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/vmg/ is a place to discuss all types of mobile games, including both Android and iOS, phones and tablets. Please note that Nintendo and Sony handhelds are considered consoles, and that threads pertaining to those platforms and their gaming titles should be posted elsewhere.

Does this mean discussion of mobile games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vmg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on mobile games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vmg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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Last week of the Half-Anniversary
>Both Easter Banners still up until April 21st.
>Barret Banner up until the 28th.
>Highwind is here!
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How many crystals does a new account get?
Who knows
Between Uninstall and Quickly
kek, skill issue
A lot. You can easily finish a stamp card even with the worst luck.

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Ultra Golden Frieza is here and he's MID.

/dbg/ guild: h7ygsygw

April Fool's Day soon. Anniversary is 2 months away.
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I'm not downplaying him
I LIKE that he shuts down ultra faggotry
I wish he was more broken and just downright cancelled out Unique Guages
mexican detected
>>He thinks ultra gohan is more broken
Well, yes, but the important thing is that it's a fact
See >>1457367.

>Ask yourself this.
>>What does his opponent do once super 17 gets priority
>The answer is
Git gud. Or at least try to get better.

>>sit there and watch as something either dies or takes critical damage
That happens with Ultra Gohan btw, who gets priority far, FAR easier than S17 because that's how it is with AoE greens. If your tap attack is even 1 action late, you're in for a world of pain.
Refer to my post in >>>/vg/dbg (which I'm sure you've already read), I'm not going to copy-paste it here.
Today the app has crashed on me at least five times and it's gotten so bad my s23 ultra even went all "hey we've noticed this app is crashing a ton."
I don't even dare do my daily pvp matches with things this bad.

Are you still waiting for goblal?
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I'm genuinely worried now, even moreso cause I just joined about a month ago. Fucking shit why can't this happen to homobait like Star Fags instead.
Not a gacha (well, it did have gacha), but PSO2 took like 8 years to release an english version, but it was almost an asset flip while preparing for NG (which was a mega flop)
Speaking of it, just a quick reminder that our 4cc team is now playing in the true babby cup starting out for us this Saturday. Dates are here >>1454676 and more information at https://pastebin.com/nr9ujDMN
Thanks for your support.
global soon bros
Imo the official localization in part doomed pso2

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You thought they were mobs but they are in fact five stars!
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I have summer hanzo, is he good
Generally, most units that can summon more units are pretty damn good, so yes, summer Hanzo is a very solid healer for being able to do that.
but anima and cankrow are summoning healers and they suck
That's cuz Anima's is just more healing and Kancrow's is a one-use debuff. Hanzo summons a vanguard tier unit that can hold off enemies like a normal unit. Those are the good summons.
all right I'll take your word for it. I have horkeukamui mafia and he rocks as a first deploy

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Rejoice, we are getting closer and closer to summer.
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Probably more since they stopped doing rerun in JP. They did a player voting in JP 3 months ago to choose which event which should get rerun but they still haven't actually do any rerun.
>try to claim items from box
>connection error happens
>Can't claim items
>leave and reopen it
>all my items gone
Shiiieeetttt still not up. Got everything else but I can’t get the da vinci exchange for it.
It might have still claimed it. Do you remember the amount you had before?
It's tonight, at the day turnover.

Do you like Konomi Suzuki and her songs for She is Legend?
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Are our youtubers obligated to be as disingenuous and shill-like as possible?
They seem to forget, that you (by now) only replace, never just add. So additional debuffs aren't a thing, it's something you use instead other debuffs.

