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This board is for the discussion of technology and related topics.

Reminder that instigating OR participating in flame/brand wars will result in a ban.
Tech support threads should be posted to >>>/wsr/
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The /g/ Wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/
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Holy fuck it just keeps getting worse. Are we even going to have a tech industry left in the west by the end of this decade?
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>by any means necessary
What would be a wild law if it existed. I'm sure C-levels interpret it that way.
You schizos are living in a bubble. The normies are being laid off, and they're just as pissed about the dwindling jobs as your unemployed ass is.
I wonder what will come after Google.
I didn't see it until I saw you point it out. That's fucking hilarious.
They have a fiduciary obligation to their shareholders. An executive team is managing the owners' assets on their behalf. Of course the law places stipulations on how they do so. But the way you represented the law is incorrect, though many executives interpret it that way.

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what in the name of fuck is happening to the linux community? first the nix developer steps down now this
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>Windows gets sudo
>Now Linux replaces sudo
10 years from now all the normies will be using corpo-cucked, backdoored systemd Linux and us /g/ schizos will be typing sudo into heavily modded open source Windows 95 distros.

I'm calling it. You may screencap this post.
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That OpenIndiana or whatever it's called better be good.
let's look at it all objectively instead of frothing at the penis for a bit. what are some of the issues of sudo that are already known?

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Dogfight edition

Previous thread >>100241242

>What is DALL-E 3?
You type some text and it makes some images


Bing AI Slop 0.6.0

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I think someone reported unspecified issues yesterday, I didn't notice anything of unusual then, but this night I'm seeing some weird stuff with the BIC EDIT script too; every so often instead of seeing the dog when failing to regenerate the picture, I get stuck at the puff fish with the old "This page will refresh automatically every 7 seconds. If the image doesn't appears within 40 seconds, it was most likely filtered and you can close this tab." message appearing periodically. I had this issue sometimes in the past, but it was never so persistent. And I'm not sure whether it's related, but instead of getting dogged when prompting (not regenerating, just running the normal prompt in BIC), sometimes I'm getting the "page not found" bird message. I guess it might be just some issues on Microsoft's end? I'll report it again if they persist.
bro who cares what YOU did stfu fartfagget jesus
very nice
Earlier today I had 4 images in Creator and when I clicked on them the full size pics were not the same as the thumbnails.
Microsoft has been irrevocably pajeeted.

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>Character pronounces SIEM as "SEEM" instead of "SIM"
La pronunciación inglesa no tiene ningún puto sentido.
If you are going to try and tell me you didn't laugh hysterically when you saw this when you were 8 years old, we both know you're lying.
Official pronunciation according to their ads is "semens".

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>want to get a new desk
>looking at options
>remember kitty sleeps on desk
>proceed to pick one with enough space for her to sleep

do you let your cats hang out on your desk anons?
My cat sleeps on my chair back up by my head, so I must always buy a chair with a tall, puffy back.
I can't buy cases with top power buttons or fans as cats sleep on those too
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much more cozy inside a open case

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Industry is over again edition

Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Always disclose your current salary to recruiters or you'll go to jail and be raped (not in the good way)

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Have you seen what Geek Squad gets away with charging? You'd be doing them a favor by charging $100 an hour.
I really wish I didn't have morals, I do simple things like this all the time and people try to give me money for it, but I refuse because I don't like preying on the weak
Not everything has to be monetized, being a good person is worth so much more than a few bucks. Sorry for this corny shit but it's true.
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Every. Fucking. Time.
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>cant code
>have an idea for a program
>try to get chatgpt to make it
>it cant do shit
codebros i think you're job is safe for a while

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>/g/ makes a 12th album
Theme: everything is single saw/square/sine osc with a simple filter
Title: Let me guess, you need more
Deadline: Midnight between May 31th and June 1st (UTC)

Please post cover art and theme suggestions

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Compute, obviously. These things get trained with GPU farms. Don't know if it's possible to spread out the load like that, but it's still a massive task for some random people on the internet to pull off without any funding.
Professionals are just people who managed to start doing something for money. There isn't really a significant correlation between someone's "pro" status and their abilities.
For example I'm the best producer in the world but don't make money because the deep state keeps sabotaging me by beaming sex frequencies into my penis and making me goon 24/7 instead of pursuing a career.
MTV is an awesome idea.
If the idea of distributed training is possible and popular enough I can see it working, perhaps even with ASICS and whatnot, but I suspect that people don't really care about local model and are just fine with the corporate stuff.
It's so sad that there is no decent VST that emulates all these modules.

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The development of the MATE desktop environment has come to a halt in the past year, and distro maintainers from not only Linux Mint but other distros that offer MATE are worried that it is not going to be around for much longer.

