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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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>be on a cut for over 10 weeks
>at week 5 hit lowest weight
>shit has been stalling since then
>15k steps per day
>gym 5-7 times per week
>1 hour of cardio every day
>1400 calories consumed per day at best
>you are constantly hungry
>zero energy
>dick not working
>weight still won't budge
>literally starve yourself for 3 days
>only 0.2kg less after 3 days
>weight shoots back up after introducing food again

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If you zoom out, your current situation will end up just being noise in the data
>15k steps per day
>gym 5-7 times/week
>1 hour cardio/day
>1400 calories at most
bro up your calories, suicide cuts are not sustainable
Less muscle = harder to cut
2 hard days a week and 1-2 muscle upkeep days and breakfast = metabolism burns calories sooner do some stretching or a walk.
completely this.
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I don’t buy it. Sorry, but unless your metabolic system is screwed this is larp.

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Sweet stuff like peanut butter is really a game changer on god. It gives me best energy for exercise in comparison to any meat or rice
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Uh are you guys trolling?? Genuinely curious
No. I'm talking about MYSELF in particular
I could eat a shitton of clean food and not have that much energy for exercise. Peanut butter, jelly, cake ? Let's goooooooo.
>sugar spikes insulin, spiking thus adrenal and glycogen production and repopulation

yeah DUH dude science figured this shit out decades ago. I eat sugary shit all the time but as long as a balance my mouth PH with brushing im good health wise because I do so much exercise.

and then the fat whales around me complain I can get away with it, yeah dumb bitch ofc i can I burn 1200kcal a day in just CARDIO let alone my weight training fucking sedentary cow.
>peanut butter
haha ohhh americans, filling everything with sugar
>peanut butter
Whatever you're eating, it's not peanut butter.

If a skinny auschwitz tier lanklet just start eating more, will they become stronger without any training?
Nah. im a lanklet cardio bunny and I just get flabbier.

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What are your experiences with Brosplits vs. frequency 2-3? Which has given you more gains?
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I never did a brosplit once I got serious.
Tbh I prefer full body, as in a split that mixes some upper and some lower every day, hitting 2/w for everything
brosplits were made by and are for roidhead bodybuilders. for natty lifters, full body will always elicit a more complete hormonal response
physique built by PPL 1x a week
I started bro splitting the first few years but the real gains came after a lowerbody AxBxAxx etc. Now doing fullbody 2x minimal volume and gains are best. This is personal but research points in the same direction.
Post body

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I stipped roiding ever since my heart rate skyrocketed shich was very unsual above 120 all the time
Now alcar is my daily driver
Fuck i dont wanna get stroke before 40 bros
You're selling "alcar"?

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previous: >>74075934
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Ironic that that is calling potato chipping the tire.
Work out is fun when you’re doing progress, and you can eat goyslop occasionally without becoming a hambeast. Also, it’s good to be in shape, you never know what will happen. I helped an old lady with her groceries in the store today!
I hope to god that's shopped
The woman on the right in the thumbnail isn't "skinny", she's just normal. How have things gotten this bad.
U get called anorexic by fatties if you look like her lmao

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>How do I start fasting?
By not eating. If you get a migraine or other serious side effects, break your fast with a small amount of low-carb food and start again immediately after.
Recommended app on app store is LIFE Fasting Timer & Tracker

>Electrolytes (recommended for fasts over 3 days):
sodium ~500-1,000 mg/day
potassium ~2,500 mg/day
magnesium ~400 mg/day

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGHXQcryxik [Embed]

Fasting is safe and effective for weight loss, improves emotional wellbeing, blood pressure, does not have life-threatening side effects: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6314618/#sec029title
Fasting reduces cardiovascular and metabolic disease: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8951503/

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didn't fall asleep on ambien and it made me a beast and I probably had 3000kcal from ice cream, cheese, meat, dulce de leche and coke
feels bad because my progress was going perfect, was eating enough carbs to be on keto
physically I do feel better, probably had low blood sugar
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Cut carbs eat eggs and meat and if you need carbs try rice. I used to get the spraying shits when breaking fast with junk, now i do carni and no diarrhea at all.
I'm doing a 36 hour fast. I think I'm up to 18-20 hours now. 18 more hours to go. I don't think I'm overweight but I have a belly so I want to get rid of it and push something like keto plus exercise to get the ultimate physique.
I amn't fasting but this seems like the best thread to ask this in: how much weight can you safely lose in a week before it's causing some kind of damage?

I became a fat fuck during covid lockdowns and after a year of slowly working it off decided to take more extreme measures starting this week. Calorie counting and I am barely hitting 1000 a day since Monday, and tracking my macros I should be getting consistently under 35 grams of carbs (entirely fruit, veg, and oats) as well to try induce ketosis. I also bought an exercise bike and dumbell set which I've been using alongside some basic stretches every day (minus today, my rest day)

Anyway I weighed myself this morning and since Monday I have gone from 110kg (242.5lbs) to 106.3kg (234.3lbs). Is that safe? Most stuff I read said 1-2lbs in a week was reasonable and I have literally quadrupled that.
bros... do boogers break a fast?

>gained just under 190lbs after injuring my leg and kinda gave up on life
Bruh. I hadn’t looked at my body in 6 months.. is it that bad? I’m 288lbs, 5’9. Also 22
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>288lbs, 5’9

Clinically obese
Yeah no shit Sherlock, what fucking gave it away my d cup tits?
I look and smell like this.