So take this case and compare it with Isuzu. I.. don't think I even need to continue. And Isuzu isn't even limited to use in ice teams..
Maid Aoi was the second GW banner last year, so I expect a style like that again.
Some popular character, such as Yuina, Karen, Megumi, Tama etc. Then something to hard sell the style, like broken gameplay, super fanservice theme, unison, or anything like that.
Leave it to Japs to be the most disingenuous shills ever on the planet

Considering how much they spend on garbage like FGO shows how far gone the Japanese race is as a whole
You can only have one instance of Miya's buff on her(it reapplies instead of adding an inactive copy), so you can't just prepare all buffs needed like offensive self-buffs, it has to be buff > ability > buff > ability. I didn't think they could ever come up with a more annoying debuffer mechanic to use than Megumi's insane SP costs, but somehow they did it.

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Mirror World Madness, the newly added event is almost over.
How did it go for you? Was it fun or way too challenging?

>Upcoming New Heroes Banner:
Eshean / Hofmann

Coming soon:

>SP Almeda
>New Covenant - Vidar
>Forbidden Battleground
>Guild Dimensional Expedition
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Is there a way to view a character's heart bond art in full? It's cropped in the bonds menu. I also remember visiting a site that shows the full heart bond art, it also has hero stats, recommended gear/soldiers/skills etc it's even in english but kinda forgot what it was.
Sho is like a balanced (ie: worse) Isolde. Where he gets buffs like her to do stuff, but they’re random and harder to keep. Archanfel is alright, saw play in a few play off matches, but he’s like a sidegrade in most boxes you’d put him.
Yeah that's the site, thanks anon.
This is actually good, what the fuck. How come I never heard of this till now?

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Good Morning, CRGietnam! Hope you're up bright and early for a thread full of various Cookie Run Games! You've got questions, we've got answers! Be there or be square!

>Meet Sneedball Cookie - here to crack your most precious items like Handball 17!
>Time Relic Chaos - enjoy your yearly TBD CBT!
>Tough Cookie returns! Are you the strongest?
>Doughnut Ball Technical License - Come on, it's just a little jumping!
>Splashing Festival - Do literally everything for exactly 1k Rainbow Cubes!
>Treasure Mastery - Time Weaver Scissors - Snibbidy Snab!
>New Legendary Treasure - Hourglass of Asternus Tempora - No more, please!
>Meet Marble bread Cookie soon!
>Meet Caramel Choux Cookie and Street Urchin Cookie in the Town Square!
>Visit the Cuckoo Town Square - Tons of events and a gathering place it's practically a 12 hour job!
>Caramel Choux and Street Urchin Town Square Tour to obtain rewards by completing missions in the Town Square!

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Here's hoping it will be fun. Haven't touched WC in a while now after I got the new Cookie there.
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I just hope the dragon candies aren't too stupid to level up with how there's going to be the legendary pets added to that and all.
It's a first, surprised they started implementing that system unlike the launch of CRK and WC recently. Also, TOA pre-reg rewards, how's receiving the ~1.5K crystals and the 500 rainbow cubes (OB & CRK) and the 10 premium gacha tickets for WC?
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>The reason why we hear Thunder is because Stormbringer Cookie is getting her ass cheeks clapped by mortals who pray upon her to bring down rain.
>Nivel Maximo
Arriba my dude. Also a 5-starred Stormbringer? Expensively powerful stuff. Any recommendations for an alternative to her, or are those segments in the new cake tower non-repeatable?

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What we do here is go back
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27500 gems for 300 tomes.
why is the background on the conbector portion ia different for that guy in the midaythndle?
He has stronger demons. They said in the stream that it changes colors depending on the level of your connector.
just means their friendship level is greater
Why in the absolute FUCK charm lasts for 3 motherfucking turns?

