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I miss this dude like you wouldn't believe..

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Scrappy Doo was hated not for his catchphrase or design or anything.
He was hated because he replaced Fred, Daphne, and Velma, and because the stories changed into strange shorts with Shaggy and Scooby meeting real monsters.
What fans REALLY resented was that the show lost the dynamic that fans actually liked.

It's peak unintentional comedy that the Velma show would use him as its ultimate villain while again losing the dynamic that fans actually liked. Congrats, you repeated history.
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>I preferred the eps that did Scooby Doo wrong
Go to bed Mindy.
I liked both.
There a Mega for S2?
The fact that alt.wesley.crusher.die.die.die was created doesn't mean that people didn't hate him before it was created. It literally means the opposite.
>Scrappy hate started with early internet newsgroups.
You are delusional.

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So is there anything the MCU could do to win you back and say "Okay, sure, I'll watch that"? Do you think Disney will break out their checkbook and beg RDJ and Chris Evans to return for one more ride via blah blah multiverse/time travel? Is there any hope for Captain America Brave New World, Spider-Man 4, or Daredevil Born Again?
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No, I'm done with superhero stuff. It's a solved genre.

honestly, a movie thats an old era assembly would be dope. destroyer, citizen v, union jack and others from the era would dope. captain britain(brian) would be dope too.

hell, make the union a legit team and not a fucking joke
Fuck you, you'll watch what we tell you to watch and you'll like it.
I have ZERO interest in Marvel Suicide Squad. The time to do Thunderbolts was post snap when you you could have used it as the void to make Zemo Bolts.
Fight scenes in the MCU feel like an afterthought.
Dozens of movies and I can count on one hand fight scenes that are actually good. This was an issue even back when everyone liked MCU.
When you're running an action movie franchise, that's a serious problem.

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Realistically, who had the justification here?
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I don't see Rebecca ever taking her to the shapeshifting direction since it's pretty useless for her character anyway aside from forming a womb but this is a cartoon for kids after all and not us dirty minded 4channers
Imagine SU as an adult cartoon... First episode of the new season is Peridot shapeshifting a womb and getting pregnant
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>the other diamonds are so thoroughly convinced of pink's autism that they can't be dissuaded she isn't just LARPing as a human
she's /our/ diamond
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This I approve
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MORE Peris?

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previously: >>143338583
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>tomoe action figure that was never produced
*chair clattering*
this was for that famous body count page I guess?
Reminds me of those beautiful cover art paintings from the 80s-90s KOEI strategy games.
He got old. He also retired from art completely about 1/3 through the IDW run.

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I'm scared I might wake up
'Cause if I should wake up
Then I'll be alone in the morning light
Autumncore kino
That scene where Shaggy and Scooby are pigging out in the dinner always made me jealous because i thought the food looked good
For sure
There were a lot of cartoons where I felt that way
How have I never heard this? I've watched the movie twice a year for like a decade. Where did this come from? Is it during the credits? Is that it? Did I never actually watch the credits?

Boobchuys are more canon than ever. Sprig sounds eh, different with gideon's voice. The whole pilot of the pilot leaked
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Is it weird I like dot-eye look for asian characters? Feels like a nice compromise between slants and just using regular "white" eyes.
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We must breed it into them.
Yes, according to the pilot, that is how she really would look like
>but it could be a job while she's at college or something
Herpetology usually requires a doctorate, and at that point she'd be a doctoral student. There's a local university with a suitable biology doctorate program, so that checks out.

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I know Gumball and Penny, and Darwin and Carrie are together. But I actually missed these old popular ship and wanted to bring that nostalgia back. Let's have a thread of Carball.
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penny will definitely dump gumball first and his resulting meltdown will get him on the news

and then he will have a slut era
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>and then he will have a slut era

This is where he crossdress and find older men to satisfy him
This is the only ship that matters
I ship Nicole with Yuki
and then I ship both of them with lots and lots of cocks
Where can I find a Yuki anons?

