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/wg/ - Wallpapers/General

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New to /wg/? Lets get you started.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1) Look before you post
2) Post more than one, sharing is caring
3) We already have an Image Modification thread
~ ~ (ALL colorsplash, watermarks, photoshop requests)
4) We already have a Desktop thread
~ ~ (ALL desktops, rating, and theme/hax questions)
5) Share anything WP related!
~ ~ (NO low res/quality, illegal content;
~ ~ ~ anime goes in /w/, this is not /r/)

We on /wg/ love WPs and we love sharing them.
~ ~ ~ That's why we're here.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Now lets do it!
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~New Visitors Please Read~

This guide will tell you all you need to know to enjoy your stay on /wg/. This guide is for YOUR benefit so don't tl;dr. This is good stuff!


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , The /wg/ Bros

~ Read inside for more helpful tips, ~
WallPapers, and desktop customization!

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Today is my 28th birthday. Post your 28th wallpaper or whatever wallpaper you want.
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I really hated this, thanks for posting
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Have a good one.
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'api b-day anone
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Post anything related, i'm trying to build a good collection of the stuff.
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>>an employer fires a pregnant co-worker for the dumbest of reasons as to not pay for maternal leave
>>workers get mad
>so instead of striking they should just let that happen? Think that's fair?

That would be considered a form of (sexual) discrimination for which (in most sensible countries) there are literally already employment laws in place that protect the employee's rights against unfair dismissal in that exact situation amongst many others

>ok so, you're talking about the government controlling the masses,

No, that would be a socialist/left-wing government thing, that's what I'm arguing against

>I'm also guessing that you completely reject the idea of a government and you fantasize about a distopic anarco-capitalist state.

No, I'm all for the true historical conservative form of government in which the government and related civil service (bureaucracy) stays as small as possible and makes only as few laws as is pragmatically necessary to actually protect the welfare and basic rights of the general public while also ensuring the safety, prosperity, and growth of the country as a whole, while additionally making sure that the government/bureaucracy itself doesn't actively start to interfere with and/or erode their citizens welfare and basic rights due to ideological corruption

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>ok, so we're talking about a government controlled Communist economy.

Very good, glad to see you're paying at least some amount of attention here.

>Government officials (or as you call them, the 1%) etc. etc.

Spoken like someone who has obviously never lived under a commie regime, but who, as a younger person, was clearly spoonfed a bunch of stereotypical commie propaganda by their professors, professors who also very likely never ever set foot in a commie-controlled nation much less lived in one for any extended length of time, or maybe they did but became so brainwashed by the ideology while trying to keep their intellect under the radar so as to not require 're-education' that they actually came to believe that commie horseshit was a good thing in any way, shape, or form.

>lol communist Peru

And just as you were showing signs of potential too, you quickly throw it away. Maybe you should go back and ask your professors to teach you how to actually read; maybe then you'd be able to read and understand the filename of 'that flag' so that you could see it's clearly not aimed at Peru; that being said about the only good thing to come out of Peru in the last 70 years or so was a bear in a funny hat with a penchant for marmalade sandwiches, so maybe I should make Peru a new flag too when I get a free moment.
>boss catches wind
>drug tests everybody
>all of the lefty retards get fired because they're all degenerate potheads
I have personally seen this happen twice
Unlike most western communists I actually worked a union job once. On one hand I made more then minimum wage for a piss easy job. On the other they took 10% of my paycheck and once I stopped working there they demanded I pay 80 dollars for the jacket they provided me that I never returned. According to my co-workers with more experience this was a particularly good union though. And to be fair I was getting paid 50% over minimum wage to literally stand around and do nothing all day.
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Post shit you've taken that can make a good wallpaper
No UI obviously
Late 90s games too.
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my favorite game ever, such an atmosphere
There's a chunk of wall that looks extremely out of place. It's blocking the road and doesn't enclose any kind of room. Was that a mistake?
This game was aesthetic kino. Too bad my PC couldn't run it back in the day. Cool how it almost looked liked an untextured tech demo, but fit in nicely with the authoritarian sterile world.
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ME is a prime example of how style beats 'realism'.
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Good day people! As usual: this thread is dedicated to Women and Girls in videogames and related media.

Last Thread: >>8035366

Just follow the basics and post wallpapers (desktop or phone) that:
1) Have a female prominently pictured
2) Are videogame related in some way

Keep in mind:
3) Fanart, redesigns, gender swapping and crossovers are most welcome. Cosplayers, streamers, developers, and pro-gamers are also fair game.
4) Anime/Manga/Japanese style art is ok as long as it relates somehow to the topic (Women in Videogames).
5) Lewd, risqué, nudes, erotic, 18+ wallpapers are accepted as long as they are tasteful and comply with the general rules of the board. Please refrain from posting openly pornographic or shock content.

Have fun people! <3
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Last Thread: >>8048864
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Parts 1-6: https://archive.palanq.win/wg/search/subject/barefoot%20women/capcode/user/filter/text/start/2023-09-01/
(Thanks to anon for the link)
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General thread for papes that combine porn or erotica with a popular aesthetic (i.e. vaporwave, synthwave, outrun, neon lighting, retro/nostalgia inspired, japanese text, glitch effects, etc.)

Edits and requests Welcome :)

Previous Thread
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Alright can an anon kindly make a pape of her?
Preferrably something like these >>8050333 >>8051773 >>8051562
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other pics
post the original pictures on catbox moe links, they're easier to edit that way.
This better?
sure... i'll give it a try

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A is for Aphex Twin
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B is for Beach.
>inb4 not beach
C is for Cernunnos.
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D is for Dusk.
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F is for Flame

I recently joined the ThinkPad cult, give me some more stuff
the classic ofc
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Bump, anybody got some lighter thinkpapes
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Need some good train papes, steam engines preferred.
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Does anyone have some cool looking hindi styled wallpaper for either phone or a PC? Krisha, Shiva, Hanuman, Narayans...
Most of what I could find on the internet was either low res (just like the pic related, but this was the best resolution I could find) or extremely goofy looking.
I dunno why but the old pictures always try way too hard and end up looking like a caricature.
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So this place also has pajeet infestation? :(
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I am the OP edition.

Old Thread: >>8011509
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Perhaps I could commission a unique porcelain or marble statue/stand. That would be nice.
its a t460 fren
Could someone recommend a nice desk? Looking for rectangular shape, nice and deep and wide. Sturdy. Ideally a nice wood color, but open to white or black. Hopefully not terribly expensive. I'll post my station after I get it, currently have poor cable management and cheap desk.
If you're willing to spend a bit more you can buy standing desk 'legs' then buy whatever kind of top you want... Then you get to customize your desktop while also having the option to stand... Hard to beat imo. I did this and love my desk so though I'd share. GL on your search anon
Please post your channel I'll sub

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comfy japan papes
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i stopped 18 days ago bro
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Living my whole life in a concerete jungle makes cities repulsive to me, but somehing about these pics feels warm and welcoming and gives me sense of belonging, also the photos with Japanese people walking peacefully minding their own business is touching my heart, idk why but maybe because these cities are walkable and no many cars?
anyway, thanks anons for this sweet touch to wrap my day with
I feel the same way. I despise being in cities but something I do give credit to the Japs for is making theirs so comfy looking

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