Apple has allowed emulators on the App Store now so you don’t have to do a bunch of jailbreak nonsense to play retro games now, you can just download the program and play easy peasy. Surprised no one is talking about this on here. Just wish ps1 and ps2 games were available to
Not like you cannot do it before
Theres also not much to discuss about emulation, its there for you to enjoy, but it wont go away nor have anything new

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Only a few days left of the 7th anniversary. Asteria event coming soon.
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nta but what was up with the 2nd Marcus? When i first saw Marc with a new haircut, i just thought it was a redesign for the new arc at the time.
That's just Junior's Mark. They probably redesigned him so you can differentiate the two or maybe it was to suggest Junior has different fashion sense than Phil.
both probably, because his outfit has some bifrost inspiration to it. (and while he has memories of phil's childhood, everything hes done himself has been either sticking by mercuria's side or working with bifrost once theyre their own faction..)

makes you wonder how close our karia might be to nevan if she got bigger.
>Felt no regrets rolling everything in this gacha
What a weird feeling
Maybe I did have a feeling that the end is near and it's not like any of my favorites will be getting new stuff since they're all decked out
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Tick tock, genkeks. Basically a month left until the new open-world gacha will take you out of the conversation.
>Superior combat
>Superior endgame
>Superior multiplayer
>Skip button that respects your time
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I hope you like the gear mechanics in genshin and the pity system, because WuWa copied them wholesale.
Rewrites aren't uncommon, Genshin had a couple after the critcism they received for the 1.0 story. There were even leaks they were writing the story patch per patch at one point. They also pushed certain elements just in time for Tower of Fantasy's release.
It's a good quality of both developers,
The leaks said you can pick main stat now, so it's seeming much better still. As for pity, also far improved with focused weapon banner, guaranteed standard banner, and lower pity. Most upcoming gacha games will have these mechanics or innovation revolving around them.
As opposed to having a vision and creating the story they want to create you fucking politics bot.
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>This is where Wuthering waves and Azur promilia will be after a month post release

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Temesia edition
(what team setup is good for her?)
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>these two fuckers
>bear that goes fuck you and stuns your team
>those armguard thieves
>laser beam goes brrrrr
Crystal defense is such garbage holy fuck
you can heal crystals
Thank god, I've stalled out hard around 140 due to the lack of purple dust
>Mythic+ Odie just snowballs once he gets a kill and people drop dead one by one
Yeah, I see why people recommend to get his EX to +10.

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What are your idea on game monetization schemes that won't kill the game prematurely?
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Íf you are gonna put ads, either make them a diminute box that is always on but otherwise non-intrusive, or make them display only when the player decides. Auto ads are so fucking annoying when I get a puzzle game where every individual level is relatively short yet you get interrupted so often after completing a level it feels that you are spending more time on ads than on gameplay, despite game supposedly being ideal for playing in short bursts.
Don't forget to attach some in-game reward (including premium currency if any) to watching ads so people actually look forward to displaying them.
Why worry about premature EoS - milk them hard and milk them often, the market is full of suckers. Then axe your game and release a new one. It's not like you put effort into making them, do you?
That never works unless you go out of your way to shill it everywhere because mobileshits hardly buy any games. Lots of paid games can't sell more than a couple thousand or even couple hundred copies regardless of how good they are.
Just sell skins. Valve got it right.
Honestly a bad thread (if you were actually making a good game, a combination of using your head and apeing other devs would get you along for the first couple of months easily with no optimization or extra thought on the matter,) but I will take the opportunity to point out a game called It's Full Of Sparks, which had the fairest approach to video ad monetization I'd ever seen.
It's apparently changed hands since I last played, and the game now doesn't have the ads at all, but the essence is that you got limited gos at the challenge, after which you got a cooldown. You could partially refill by watching a video, and this would never be forced upon you and interrupt your flow.
You could also pay outright, which is a good option for... altruistic... "psuedowhales?" who will happily drop <$5 to remove ads on games they finished simply because they enjoyed it and the dev didn't bother with the typical long-term gamblesqueezing, borderline psychological manipulation, and overall "how little effort into original story/gameplay/design/experience can we put in and get away with" approach to mobile game creation.
I think Dan The Man also did a different implementation of optional ads, that one I actually played forever ago though.
relationship stories released as often as possible, it doesn't have to be anything groundbreaking, just spending time with your waifu
blue archive releases 4-5 relationship stories for each alt
whales will spark every single alt to get to continue their waifu's story

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