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Does your country's folklore feature giants?


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makes you think
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Business idea: start a food blog, fake engagement, and then just get free food via samples from the supermarket press offices and get chat GPT to write bullshit reviews of them
there was a harvard study on this back in the late 1970s
why are you gonna do that?

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Tot zometeen op de Stadswaag!
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>Nergens iets over je wassen (stinkie)
jij zou het zeker lekker vinden om ingesmeerd te worden met kokosnootolie ofzo he
>Gezichtje insmeren (moisturized)
Doe je de Patrick Bateman routine?


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mudžahedinsko izdanje
republika smrtska podizdanje
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Ta cura je bila komunista i ubijala je naciste kučkojebe zašto si glup tako
i ti si komunist pa nisi ubija naciste
ja sam kruh pa nikad nisam rezao noz
pa i ja bi ubijao genocidase slovenske rase
ma hljebam

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Mach nicht, da bekommst du Peniskrebs von.
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Huhu DDBler.
Hallo Svenskabruder
ok gl hf
reklamieren ist übrigens auch ez
musste noch nie diskutieren oder so einfach geld zurück

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edizione cuccata
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sacro dio del cringe
odiatori odieranno 8)
E come hai chiamato tuo figlio?
pd e db devo uscire dalla cameretta

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>opposes anything the US does
>is anti-imperialism but only against the US
>overlooks oppression in 'anti-imperialist' states
i'm a leftist but honestly seeing so many of these types supporting Russia just because America is le bad, supporting Assad and Iran for the exact same reasons has started making me doubt some of my political stances
as a Marxist i've been drifting into nationalism for this very reason, if i can't expect my fellow leftists in 'solidarity' to defend my country against invaders, why should i ally myself with them?
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t. russian shill
>Without nationalism there is literally nothing to unite for
Except, oh I don't know, realizing that the global proletariat has been royally fucked over the past few centuries, and that (You) belong to it, and that if capitalism isn't dismantled soon enough humanity will literally go extinct? You can't be this retarded
>capitalism isn't dismantled soon enough humanity will literally go extinct
shouldnt line go UP?

There is no such thing as the "global proletariat." If you want to win, you need the commoners. You need the soldiers. If you want them, you need nationalism. They aren't going to unite under a banner of the "global proletariat", they're going to unite under a national banner and cause.

I'm not speaking for myself, you smug little faggot, I'm speaking practically. There's a reason why modern "marxism" is exclusively stuck in fart sniffing chambers full of lazy spoiled people.
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All that matters is your people, capitalists will sell you out at any chance just to make a quick buck. I admire the Lithuanian spirit and people, they've been through so much even in just the past century. Don't make the same mistake we did.

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En Herre som tar på seg straffen utgave

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knegg ;)
>naboen går fra å feste ut mot 2 -3 om natta til å hyle og gaule med vennene sine 8+ timer på dagstid til 23:00-01:00 istedet etter masse advarsler
sånn er det å leve i leilighet ja
hvem er hun til venstre? de tre andre pappskallene har jeg sett før
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søt jv

So it begins...
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holy meds
>union with lithuania
never again, never forget
always repeat, always remember
I'd rather have a union with Portugal

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Americans can't comprehend the idea of walking for thirty minutes.
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The nearest stores aren't technically *that* far away, but I would need to walk alongside busy roads and cross a bridge with only about 1.5 feet of space between the railing and the road.
more true than not.
I used to walk to uni for 30 mins every day, it was nice.

I'LL TELL you this, but you'll have to promise that it will go no further. Not long after we moved here we had the people next door round for dinner and - I swear this is true - they drove.

>I was astounded (I recall asking them jokingly if they used a light aircraft to get to the supermarket, which simply drew blank looks and the mental scratching of my name from all future invitation lists), but I have since come to realise that there was nothing especially odd in their driving less than a couple of hundred feet to visit us. Nobody walks anywhere in America nowadays.
are you poor?
only illegals bike to work here.

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>only 3 years abroad
>come back home
>forgot names of objects I used to use daily in my native lang
/lang/ sisters wtf is this?
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does she fuck BBC, you seem like someone who would know
>thinking I'll write correct sentences instead of using as few words as possible on an estonian barrel cleaning forum
Based chubby chasers
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Why do people want to sniff asses? Don't they just smell like poop?
yeah mate, imagine not being able to pull some piece of meat while fucking! total cuckism

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fiser under täcket och luktar på det
Vilket ghetto? Finns ju Atlanta, Memphis, Chicago, Detroit, LA, etc etc
äre han tysken som leker lapplisa och blev misshandlad pga det?
Bara att slumpa.
ska till thailand och hitta en fru

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why aren't iranians hated and indians hated?
both are aryan, brown people, colonized by the west, and have large diasporas
even iran is an islam-established and anti-west terror state
still, i don't see many westerners speaking ill of or bullying iranian immigrants
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Don’t make me post your fucking face, Rajesh. Go back to /his/ or /lit/ immediately you smelly Dalit.
I'm saying it's not your position to patronize others about how they ought to run their nation, you goyslop eating lardass. Who gives a shit if Africans are cannibalizing each other in the Congo? I most certainly don't care.
Each time Amerishits like you become holier-than-thou and sanctiminious, it's a recipe for disaster when you intervene and cause more damage.
Kys, you sanctimonious retard. Stick to braindead Shounen anime.
Rajesh, nobody cares. You’re not Iranian, and you don’t speak for us. Kill yourself.
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What about not (You)ing me did you not understand? I'm not reading your posts because you can't look at a single government, and admit how it's awful irrespective of others. Now shut the fuck up.

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Where does this rivalry come from?
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Reminder that this rivarly started because of futbol
You’re arrogant scum without any reason
Argentinians think they're white and first world.

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