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It never happened.
Absolute proof:

In before the kikes try to tell me I'm arguing anything but going to the moon.

This is political, because if they lied to us about this, we can be assured that traitors still exist in the government and should be routed.
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>all footage erased
>all components sold on ebay, broken
>moon rock in the presidential office fake
just kys well-poisoning kike
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>Elon Musk vs Australia's eSafety Commissioner: Rogue Senator posts church stabbing video and has brutal message for cyber censor

>Family of man who died after jumping into croc infested waters distraught after council rips down memorial site

>Darren Cheeseman: Labor MP forced to resign after allegations of 'persistent and inappropriate behaviour' towards staff

>Two-and-a-half years ago, in October 2021, a source told me the prime minister of Australia was suffering significant mental health problems and was “in a bad way”.

>Leading forecaster Warren Hogan predicts RBA will hike cash rate to 5.1 per cent this year

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Might have been Turncoat for the reappointment.

>While the committee received a number of submissions raising significant concerns with the impact of the new powers on the adult industry, the investment of huge powers with a single individual in the eSafety Commissioner, and the potential for the law to further undermine encryption, it recommended the bill be passed as is.

>the Jedi Council matter
Yeah, it looked like they were getting close to rounding us up for a while there.
The reaction to the crowd after the bishop stabbing shows just how scared the pigs and government are.
Turnbull made it what it is today. he is a kike.


>Preferring my anonymity and safety from revisiting a traumatic period of my life but that silence ends today.
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>If the 3 people he shot were white, this never would've gotten to court
A lot of people believed Kyle shot black people. 2020 was madness haha
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Thanks anon.
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Rent free for the rest of your life BITCH!
Kyle Rittenhouse is very lucky that Jumpkick Man remained anonymous. As long as the attackers were white he still had a chance.

Whoever gets called "schizo" the most wins
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DEWs are used everywhere, for everything, for the last 2 decades+



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Al western politicians are paid by china and russia.

China buys all mainstream left politicians to introduce all this LGBT, refuges welcome, socialism and all of this shit because thanks to that China slowly takes domination over world while west weakens and moves towards collapse. China also pays western mainstream politicians to go after making Orwell dystopian shithole simply because tyrannical shitholes are easy to conquer and then control. Like once NWO shit will happen, people will suffer it long enough, china will stop in and declare war on west and will then pay some western media/communication to spread a word that chinese army will come in to liberate western people from tyrannical dystopian rulers, china will easily take control over west by not only attacking from outside but also will assist rebel groups, and once everything will he done, china will control west with way less oppressive way so People will be more than fine with china's domination.

Of course there are "alt right", parties that mean to stop that insanity ow mainstream politics. They have main problem, because inside these parties there are people who are paid by russians so they will talk some really unreasonable schizo shit that dont keep together or just act retarded to make people think that they should not vote for "alt right".
My armpits never smelled bad at all until a family member made me use some. They have stunk terribly ever since that day.
Deodorant makes your armpits stink so you have to keep buying it.
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there exists a secret thong shape ive discovered that, if viewed, causes your mind to freeze up for upwards of two seconds.... you can watch the clock and see it skip from 2:47:15 to 2:47.17 and even 2:47.18. it is an interesting trick.... pic is not it but was part of my research
world leaders are only sexually attracted to other world leaders

Nope! Nothing to see here folks. A (((new))) president is not about to gut the publicly funded universities of Argentina.

The fact is that Milei as President of Argentina does have the power to regulate publicly funded universities.

His critics say that when making the budget cuts he did not discriminate between which publicly funded university programs worked well from those which were bad.

On the 23rd the students and faculty of these publicly funded universities and programs united in a huge protest against the budget cuts.
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>this time hits me bad cause i shilled this motherfucker.
Don't worry, a lot more people are going to join you in your misery in the coming months.
His job is to sell Argentina piece by piece to the lowest bidder.
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>memelei is a fucking scam. a shame to the ancap movement

I want to believe in Milei. But I have heard that many people dislike his policies...Is it because of our loyalty to Peronism?