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Do you nofap?
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It’s not him, thhere was a thread in r9k last year where this retard admitted he nabbed all these from some poor saps iCloud and in a moment it lucidity he asked if he should stop spamming as the guy and we all said “yes”
Guess that moment it clarity was short lived. No idea why this bloke has so many selfies tho
Are you asexual?
How often are the wet dreams?
>Are you asexual?
i dont think so
>How often are the wet dreams?
havent happened in over two years i think, like 2-3 times in total

i was really obese my whole life until 2-3 years ago so my hormones were/are probably fucked due to it. i dont think im asexual because i still look at women etc but i have no desire to have sex/be in a relationship
Fake news.
I’ll link the thread if you really want me to samuel, you’re better than this

Lifts 50kg/90kg/120kg/145kg/
Have any of you done this and liked it? Or should i look into wendler
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Those are for reps right? I am a recovering obese fag and slipped for 2 weeks eating 4000 cals or so probably gained like 1.5kg of fat but added like 5kg to all my lifts in 7 days :(

So I would say deload and eat more
For 5x5 yes the ohp is actually 4x5 Nd 1x4 sadly, isee but i wonder if i ad lets say 10kg ish to squat ded bench is it timw to jump then? But also you have any experian whit tm?
Thats good for reps then I can offer no help other than eat
What a stupid thing to say
If you're stalling switch programs, literally no reason to stay on a beginner program because randos tell you you have to hit some arbitrary number
The Texas Method works, but it's very easy to burn out on it too. Wendler is shit, if you see TM stalling or feel like you're not recovering properly, I'd suggest a classic HLM

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i swear to god every other reel and tiktok is a tiny 100lbs muay thai manlet shadow boxing giving life advice and telling people how "bodybuilders can't fight doe"
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I've been hybrid teep/twisting like a side kick before it was cool. Lacks power compared to a proper side kick but is way better for the awkward range where a front side kick is not as viable or to prevent telegraphing. Bad for sliding/stepping with as the power is derived from a traditional roundhouse but with quads and hips instead of abs.
you're just gay and your algorith reflects that. Mine is just <25yo gigawhores being cringe (but hot) and blue collar jobsite goof offs.
>bodybuilders can't fight doe
And boxers can't pose.
It's funny how it you're into getting bigger and stronger it must be too fight other people.
That's your sport, not mine. And if you try anything in the street you'll get shot anyway, they're both shitty hobbies.
>Just joking, my hobby isn't even posing, I just pick things up and put them down, and tell myself that gives meaning to my life.
>muh technique
what stops me from running with momentum into you, then once i get you to the ground slamming your head on the concrete if im 50kg heavier?

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I had a 350 bench press up until two years ago. Life got crazy and I stopped lifting. I'm just starting again and want to utilize my muscle memory. Any tips on how to get back strong in the most efficient way? I have knowledge of lifting and muscle memory on my side.
Probably just do what you did last time
If you’re around the same weight, I’d expect pretty rapid gains weekly til you get to ~315 again, though it’ll get hard again as you near your old levels
If you’ve lost 100lbs of body weight or something major you won’t be able to recover that level of strength, obviously, without bulking but as you get older it’s also a matter of ‘do I want to spend my time getting fat for diminishing returns’

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Hemorrhoid, unpleasant but usually not serious
Stop straining so hard when you shit
Eat more fiber
Drink more water
Go easy on any sort of exercises that might put stress on the area
If it's still going on in 6 weeks see a doctor
Question bros... I did an LP last year and got my lifts to intermeditish on greyskull LP. Bench 215x5, OHP 140x5, deads 330x5, squat 275x5.

Took over a year off due to not having stable housing. I was thinking about doing Squat + bench / Deads + OHP / Rest in a kind of 2 on 1 off LP to try and speedily get back to where I was. Would this go okay or do you think I should just restart the LP as normal.
At what point of experience do I stop feeling like a fumbling retard and start actually lifting weights properly? I can barely complete basic sets on machines, much less free weights, and my attempts to squat or do shit with dumbbells feels embarrassingly clumsy no matter how much I try to have correct form. I just get sore and winded extremely quickly.
if i do plenty of moving, like 10-12k steps, cycling as a commute from and to work a day but none of it of any "real" intensity, should i do some hiit stuff for example on the assault bike? ive been doing 30 on 60 off intervals on it for 10 mins after my weight training but im not sure if im doing more bad than good in terms of being able to recover from it? im giving it my all those 25-30 secs so no pussy shit
sure but lifting weights will also give you grip strength.
your wording is confusing, but i assume you mean 1 pull exercise, 1 push exercise, 1 leg exercise, 4 times per week (12 exercises total). that should be fine, you're basically describing the BBB program, however you'll probably want to add accessories too
if you're just fucking about doing a few random pushups or pullups it's probably not a big deal, but if you're doing serious volume every day you'll probably hurt yourself and slow recovery
whatever doc you go to will get you what you need. general doc might refer you to a physio
probably fine, but go by how you feel
your form is probably off on either the DB's, the BB, or both. different skillsets
do what you want, but start off with lighter weights to be safe. muscle memory effect is real. will probably take a few weeks to get back to where you were but won't be too long. don't let your ego get in the way or it'll lead to injury

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It's happened to all of us at least once. Confess a time you felt emasculated in the Gym.
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Existing is emasculating since I am 5’6. No one likes or respects me, I was bullied all in school and even after lifting I am a sexless loser. I just lock myself away in my room, wageslave, and sleep. It’s over
>be me
>stretchmog a qt right next to me
>she asks me for pointers
>yeah she wants my dick, I think
>after we're done she tells me there's a guy she knows who'd really be into me
>wants me to meet up with her and him at a gay club
>I tell her "No thank you, I do respect the homosexuals but I am not one of them"
>she's weirded out
>I proceed to sperg out about stereotypically gay music having great bass lines for at least 5 minutes straight
>she barely says hi and leaves
Haven't seen her since
Honestly bro, I would've reacted the same way.
Manletsissies… not like this…
never. i only get mogged by 200kg pinning powerlifters

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