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Welcome to /bant/ - International/Random

/bant/ is a board for the discussion of any topic, a place where you can relax and have fun with people from all over the world.

No porn dump threads - Please use the appropriate adult boards for porn threads.

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On pmg there was a troon kike named jesse that ruined it. He was behind the spammjng, he got caught spamming niggers as well. He is a jew m0d that gets butthurt so easily.
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Is he also IQDELET or whatever?

I knew jannies were getting out of control a while ago. I remember making a thread about stimulus checks and it got banned within 15 minutes, meanwhile they've literally left CP up for hours before. There seriously something wrong with the moderation here. It's either extreme and ruining the boards, or completely nonexistent.
jesse the tr00n janny ruined biz/pmg.

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Yerba Maté is good but the way you argies and macaquitos make it is retarded, just use a bot of water on the stove and strain the leaves out when you pour it into a cup.
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>pour it into a cup.
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Now that I think about it maybe we should drink coffee in one of these gourds, that would be like the strongest coffee ever
no, the way they make it removes most of the caffeine so you can max out on theobromine and get tea-drunk. kungfu tea ceremony same thing.
also the gourds are cool

This shit is getting tiring.
I want to discuss what seems to be the gay theme of this current crypto cycle.
Devs rugging out isnt anything new, I'm just surprised at some of the memes that have rugged.
Apu being the most obvious, but i really dont want this to be a thread about apu.
Monkey Peepo also seems like a great meme that would appeal to normies, tons of meme content, non offensive to cexs, shows up at the right time, etc.
With those kinds of advantages over your average dogcoin knockoffs or generic food tokens, it seems stupid to rug shit that couldve yielded 7 figs later.
Im not talking about LE DIAMOND HANDS LE HODL, NEVER SELLING retardation- take profits all the way, you made it. Your token fucking launched launched.
I just dont understand shooting oneself in the dick, then having to hype and rug another token, rinse and repeat when these fags could be crypto billionaires easily by just harvesting their gains in a sustainable way.
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Might as well be.
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Why is Apu getting suppressed so much?
Jannies didn't like that we were talking about the SEC. I genuinely think jannies are on the take.

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fatleigh edition

>Season 2 is over now
>Who Won?
TJ won after beating Shinji in a boxing match
>Will there be season 3?
Yes after mini-season 2.5
>What is Fish Tank?

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the brazilian asked wtf
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>and her getting angry at chat was hot
I prefer this over cocks desu

ITT: /bant/ boss raid!

This huge motherfucking boss appears out of nowhere.
Read the full rules here: https://dragonchan.lolisandstuff.moe/

Here's some info about this boss:

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thank you, you have great taste!
Yay, new warlock!
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I'm concerned that I'm turning people away from fighting the dragon tho

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bru akaibu
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Don't ask me how I got Iroha.
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you said you would stay f2p tho
I wanted to shoplift the coupons but you have to get it activated for it to work so i said fuck it

Day of Wrath edition, because of course it is

Previous cyberpunk world>>20125670

Free online generators:

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noooo she shrunk the beaver
unshrink him immediately
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How would you rate yukari's russkiy
I'm nuts

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Everyone is bitching now that Brittany is free, but frankly I couldn't care less. It's her money, she earned it and she can blow on being completely insane if that's her choice.
degenerate sexuality, HIV and parasitic worms aside that nigga looks like he's having fun at least.
Built like a rugby player

i think my friends is in to me, they are guys, like MFW, what should i do? they definitely homo or smthin
You gotta take it up the ass OP
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I hate you and I hate his voice

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Addicted to buying junk edition.

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

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Little birdy told me that we are using less gold for electronics purely due to the fact that chips are getting smaller and smaller, thus less surface area.
>Then why am I buying it at the price of generic fractionals?
You're not, don't be a nigger just because I'm pointing out how inefficient it is to "stack" silver with numismatics. They're going to be more difficult to sell by a large margin.
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I'm shocked at how little known this fact is
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>it's not about the number of men anon
Incel mentality, but believe whatever makes you feel better, I guess.
You are old. You are loose. You will not secure a husband in time to have children. You tell yourself it's okay you have your career. However, in truth you hate your job. You just want to raise your kids in a loving home but it will soon be too late if it isn't already.

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love & respect for humanity
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Fuck ya.

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