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can we have a dead webcomics thread?
196 replies and 40 images omitted. Click here to view.
It didn't die, but Narbonic is one that I keep going back to reread every once an a while. Skin Horse didn't really hit the same for me.
You have the right to be mad, just don't claim what you loved is all that is good.
I remember one were the main male character was a vampire and sucked the period blood from the girl
Corpos are the ones censoring the most actually, but since they are le hecking wholesome lgbt friendly, the trannies in this board defend them to hell and back, just take a look at the disney threads
those are monopolistic corporations run by china, they don't count. they're twisting things to turn you against business so you'll kill off their competition first.

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>Morrison dialogue
So did they oust the original writer as a coup by the others or was there a legitimate reason?
He had to be direct because the Shi’ar are kind of stunted and retarded. Cosmic marvel may be technologically very advanced, but their societies are organized in very archaic ways.
I like that she has instant hair growing powers
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Now that Nightcrawlers on the team do we get a sequel to this episode?

Netflix cancels Jorge Gutierrez's chihuahua luchador movie. Basura! Jaja!


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Didn't that spic defended the term "latinx"?
Sony seems like a good start.
Fuck jesus and fuck you
How ugly are your faces boys
I understand, I could steal literally any girl you tries to have
I'm an artist and things like Steven Universe are dependent upon my work.
1. What a coward you are to run to another thread when it's put up or shut up time, but I already emailed that guy's connections
2.lol at how massive your ego is if so few people in the industry are big enough deal for you
Obviously you're starving from your atheism, and I enjoy your suffering
3. This isn't going to help you get a job with Jorge, it's only going to harm you

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Comics in this thread:
>Fall of the House of X #4
>Dead X-Men #4
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I guess Beast Morrison era would also work now that I think about it
Considering House of X issue 1 came a week later, I was certain Nate and Magneto were gonna come into play sometime during the Krakoa era
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Yeah , but now the current 616-canon is that he is actually a genuine External , who always physically resurrects eventually , like a time-delayed Mr Immortal , so the body-hopping is now officially retconned
What happened to Survival of the fittest
poccy daddy baby
he's all about mutant magic circuits now

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>Provide References for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post.
>Keep requests /co/ related and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>Post a sample of your art when "taking X requests"
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them where they're wanted.
>To make the new Drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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You couldn't have asked your question without wasting image space?
Next op for sure
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Are you kidding me? That guy is a joke, only the most desperate waifufags like what he does because he'll always cater to them. That's why he never shows up for drawthreads, because he knows nobody here has standards low enough to accept something from him.

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This probably would've failed at the box office. Maybe Zaslav is onto something
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>it's the next roger rabbit!
roger rabbit wasn't even good.
On a technical level, Roger Rabbit was impressive

Coyote vs. ACME uses that same cel-shaded b.s. the Tom and Jerry movie used, and I'm willing to bet it looked just as shitty
I keep saying that the leaked images make it look like a spiritual successor to that crappy Tom and Jerry movie, and it makes me think maybe Zazlav had a point for this one
Nigga it's just roger rabbit clone #298
I can't say if it would have been a financial success or not, but there is NO way it was going to be a good movie.

Oh, but we have to "reintroduce" the fucking loony tunes over and over for two decades, and the only way to do that is a live-action hybrid buddy movie where the cartoons are in the real world but the guy is still the main character. At this point they have been doing the "cartoons in real" gimick for as long as they actually made the original cartoons.
Roger Rabbit clones are way rarer then that.

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ITT anthro females.
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Ah, a rare Ivandoe sighting
This is a based thread and the tranny janny will never be a woman
stay based furgods
I prefer anthros because they don't remind me too much of real animals, but I somewhat have an exception for feral dragons. The only good example I have is Cynder but she is /v/.
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blessed trips
Amazing this webcomic is still going strong after... 26 years.
I remember binge reading this about a decade ago. For just 3 panels every strip it was good. Maybe one day I'll figure out roughly where I left off and get up to speed.

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She should’ve been used more
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He’s so fucking cool
This makes me wish we got to see the aliens subtly “grow up” in the show. Like have OV Heatblast start getting cracks in his shoulders to show that he’s starting to get to his 10K look
Ah yes the lol Japanese gf because people kept shipping him with his cousin.
How would this look with the uaf/ov rock shading?

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>Gets rejected by CN (still a high chance of getting canceled like Infinity Train and SU).
>Gets rejected by Nick.
>Netflix literally did a purge of animated shows.

Believe it or not Disney was the best option at the time.
That's depressing...
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hot as fuck tho
this thread again?
Ahhhh, there's the picrel.

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She will never ballin' edition
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>marra getting double teamed by hilda and david
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100% but only david gets that lucky.
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Uber Wunderbar

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Powerpuff Girls thread.
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This one is great
xierra by far though teacupballerina's art is pretty good too if you can get past the weird crackship
I like this crackship
Are they from way back when? I'm jelly.
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t. pic related

I had too...

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Previously on DALLE-3/AI >>143220205
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they don't seem to share anything. how are they chads when they don't share shit. ? more like /v/ assholes
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>they don't seem to share anything
Now that's just not true.
To be fair, this image is better than KH3.

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Is that the fucking animators from Aeon Flux?
Oh hey, it's Peter Chung!

It's the time for a thread of our girls.
What do you want to see from them?
And any other discussion of them.
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Is ToCA dead again?
Kill two birds with one stone and skip the awful fridging in The Killing Joke and make Bruce into Oracle after Bane breaks the Bat. Dick can take over.
And dc is a setting where the dead can be brought back but bruce doesn't resurrect his dead parents.
Would you be able to forgive your son if he ripped you away from Heaven to return to Gotham?

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Triana owed Dean sex
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Brilliant creators had total control and maintained it for the entire run. They had some kind of golden deal where Lazzo didn't care what they wrote or how long it took to produce. The problems came up when this stopped, like the first movie counting as part of the 6th season contract and leaving less episodes than they expected, and the cancellation after the AT&T merger.
Nope. You want guaranteed sex, go to a prostitute.
t. Dermott
Triana owed Dean a chance. The fact she just discounted him after listening to Satan's bullshit is what's fucked up.
Gary and the Monarch reference Game of Thrones, which aired in 2011

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