullied by other miserable cunts that were preoccupied in some dumb game of superiority and competition. It was usually those that judged the shit out of others for their clothes, their looks, their grades and so on but usually they just had either rich parents so would only wear factory new name brand shit and then bully the broke kids or they had good grades and thought they were einstein and thus in the right to make fun of people that did not autistically spend all their time studying. They usually had other blatant flaws like being ugly as sin, fat, no friends or whatever and tried to make up for it by exaggerating their perceived superiority to get some sense of self worth. It was rather pathetic. Chad and stacy would just meet up at the park, listen to music, go to the public pool, go to the club, make out and have fun in the meantime.
We had in our high school a kid who played lights out basketball. This guy scored 20+ points routinely, had to constantly be triple-teamed. His Dad was a college basketball coach. Everyone thought he was going to go a big-time NCAA school.

Instead, dude had serious drug problems and flamed out during early college. No clue what happened after that.

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-22 Argentino
-Living in smallville
-No gf(cheated on me but i don't care honestly)
-No car
-No college
-No dreams other than reach old age comfortable and blow my head when i get physically limited due to my age
-I learned english by myself so i thought of giving private lessons but now i think i will get judge by my looks and my autism, also i don't have a english degree because i learned by myself
-Diagnosed as psycho for not showing empathy nor resentment (i just don't bond with people bc it tires me out)
-Good at math
-I do exercise on a daily basis
-Can socialize for the sake of profit
-Parents died at 18

I'm running out of money from their inheritance and i don't have work experience. I just want to make my dream come true doing the least possible effort in the process. Pls if you can make it to be step by step.
>Living in smallville
>modest inheritance
>Diagnosed as psycho
>Good at math
Day trader.

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I often don't understand why people like me. I find it frustrating. A lot of people like my company which sounds like something I shouldn't complain about (and it's not that I hate it), it's just that I don't get it.

I'm a hot mess. I'm up to my eyes in mental illness, I often overshare, and generally I'm not very socially adept. I struggle to make human connection and tend to be a loner. So.. i don't get why people like me. I had a friend confess some things to me and he said how much he enjoys me and how we're similar. And we are it's just I don't get why he likes me so much. It's confusing to me.

It's so weird because I am someone who retreats from others almost always yet my entire life I've been something of a social magnet. People naturally gravitate towards me for reasons I have never understood. I'm not mean or evil or anything like that of course, I just don't get what people see in this mentally ill, severely broken human who can barely keep afloat in life. I don't mean this as a humble brag, I'm just genuinely frustrated with my own lack of insight.
How could you do this to me?
Now I can’t sleep because your email couldn’t wait until the morning. Do you have any idea how stressful this is? I have never felt so resentful and unappreciated.
Work on yourself and never go back, anon.

She used you. Love yourself and wait for someone who loves you for you.
Whats so confusing? He likes you because you guys have things in common, and things he can relate with. It's only natural to gravitate towards people you share interests with... how do you not understand this? Are you perhaps autistic or something? Well, if you are, now you know why. If you want people to leave you alone, stop being so relatable. Become cold, distant, and unapproachable. Or, just go mute.
Have to go the hosp today for a MRI. What sucks is that I live in America and my greatest apprehension is the bill, not the result. LOL.

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How do I promote a website? I can buy ads but where ? Making a post on reddit is hopeless with all their BS rules, I hate reddit. Maybe I can pay some tiktoker to promote it, how expensive would that be? The site is called shovel btw I guess this is my attempt at marketing by asking how to market. https://ovel.sh it's a productivity app check it out if you want
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GO TO 4chan.org/advertise TO MAKE AD FOR YOU SAITU!
post hand and timestamp
hello anon, this is a really good piece of software because it's very simple, yet does what most people need, I'll dm you x

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so long story short when i was 11 (13 years ago) my father had a sperg out at me and my mother and they both got divorced because of it shortly after. for context my father's an immigrant in a different country so i never got to see him much after that, only a handful of times. when i turned 17 neither of us made any attempts to reach out to the other and cut all contact, only recently he decided to reach out and i reciprocated for some reason. anyway i go to his place and he hits me with the heavy news that now i got a one year and a half old sister that i'm older than by 22 years. he then goes on and starts blabbering about how i'm gonna be the coolest older brother in the world and how i'm gonna be some major presence in her life and supervise and watch over everything she does. i feel like i've been burdened by something that isn't my responsibility, didn't ask for and never had a part in, i don't want to be a presence in her life and i don't want her or her father to be a presence in mine. and no i don't hate her for being born, i can't, but i also shouldn't be expected to step up and be a major presence in her life and generally cater for her just because my dad couldn't keep it in his pants. i don't want anything to do with her, she's his responsibility, not mine
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>their side
As I said, I got a similar age gap with my brothers (19-21). You'd be more like a cool uncle to her than a sibling, at least for the first 15 years or so, i can tell that the older my brothers get the more sibling-like we become. Honestly, I was on very good terms with my father's wife from the start, so it was never an issue, because she always knew he had kids before. I don't know what's the case gonna be for you. She might be happy with it and treat you like family, or she might be resentful for your very existence. It's best to just go and see, it's not like you're already attached to your sister, so if things turn sour because of her mother you can just choose not to interact with your dad's family. It depends on what you do, and what they choose to do. Your dad seems to want the two of you to have a relationship, so it's possible she's on board with it too.
about his wife, i'm more than sure we don't like each other at all, we purposefully avoid each other as much as we can, avoid talking with each other as much as we can and avoid being with each other as much as we can so i'm guessing things are pretty sour as is. i don't like to feel like i've been bound to something i had no part in, what that old shit didn't even bother considering is by having a baby he's not only tying himself to something, he's tying ME too. all these things put together are mega fuel for the urge to just dip and as it stands that's exactly what i'm planning on doing, no hard feelings to the kid
You're not technically tied to anything here. You can walk out and never interact with them again if you want. It's entirely your choice anon.

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