>full of vaxxinated stupid motherfuckers
This is a problem all across the West because of the COVID crisis. Some countries in the West were vaccinated less but...
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nah man. is because i wanted ancap shit. i want to dont pay taxes at all. fuck ponzi scam pensions, fuck tax for everybullshit you do, fuck burocracy, fuck more spionage (like id suscription to transport card (registrar la sube)). also fuck education, primary school, secundary school, universities too. also legalize drugs, hookers and guns.

this guy is a disgrace to the movement. also, where is the dolarization? wasnt that one of the main reasons why ppl voted him?

yeah i know, fucking kikes, cant beleve in the shitworld we live. its not like 10 or 15 years ago wheer the easy option was moving to australia, europe, usa, canada, those are megafucking shitholes today.
also im even afraid of fucking a vaccinated girl and spread to me his VAIDS shit.

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A bank just failed and apparently not even /biz/ant/ium even cares.
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This bank failed last year that's why.
Chase bought it to see if they could fix it
Apparently it didn't do shit
banks were never meant to succeed at all, they were a failed experiment from the beginning
they either keep peoples money and then they get robbed or they take your money and invest it in bullshit infinite stocks which robs everyone
>They're just smarter than you.
Doubt it. My step mom is 75% white. She would of been better off 100% mexican like my father.

article says fulton bank is acquiring it
jews are glowniggers. thanks for playing "enter the oven"

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A full grown man versus a 15yo dweeb
what a fucking joke boxing some kid
just grab the little faggot
weak ass nigga
Its either a South American kid who thinks he can fight like Mexicans or he's Asian.

What the fuck did he think was gonna happen? I hope the brother didn't get in trouble.
timmy looks like a fat spic

Someone give me a quick run down on this Israel and Ukraine crap
You're the same guy who thought the Obama ads were Media Matters
>Taylor Swift
She kinda qt
>a ten year coma
You miss nothing, go back sleep.

>invalidates billions of dollars of western military aid
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Christian Libertarians ahead of the curve every single time.
It has a gun and it's immune to missile strikes
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Just use a better bomb
Please understand they're losing to a literal barnhouse on treads they need this peremoga
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What if Mexico invaded the US tomorrow?
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>Then why doesn't the US invade Mexico?
because they manufacture shit for us really cheap. if mexico asks US to send army to fight cartel we're more than ready to wipe that shit out though.
I sleep
It's full of Mexicans dummy.
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>>466298666 >>466297670 >>466296431 >>466296053 >>466294191
Yossarian bent forward to peer and saw a strangely colored stain seeping through the coveralls just above the armhole of Snowden’s flak suit. Yossarian felt his heart stop, then pound so violently he found it difficult to breathe. Snowden was wounded inside his flak suit. Yossarian ripped open the snaps of Snowden’s flak suit and heard himself scream wildly as Snowden’s insides slithered down to the floor in a soggy pile and just kept dripping out. A chunk of flak more than three inches big had shot into his other side just underneath the arm and blasted all the way through, drawing whole mottled quarts of Snowden along with it through the gigantic hole in his ribs it made as it blasted out. He forced himself to look again. Here was God’s plenty, all right, he thought bitterly as he stared -- liver, lungs, kidneys, ribs, stomach and bits of the stewed tomatoes Snowden had eaten that day for lunch. Yossarian hated stewed tomatoes and turned away dizzily and began to vomit, clutching his burning throat. The tail gunner woke up while Yossarian was vomiting, saw him, and fainted again. Yossarian was limp with exhaustion, pain and despair when he finished. He turned back weakly to Snowden, whose breath had grown softer and more rapid, and whose face had grown paler. He wondered how in the world to begin to save him.

“I’m cold,” Snowden whimpered. “I’m cold.”

“There, there,” Yossarian mumbled mechanically in a voice too low to be heard. “There, there.”

Yossarian was cold, too, and shivering uncontrollably. He felt goose pimples clacking all over him as he gazed down despondently at the grim secret Snowden had spilled all over the messy floor. It was easy to read the message in his entrails. Man was matter, that was Snowden’s secret. Drop him out a window and he’ll fall. Set fire to him and he’ll burn. Bury him and he’ll rot, like other kinds of garbage.
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Jesus is Lord
Psalm 23