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catholicbros, he's /ourguy/.
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First post, best post
roiland didn't do shit
even if he did hit his wife, you know who else did? martin luther fucking king. and john lennon. they felt bad about it later, and they both got shot.
Also I don't think he believes in anything, starburns is the atheist. roiland is the "well this is what we're told. it might be true, or it could be a lie. lol whatever" kinda meatball
Now that makes all sense
Batwoman is ethnically jewish but Kate doesn't practice it.
Not really? There's some blood here and there, but it can be easily revised to be PG.

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>Provide References for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post.
>Keep requests /co/ related and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>Post a sample of your art when "taking X requests"
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them where they're wanted.
>To make the new Drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Ok now this is spectacular. Again, thank you so very much for this fully fantastic delivery art. I love it so much. OR here btw.
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Requesting the "Girl Popping out of a Birthday Cake" thing done with Mary Dahl.
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Requesting something like this with the main Lackadaisy trio.
Requesting Taako with Laios and Senshi from Dungeon Messhi. Cooking, eating, talking about food, whatever.
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Requesting Frylock being consulted by Dr. Orpheus and Dr. Venture (since Frylock does science AND magic).

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>a small and quiet place
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goddamnit he made her hot
>also what the hell is an "ivory" devil
I'm guessing it's like an alternate form of ebon devil, you know like ebony and ivory. It could be what you turn into if you skip straight from pale to ebon level.
It's been over 5 years since we last saw Oskar, wonder if he'll ever be back.
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>white chain is an angel with a white unchanging flame
>becomes the first angel to change, gaining flesh and an identity, also is black
>cio is a devil with a black constantly changing flame
>becomes the first devil to want stability, inventing an entirely new type of devil, also is white
finally a real shin megami tensei comic
So design-wise Nukoku is an alternate/evolved/hard-mode version of Yabalchoath (see >>143366450), like bosses in games like the Kirby series. Even though I get that this is probably a unique stage beyond Ebon, it'd be cool if all the tiers of devils had an alternate form like this (for example, Cio's normal Blue Devil form with Nukoku's aesthetics).

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Short haired women make me weak
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Mark wasn't actually stronger than Conquest smart ass, stop spouting this fucking line
It's cute
Her pink lips... GONE
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>someone posted it again
every time.

Alright bros.

How does /co/ feel about hot wild girls?
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they're pretty fuckin hot.

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>Sesame Street is still going strong
>Fraggle Rock reboot got a second season
Once again, Disney proves it doesn't know what to do with the Muppets. Why'd they even fucking buy them if they aren't gonna do anything with them?
not /co/.
they're doing a lot though. it's just bad. it's not possible for it to be good, though. everybody's dead
what they need to do is just get new performers making new characters and come up with new stuff, in the SPIRIT of Henson. but the old characters... they're all dead, fired, or retired. except Goelz, he somehow survived the longest. but just let him write everything, he knows the character. and let him fucking work with fucking steve.
who give a crap about this old puppet shit? move on with your life

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It’s only be betraying her race if she hooks up with a white guy that basically acts like she’s some sort of pet or is found to hate black people or she pulls a Candice Owens and starts talking shit about her people. Then yeah, she’d basically be labeled a bedwench.

If it’s a guy that’s like her dad that genuinely cares anbout her and he’s not about any of that then I don’t think anybody that matters to her would be bothered by her being with him.

It’s like saying that if you’re black you can’t have close friends that happen to be white. Sure you can, but if you start acting like uncle ruckus and giving that guy a pass on dropping n-bombs then expect at least a side eye I think that’s pretty universal for any group.
she looks like Luz since Luz is black too
Luz is Hispanic I think
Tried to do a mix of both of these ideas a bit, sorry it's so shitty.

maya correction
cum alt/edited
Awesome man, glad I could see that before I went to sleep

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