MATE's chief maintainer and flagship distro, Ubuntu MATE, has removed several features from it's latest 24.04 LTS release such as the software boutique, the welcome app, and are using a version of MATE that is nearing a year old (1.26). The maintainer for Ubuntu MATE has been focusing more on NixOS development than working on the desktop or the ubuntu spin. Linux Mint maintainers have also claimed there has been some friction between them and the MATE development team, and that MATE is now considered to be on life-support.

Where will you be when GNOME 2 finally breathes it's last breath?
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What's the usecase for so called "style"?
>fork/maintain GTK3
They can just port their stack to GTK4 when they feel like it without using Libadwaita. The reason Mint devs want to fork more GNOME apps is because they have adopted Libadwaita and no longer can be themed with ease like other GTK apps.
id rather use half baked shit that looks like this instead of gnome "adwaita" bullshit
> fucking burger menu and fat buttons on 90s UI with no style
It's like you took the worst parts of gnome and 90s UI.
Honestly at this point I would say why don't you fork the serenity UI toolkit and spin it off from there?
I wonder what the Serenity OS Main Dev is going to use once this is gone.

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Literally the best DE

>KDE plasma

And the rest don't matter, not even worth mentioning.
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Post your DE right now!
Based. I love rats.

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You only use this because of BibTeX.
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Zotero + Biber + Emacs was a super comfy setup when I was in university. That said, I stopped using LaTeX a while ago, and good riddance. What a frustrating piece of shit. I used to bear with it, but one day, after yet another multi-hour session of googling stuff and trying workarounds for problems that shouldn't exist, I had enough and rage-switched to Google Docs. If I remember correctly, that day started with trying to put a line break inside a table cell. This being LaTeX, of course stuff doesn't compose and you can't just do something intuitive like {line 1 \\ line 2}. So I started searching for a solution, but most of what I found didn't work or broke even more shit. In the process, I found out that the package I was using to get extra table features (which should be in the core) was unmaintained and not recommended anymore. All this stuff triggered a realization that LaTeX is yet another tarpit language where everything is possible but nothing is simple or well designed, just like cmd .exe, Bash, and the CMakeLists.txt language. Pure wastes of time. (I've rewritten all my non-trivial Bash scripts in Python too.)
I still love the idea of a Turing-complete programming language for documents, I even enjoy the LaTeX math syntax, but I'm going to wait until someone comes up with something actually good. Something built around a real programming language like Python or Common Lisp, not some retarded macro system that makes simple algorithms look like a page of line noise. Something that can do things like colored underlines and PDF hyperlinks out of the box. Something with a real plugin system, using callbacks and other abstractions instead of every package just redefining shit in the global namespace. Something that doesn't make me run compilation passes manually like it's 1970, only to litter my directory with temporary files. Something with proper tracebacks and readable errors. Until then, I'm sticking with normieware like Google Docs.
Just use overleaf
That's even worse. It doesn't fix LaTeX's fundamental problems, it's slower than my computer, and I can't use my lovely Emacs config there. Though I did find it useful to collaborate with people on papers in uni.
>Though I did find it useful to collaborate with people on papers in uni.
I'm in the same position right now. It has it's hick ups but it works good enough for writting papers. Could be worse, some departments at my uni use fucking word. I'm in STEM mind you and retarded boomers can't be arsed to use Latex.
no I use latex because I like programming and writing in latex feels kinda like "programming" in some way. I just want to satisfy the autism.

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Windows 95 is the most visually ergonomic operating system of all time.
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ME looked the same as 2000 except it was closer to 98 on the inside. You didn't miss anything. When ME was out, 2000 was the one everyone competent was using.
Literally nobody was using 2000. NT was a server/business product only up until Microsoft decided to market XP to consumers.
I didn't mean normies.
XP was not that good when it first came out, but it became good later, and then it became better to switch from 2000.
Literally nobody means literally nobody.

What happened to all the AI music threads? Don't tell me you guys got bored with it already? The Bing AI image threads went on for months

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Post build list or current specs including MONITOR: https://pcpartpicker.com/
Provide specific use cases.
State BUDGET and COUNTRY or you will NOT be helped.
Building guide: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Build_a_PC

Intel Battlemage (Q3 2024)
RTX 5000 Series (Q4 2024)
Intel Arrow Lake (Q4 2024)

Web browsing: i3 12100/5600G
Budget: 12400F/5600
Gaming: 13600KF/7600

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That area of your case is always going to be hot, it's got hot air from cooling the CPU & the heat generated by the video card's moving up.
Move the CPU fan to the other side, and make it push air through the entire heatsink.
Raise the fan a bit if the memory modules are too tall for a perfect fit.
And switch your cooler fan to the right.
extra based retard move of installing it then returning it
He's not gonna return it
Why you keep asking this? Arctic Freezer 36 is already out

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>You: Learn keyboard shortcuts to work as efficiently as possible.
>Me: Learn keyboard shortcuts because I'm too lazy to lift my hand off the keyboard and place it on the mouse.
We are not the same.

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