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Previous: >>466305985

▶Day: 794 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>At the same time, drone attack on the Krasnodar Territory, Russia, strikes were made on the Slayavnsk-EKO oil refinery, a bitumen plant, the Ilsky oil refinery and a number of other facilities. The oil refinery in the village of Slavyansk-on-Kuban was blown up.
>Major missile chimpout targeting energy infrastructire: 21 out of 34 missiles intercepted, damage to 4 thermal power plants reported
>USA announced a new long-term assistance program for Ukraine worth $6 billion - the results of Ramstein
>Denmark increased military aid to Ukraine by 590 million €
>Smooking in an oil base in Omsk
>The aid package will include ATACMS - Zelenskyy
>USA is sending a new $1 billion military aid package to Ukraine
>Biden signed the 61 Billion $ bill on aid to Ukraine
>Drone strikes on oil bases in Smolensk and Voronezh oblasts, Russia

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Now you're crying alongside the pajeet shitskin? LMAO, GRIM
Do you think having a coprse of one of your previous leaders for public display in the middle of your main square is satanic? Asking for a friend
Anyone from Russia can tell me what is the mood about the war?
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Pack light, hohol ;)
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Pathetic shitskins, why don't you start lift weights instead wasting your miserable lives here? Globohomo forbids you to do it?

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Convicted rapist impregnated teenager sentenced to ball removal and 50 years in prison. Testicles will be physically cut off and removed.

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>now he wants to castrate white men for being “criminals” in general
Lots of memeflag jews here tonight I see.
You just wanted an excuse to post softcore zoophilia didn't you?
He deposited already. He’s going to be a father of the raped child. That’s how beta reproduced in the past and are still between us no matter how miserable his their existence
My friend got criminally charged for accidentally hitting a car door with his car door while getting out in a parking lot. It’s a misdemeanor apparently, “failure to maintain lane”. Best part is, a karen reported him. The guy whose car it was didnt even want any money to fix the tiny scratch.

America is an absolute hellscape with lots of scummy people. People here will deliberately give strangers bad advice to fuck them over. They are the most inhospitable nation ive ever encountered
you go first

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By having the chosen buttholes that all the dicks crave
Jews worships Saturn. planet of Restriction and Discipline. I think it has something to do with that. Saturn rules the world or something.
Because they're smarter than white people. Jews are one standard deviation smarter than whites. Niggers are one standard deviation dumber than whites. Genes are genes. Jews are smarter than white people. Cope.
See >>466311057
plenty of food.

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Am I going to have a heart attack? It was all that was in the fridge
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>imagine eating pasteurized fermented food
lmao does it get any more retarded than that? the whole point of ferments is the bacteria
i like sticking my nose under the sheets to smell my farts when i go to bed after eating too many chocolate peanuts, its not that bad
dont care
still tastes good
where is your stockade of cheese
I think you mean... EGGsactly

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All men are ba-
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>TLDR women are evil and you shouldn't spend money on them
just fuck your jewish cousin ,so what she complains shes a waoman right
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No mercy for the sex-havers when the time comes, the great Incel Union will make sure of it.
oh it's way worse than that. these cunts will spend 20gs on "travelling" and wont consider it a loss because of the "experience". mine wanted to go to hawaii so I torrented gilligan's island and told her to go to hell. still married and she got over it.
Long game.
Prepping the replacement.

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Why do Americans like Japan but hate China?

The Japanese have killed more Americans.
I don't really like anyone to be honest.
Shogun sucked

Japanese have honor

Chinese are just insects in human form that let their kids piss on the floor of a restaurant

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Is it usually inheritance and right parents? What about crypto, stocks? Starting an own business? Become a criminal? Go into sales? STEM education/work while living like a bum? Digital nomad/influencer?

I feel like the game is completely rigged against average joe. Increased inflation, increased taxation, etc.

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>A Black substitute teacher brutalized a young high school student over what sources say was the alleged use of the “n-word.”
>An investigation revealed that the suspect was once a former 5-star basketball recruit who was highly regarded as one of the best youth players in the nation.
Wow, kids can't even relax around their Black teachers.
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Nerevar, disgusting traitor
>it's free so you can't complain
Slave mindset. Actually, I can complain all I want, and I will.
You pay pretty dearly for that free nigger-filled school experience in your taxes.
There’s no actual evidence the kid said nigger or even nigga. Blacks will often later claim someone said the “n” word without any proof to try and justify a random act of violence against a non black, and unfortunately it often works to lessen or even remove the legal punishment they would get.

Wait who started the fight? Did the kid come at the substitute? Looks like it from the video.

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